CBT-DBT flyer - Sandhills Center

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Fundamental
Clinical Skills for Mental Health Professionals; &
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: Treatment for
Pervasive Emotion Dysregulation
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Program Description
Training Approach: Blended
This evidence based practice training is
designed to provide mental health
professionals with a foundational
understanding of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
(CBT). CBT includes a variety of empirically
supported behavioral interventions that can be
implemented with a wide range of chronic and
acute psychological problems. There is a broad
base of literature demonstrating strong
empirical support for the efficacy of CBTs. CBT
approaches incorporate the use of techniques
including functional analysis, shaping, stimulus
control, contingency management, and
identifying and modifying cognitive distortions.
This training is designed to prepare
professionals to implement CBT tools with
clients with a variety of presenting problems.
To address the need to support ongoing and
advanced learning, this training program will use
a blended learning curriculum. Blended learning
combines traditional in-person training
techniques with multimedia technology, resulting
in ongoing training and support from the trainer,
over the course of six months.
The program begins with a 2 day in-person
didactic and experiential training in CBT, followed
by another 2 day in-person didactic and
experiential training in DBT. For the next 6
months, trainees will participate in monthly
webinars designed to teach key principles of
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical
Behavioral Therapy. These monthly webinar
meetings also will provide opportunities for
educational consultation around clinical
challenges. The training will conclude with
another one day in-person 6 hour training day.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
Program Description
This evidence based practice training builds on
the foundation skills of CBT to teach clinicians
about the model of Dialectical Behavioral
Therapy (DBT). DBT is an empirically support
treatment for a variety of psychological
problems stemming from pervasive emotion
dysregulation, including suicidal behavior, selfinjurious behavior, aggressive behavior,
substance abuse, and binge eating. This
treatment combines traditional CBT strategies
with acceptance techniques. DBT addresses
skills deficits by teaching skills in mindfulness,
distress tolerance, emotion regulation, and
interpersonal effectiveness. This training is
designed to provide professionals with an
understanding of the DBT framework and an
overview of DBT skills.
Noga Zerubavel, Ph.D., is a licensed
psychologist and Assistant Professor in the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral
Sciences at Duke University Medical Center. Dr.
Zerubavel has clinical expertise in cognitive
behavioral and mindfulness-based approaches to
psychotherapy, including dialectical behavioral
therapy (DBT) and mindfulness-based cognitive
therapy (MBCT). She specializes in working with
individuals who have experienced trauma and
also works with individuals with mood, anxiety,
substance use, eating disorders, and personality
disorders in the Cognitive Behavioral Research
and Treatment Program.
In affiliation with
Duke University Medical Center
Part of the NC AHEC Program
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Fundamental
Clinical Skills for Mental Health Professionals; &
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: Treatment for
Pervasive Emotion Dysregulation
Target Audience
Upon conclusion of this program, participants
should be able to:
 Describe the CBT model in order to orient
clients to the framework and prepare them
for treatment.
 Identify treatment targets and goals in a
behaviorally specific manner.
 Describe behavioral learning principles and
how they apply to the development,
maintenance, and treatment of mental
health issues.
 Conduct a behavioral analysis to better
understand the function of the client’s
problematic behaviors.
 Explain unhelpful cognitive patterns and
how they maintain psychological problems.
 Describe and review the biosocial theory of
emotional dysregulation;
 Describe how to implement DBT using
treatment hierarchy and targeting;
 Describe a commitment strategy to
enhance motivation to engage in treatment;
 Demonstrate two validation techniques; and
 Describe an interpersonal effectiveness
This program is designed for mental health
professionals, substance abuse professionals,
psychologists, and counselors.
Cost: FREE
Training provided by Southern Regional AHEC
and the NC EBP Center for the Sandhills Center
MCO. Registration is open only to Sandhills MCO
staff and providers. Limit two persons per
3.6 CEUs and 36.0 contact hours credit will be
awarded to participants who attend 100% of the
program. Southern Regional AHEC adheres to
NAADAC Education Provider Guidelines Provider
#843 (Substance Abuse Credit). This program
will provide 36.0 contact hours (category A)
continuing education credit to NC Psychologists.
Southern Regional AHEC has been approved by
NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education
Provider, ACEP No. 5362. Programs that do not
qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified.
