Learning Challenges

Learning Challenges
The FLATE Center for Manufacturing Education wishes to make available, for educational and non-commercial purposes
only, materials of the “Safety ” presentation comprised of images, texts, facilitator’s notes, and other demonstration
This instructional resource forms part of FLATE’s outreach efforts to facilitate a connection between students, teachers
and manufacturers throughout the State of Florida. We trust that these activities and materials will add value to your
teaching and/or presentations.
Please visit our website for additional resources, including our Made in Florida Video, a unique behind-the-scenes visit to
modern manufacturing plants in the State of Florida.
FLATE Center for Manufacturing Education
Hillsborough Community College - Brandon
10414 E Columbus Dr., Tampa, FL 33619
(813) 259-6575
www.fl-ate.org and www.madeinflorida.org
See the Notes Page for additional information
This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0402215. Any opinions,
findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect
the views of the National Science Foundation.
Learning Challenges
TECO and CF Industries
High School
Safety Inspector
Classroom Presentation
Learning Challenges
Different types of
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Head Protection
Eye and Face Protection
Ear Protection
Respiratory Protection
Hand Protection
Body Protection
Feet Protection
Learning Challenges
Head Protection
Learning Challenges
Eye and Face Protection
Hazard Assessment
Hazard type
Examples of Hazard
Common Related Tasks
Flying objects such as large
Chipping, grinding, machining,
chips, fragments, particles, sand, masonry work, wood working,
and dirt.
sawing, drilling, chiseling,
powered fastening, riveting, and
Anything emitting extreme heat. Furnace operations, pouring,
casting, hot dipping, and
Splash, fumes, vapors, and
irritating mists.
Acid and chemical handling,
degreasing, plating, and
working with blood.
Harmful Dust.
Woodworking, buffing, and
general dusty conditions.
Optical Radiation
Radiant energy, glare, and
intense light
Welding, torch-cutting, brazing,
soldering, and laser work.
Learning Challenges
Hazard and Solution
Impact: Spectacles, goggles and face shields
Heat: Spectacles, goggles and face shields
Chemicals: Goggles and face shields
Dust: Spectacles, goggles and face shields
Optical radiation: goggles and face shields
Learning Challenges
Eye and Face Protection
Face Shields
Learning Challenges
Ear Protection
Canal Caps
Learning Challenges
Atmosphere supplying
Respiratory Protection
Supply clean air directly to the user
from a source other than the air
surrounding the user.
Three types:
Air-Supplied Respirators: makes use
of a hose to deliver clean, safe
air from a stationary source of
compressed air.
Combination Respirators: have an
auxiliary self-contained air supply
that can be used if the primary
supply fails.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus:
consists of a wearable, clean-air
supply pack.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Learning Challenges
Hand Protection
Learning Challenges
Air purifying Respiratory Protection
• Have filters, cartridges, or canisters that
remove contaminants from the air by
passing the ambient air through the airpurifying element before it reaches the
Three types:
Particulate Respirators: capture particles in the air,
such as dusts, mists, and fumes.
Combination Respirators: are normally used in
atmospheres that contain hazards of both
particulates and gases.
Gas & Vapor Respirators: are normally used when
there are only hazardous gases and vapors in the
Gas & Vapor
Learning Challenges
Atmosphere supplying
Respiratory Protection
Supply clean air directly to the user
from a source other than the air
surrounding the user.
Three types:
Air-Supplied Respirators: makes use
of a hose to deliver clean, safe
air from a stationary source of
compressed air.
Combination Respirators: have an
auxiliary self-contained air supply
that can be used if the primary
supply fails.
Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus:
consists of a wearable, clean-air
supply pack.
Breathing Apparatus
Learning Challenges
Hand Protection
Learning Challenges
Body Protection
Cooling Vest
Sleeves and Apron
Full Body Suit
Learning Challenges
Feet Protection
•Have impact-resistant toes and heat-resistant soles that protect against hot surfaces
common in roofing, paving, and hot metal industries.
•When welding and/or cutting, high top (minimum 6”) boot that are covered by
the pant leg shall be worn.
•May be designed to be electrically conductive for use in explosive atmospheres, or
nonconductive to protect from workplace electrical hazards.
Learning Challenges
Your challenge
Safety Inspector
• Your job is to inspect the Material Testing
Laboratory at a Metal Machining and Product
Fabrication Company.
• You are looking for safety measures and safety
• You are given a Safety Checklist of things to look
• Inspect each picture and note if the safety
requirements from the list are met. If not, suggest
what should be done to correct the violation(s).