A2 Spanish - Languages Resources

A2 Spanish
The Edexcel Course
• The A2: 6 units
Unit 1 – Listening & Writing
Unit 2 – Reading & Writing
Unit 3 – Prepared Oral
• Unit 4 – Oral: Discussion
• Unit 5 – Topic & Texts
• Unit 6 – a) Listening & Writing
b) Reading & Writing
c) Writing in Registers
Unit 4 – Oral: Discussion
• 15% of A2
– Use the language of debate and argument to
discuss an issue with the examiner
– Present one side of the issue for 1 minute
– Defend and justify your opinion for 4 minutes
– Extra spontaneous discussion on at least two
• Language Assistant time to develop your
linguistic abilities
Unit 5 – Topics & Texts
• 15% of A2
– You will cover either two texts or one topic and one text
– The text we will be doing is called Sin Noticias de Gurb by
Eduardo Mendoza
– In lessons, we will read, go through vocabulary and ensure
your understanding of the text
– At home, work on comprehension and vocabulary
– As we get towards the end of the book we will begin to
work on essay questions.
– In the exam you will have to choose one out of two
possible questions to answer
– You cannot take the book into the exam so quotes must be
Unit 6 – 20% of the A2
• a) Listening & Writing
– Listen to Spanish materials
– Answer questions in Spanish
– Write an 80 word summary in English
• b) Reading & Writing
– Read Spanish materials
– Answer questions in Spanish
– Short translation of 80 words
Unit 6 – 20% of the A2
• c) Writing in Registers
– Answer one from a choice of: Creative Writing,
Discursive Writing or a Task Based Assignment
– We will focus on how to develop your discursive
writing skills
– Choice of four questions
– Answer one ,250 words
– Show good development of arguments and
consideration of general issues
Spanish 2007
• 4 periods of Spanish a week per teacher
– Four periods: study of literature with Señorita
• Time with the Language Assistant
• Textbooks - Grammar
• Independent Study
Independent Study
LISA resources
Library resources
Internet resources
Spanish Clinic
Teacher resources
Language Assistant
Read, watch films, travel if you can!