The Tocker Foundation will consider requests from public libraries

General Instructions for Grant Application
The Tocker Foundation will consider requests from public libraries serving populations
of 12,000 or less. Projects are reviewed for the level of contribution to the community.
Grant applications are reviewed by an appointed committee of the Texas Library
Association before a final decision is made by the board of directors.
The Foundation does NOT fund in the following areas:
 Debt Service.
 Endowment Funds.
 Normal Operating Expenses.
 Ongoing Salaries.
 Employee Benefits.
 Construction, electrical, flooring, phones or other items supported by the
 E-books or membership fees to e-book providers
 The Foundation will not consider a new request if a previously funded project is
incomplete. Please see our Final Report Guide for more information.
 The Foundation will not consider two separate applications from the same library.
If the library has two or more similar projects, the projects should be prioritized
on ONE grant application.
Types of Projects and Special Instructions:
Collection: Fiction, Non-fiction, Reference, Large Print, Non-English, Audio,
Video, Adult, Young Adult, Children’s, Music, Electronic, etc. Such purchases
must be shelf ready from the vendor. The Foundation prefers that requests not
exceed the amount of materials that can be purchased within one year. Requests
have been capped at $5,000.
Furniture & Shelving: Requests should identify a specific project such as the
Circulation Desk, Shelving, Children’s Area, Reference Area, etc. Request
ranges have been from $10,000 to our $50,000 cap.
Include with Application:
o Vendor’s Detailed Quote
o Floor Plans, both current and revised provided by your vendor
Computer Equipment: We have found that the need for computer access is
insatiable. Library patrons appreciate and utilize this service. Our experience is
that we will never be able to supply the number of computers needed. To manage
our resources, we have capped our general distributions for computer equipment
to fund two (2) computers per request. Your request should include a detailed
vendor quote showing the system components. Use vendors who recognize the
State contract that offers a minimum discount and mandates a three year warranty.
Note that the purchase is exempt from sales tax.
Include with Application: Vendor’s Detailed Quote
Special Programs: The Tocker Foundation is particularly supportive of
programming and welcomes grant requests for support in this area. Literacy
Programs, Outreach Programs, Children’s Programs and Learning Labs are all
possible topics.
Library Automation: The Tocker Foundation has placed certain prerequisites for
Library Automation. Request ranges have been $6,000 to $15,000.
1. The library must show that the shelf list is current and collection weeding is to
be completed.
2. The experience of the Tocker Foundation is that retrospective conversion is
better achieved by contracting with an appropriate vendor. In house
retrospective conversion is difficult in that the task consumes valuable
volunteer & staff time, does not provide a double check data base and does
not provide warranties on the final project. Retrospective conversion vendors
can be separate from automation software vendors.
3. Automation Software should be Windows-based and web-based.
4. Patron access terminals will be limited to two (2). The Foundation will
consider the necessary hardware to make the automation project functional.
Additional access terminals should be provided by other sources.
The Tocker Foundation will seriously consider any project submitted that enhances
the services provided by the public library. We are happy to discuss proposed
applications to clarify points prior to submission of the application. Please contact our
Director of Grants Management, Karin Gerstenhaber.