Southern Regional AHEC is solely responsible
for all aspects of the programs.
Training Schedule
In-Person Training Dates:
December 7–8, 2015 – CBT
January 6–7, 2016 – DBT
June 29, 2016: Wrap Up
Monthly Webinars, 2–3 pm:
January 20, February 10, March 9, April 13,
May 11, and June 8, 2016
Note: You must attend all of each session to be
eligible for credit.
No partial credit will be given. You must attend all
of the sessions to receive credit. Individuals
arriving 15 minutes or more after the starting time
will not be eligible for credit.
In affiliation with
Duke University Medical Center
Part of the NC AHEC Program
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Fundamental
Clinical Skills for Mental Health Professionals; &
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: Treatment for
Pervasive Emotion Dysregulation
Agenda – December 7 & 8, 2015
Agenda – January 6 & 7, 2016
Day One
9:00 am: What is CBT?
Principles of CBT
Structure of CBT
Orienting clients to CBT
10:45 am: Identifying treatment goals
Behavioral analysis
Practicing behavioral analysis
12:00 pm: Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm: Cognitive distortions and unhelpful
thinking styles
Automatic thoughts and schemas
Cognitive intervention techniques
2:30 pm: Break
2:45 pm: Case conceptualization
Case examples
Home practice assignment
4:15 pm: Wrap Up
Day Two
9:00 am: Case conceptualization home
practice review
10:45 am: Behavioral learning principles
The shaping game
Stimulus control
Contingency management
12:00 pm: Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm: Exposure-based treatments
Behavioral Activation
2:30 pm: Break
2:45 pm: Practice session
4:15 pm: Wrap Up
Day One
9:00 am:
Theoretical foundation of DBT
Biosocial theory of emotional
10:45 am: Stages of DBT treatment
Treatment hierarchy in DBT
Developing and using a diary card
12:00 pm: Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm: Skills coaching calls
DBT consultation team
2:30 pm: Break
2:45 pm: Therapy-interfering behavior
Case examples
Home practice assignment
4:15 pm: Wrap Up
Day Two
9:00 am: Therapy-interfering behavior home
practice review
Mindfulness skills
10:45 am: Interpersonal effectiveness skills
12:00 pm: Lunch (on your own)
1:00 pm: Emotion regulation skills
2:30 pm: Break
2:45 pm
Distress tolerance skills
DBT skills component and full model
4:15 pm: Wrap Up
In affiliation with
Duke University Medical Center
Part of the NC AHEC Program
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: Fundamental
Clinical Skills for Mental Health Professionals; &
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy: Treatment for
Pervasive Emotion Dysregulation
December 7–8, 2015, January 6–7, 2016, June 29, 2016
Webinars from 2-3 pm: January 20, February 10, March 9, April 13, May 11, and June 8, 2016
Registration: 8:30 am, Program: 9 am to 4:30 pm,
Location: Randolph Community College, Continuing Education Industrial Center, Rm 148,
413 Industrial Park Ave., Asheboro, NC
This training is only available to Sandhills MCO staff and providers. Limit two persons per Agency.
(CASCE #48183)
To register:
Fill out this form electronically & email it to:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
Or Fax this form to 910-323-0674
Work Address:
Last 4 digits of SSN:
City, State, Zip:
Home Address:
Work County:
City, State, Zip:
Job Title:
Your Specialty Areas:
Home County:
Hm. Phone:
Wk. Phone:
(i.e., substance abuse, developmental disability, etc.)
Preferred Email address:
Please note: We need the last four digits of your social security number to register you for any program.
We will always contact you by email. Please print or type.
Important Information
If you register for a program and cannot attend,
you may send a substitute or cancel 48 hours in
Questions And Suggestions
Please contact La-Lisa Hewett-Robinson at
(910) 678-7293 or you may email her at [email protected].
Mailing List
To be added to our mailing list:
American With Disabilities Act
If you need any of the auxiliary aids or services
identified in the Americans With Disabilities Act
of 1990 in order to attend any of these
programs, please call (910) 678-7305.
Our Promise To You
Southern Regional AHEC strives to offer the
highest quality educational programming. If, for
any reason, any of these programs do not meet
your needs, please let us know. We value your
feedback and will resolve the issue to your
In affiliation with
Duke University Medical Center
Part of the NC AHEC Program