Unlocking hidden insights with cognitive IoT

IBM Watson IoT
Unlocking hidden insights with cognitive IoT
The universe begins and creates humans.
IBM Watson IoT
Human cognition creates tools.
IBM Watson IoT
Tools become cognitive to help humans create ANYTHING.
IBM Watson IoT
Today's leaders are putting the physical world to work.
Boosting efficiency, transforming customer experience, disrupting industries
To reach new heights with cognitive IoT.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive computing is characterized
by systems that can
Cognitive systems are not explicitly programmed.
IBM Watson IoT
Programmable systems
thrive on prescribed.
This rigidity is not well adapted for IoT
applications, which generate
unstructured, real-time or sensitive
personal data.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive computing provides our best opportunity
to fully exploit the IoT because at its heart
IoT is a data challenge
Cognitive IoT is unlocking the 88% of IoT data that’s not acted on today.
IBM Watson IoT
Make sense of the combination of the full set of IoT data, unstructured dark
data, external data such as weather and social, and enterprise data. Then
apply cognitive computing to find patterns, make correlations and unlock the full
value of IoT data.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive brings five fundamentally
new characteristics to the IoT.
Deep human engagement
Increasingly nuanced customer
interactions are based on a
contextual understanding of
customer behaviors.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive brings five fundamentally
new characteristics to the IoT.
Extended expertise
The data from billions of connected
devices expands the knowledge that
base cognitive systems can access
to advise experts and practitioners.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive brings five fundamentally
new characteristics to the IoT.
Products and services
infused with cognition
Where code and data go, cognition
can follow, allowing IoT products
and services themselves to become
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive brings five fundamentally
new characteristics to the IoT.
Cognitive processes
and operations
Cognition allows IoT processes and
operations to understand and
reason, then act autonomously to
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive brings five fundamentally
new characteristics to the IoT.
Enhanced exploration
and discovery
The data from IoT devices creates a
feedback loop that provides insight
into previously unseen patterns.
IBM Watson IoT
Cognitive computing is essential
in realizing the full potential of the Internet of Things.
IBM Watson IoT
A unique portfolio of capabilities
required to help digital businesses
become cognitive
Software and services tailored to
specific industries and
business needs
A complete cloud-based
development and production
Learn more at ibm.co/IoT