
五專日間部 轉學考英文參考題庫
1. ( B )This is
inexpensive CD player. (A)a (B) an (C) the (D) that
2. ( C )Louis and Pablo
students in this school. (A)is
(B) am
(D) was
3. ( D )My sister put the books in
bag. (A) his (B) their (C) your (D) her
4. ( B ) A: Did you receive my e-mail?
But I received one from Joe.
(A) That’s right.
(B) Not yet. (C) You bet! (D) Thank you.
〔解析〕A:你接到我的 e-mail 了嗎? B:還沒。但是我收到一封 Joe 寄來的。
5. ( C )There
five girls in the classroom. (A) is (B) am (C) are (D) was
6. ( C )What are those?
7. ( D )
camcorders. (A) It is
a beautiful day today. (A) He is
(B) I am (C) They are (D) These are
(B) I am
(C) They are (D) It is
8. ( A )My friend and I are from Taiwan. _____ are new students.
(A) We
(B) You
(C) I
(D) They
9. ( D )_____ is that man? He’s our teacher. (A) Where
(B) When
(C) What
(D) Who
10. ( B )Are you in this class? _______
(A) Yes, he is.
(B) Yes, I am.
(C) Yes, I am not. (D) Yes, they are.
11. ( A )____ is your telephone number?
(A) What
12. ( C )Anita _____ a job.
(B) no has
13. ( B )____ are you?
(A). no have
Fine, thank you.
(A) What
(B) Where
(C) Who
(C) doesn’t have
(B) How
(D) Why
(D) doesn’t has
(C) Where
(D) Who
14. ( C )Is Jenny from Japan? ________
(A) No, she is.
(B) Yes, she is not.
15. ( C )Alex _____ know French.
(C) Yes, she is.
(A) isn’t
(B) aren’t
16. ( B )_____ Andy and her sister from Canada?
17. ( C )Sandy
(A) study
(D) Yes, she’s.
(A) Is
(B) Are
(D) don’t
(C) Does
(D) Do
English at this school every day.
(B) studied
(C) studies (D) studying
18. ( C )Omar _____ his new car every Sunday.
(A) wash
(B) washed
(C) washes
(D) washing
19. ( A )I study at the library ____ the afternoon.
20. ( B )I go to bed ____ night.
(A) in
(B) at
21. ( B )The bank is open ____ 9:00 a.m.
22. ( D )What ____ is it?
It’s Sunday.
23. ( A )What ____ is it?
It’s 4:30 p.m.
24. ( B )What time ____ the movie start?
(A) is
(A) is
(A) in
(C) on
(B) date
(A) time
28. ( C )_____ your sister and brother students?
(B) date
(C) month
(D) day
(B) does
(D) do
(B) am
(C) are
(D) was
(C) at
(C)are sleeping
(D) is sleeping
(D) over
(A) Is (B) Am
(D) to
(D) of
(C) month
(B) am sleeping
(B) on
(C) on
(D) of
(B) at
(A) time
26. ( D )The dog ______ now. (A) sleeping
(B) at
(C). on
(A) in
25. ( C )Where ____ my keys to the door?
27. ( A )Jack lives ____ China.
(A) in
(C) Are
(D) Was
29. ( C )Do you know Jackie?
Yes, I ____.
30. ( A )I ____ like to watch TV.
(A) is
(A) don’t
(B) doesn’t
31. ( A )There _____ only one child in his family.
32. ( C )How ____ are these books?
(A) many
(B) far
(B) am
(D) does
(C) am not
(A) is
(B) am
(D) no
(C) are
(D) does
They’re $ 500.
(C) much
33. ( C )My father and mother ____ eating lunch now.
(A) is
(B) am
(C) are
(D) be
34. ( D )My husband and I have two children. _____ sons are at school now.
(A) Your
(B) My
35. ( A )This floor _____.
(C) Their
(D) Our
(A) is dirty
(B) dirty is
(C) dirty
36. ( C )_____ yellow. (A) A banana are
(B)Bananas is
37. ( B )____ books are really expensive.
(A) This
38. ( D )These ____ interesting.
(A) book is
39. ( D )Mike is ______ artist.
(A) on
40. ( D )Mr. Lee _____ a brown cat.
41. ( B )Are you hungry?
(A) are
Yes, ____.
(C) Bananas are
(B) book am
(B) in
(C) a
(B) am
(A) I is
(D) is
(D) Banana is
(C) That
(C) books is
(D)books are
(D) an
(C) have
(B) I am
(C) I are
(D) has
(D) I do
42. ( D )____ these? My English books. I’m going to my English class.
(A) What’s
(B) Who’s
(D) What are
43. ( A )What’s your name? _____ name is Jenny Liu.
44. ( A )________?
(A) My
(B) I
(C) Me
(D) Our
(C) It is
(D) It are
I’m from Taipei.
(A) Where are
(C) What’s
(B) Who are
your name?
(D) How are you?
45. ( C )An orange is a fruit. ____ not a vegetable.
(A)He is
46. ( D )Birds can fly high. _____ are good at flying. (A) I
47. ( A )Tom is a new student. _____ is from Japan.
(B)I am
(B) He
(A) He (B) She
(C) You
(C) It
(D) They
(D) I
48. ( B )______ this? That’s my old pencil box.
(A) What are
49. ( D )
(B) What is
(C) Who is
do you go to school?
(A) When
(B) What
(D) Where is
I go to school by bicycle.
(C) Why
(D) How
50. ( B )A:Where is he from?
from Brazil.
(A) She’s
(B) He’s
51.( C )A:Where
(C) They’re
(D) I’m
B:I’m from Taipei.
(A) is she
(B) are they
52.( D )A:What’s
(C) are you
(D) am I
B:My name is Mike Smith.
(A) you
53.( B )
(B) her
(C) his
(D) your
there a teacher in the classroom?
(A) Are
(B) Is
(C) Do
(D) Did
54.( D )There
any curtains in the bedroom.
55.( D )A:
(A)is (B)are (C)isn’t
How’s everything?
B:Just fine.
(A) Hello
(B) Hi
(C) Hey there
(D) Good bye
(Choose the wrong one)
56.( B )A:
B:Nice to meet you, too.
(A) How do you do.
(B) Nice to meet you.
57.( A )A:How
(C) What’s up?
(D) Good night.
is the meat?
B:It’s $4.85 a pound.
(A) much
(B) many
(C) long
58.( B )Martin gets to work
(D) big
(A) in
(B) at
(C) on
(D) for
59.( C )A:
B:Cathy Wang.
(A) Name, please.
(B) May I have your name?
(D) What’s your name?
(Choose the wrong one)
60.( A )Everyone in my family
(A) works
(C) Where are you from?
(B) work
(C) working
(D) are working
61.( C )A:Have a good day.
B: See you
(A) late
(B) lucky
(C) later
(D) land
62.( D )Mom: Dear, you ________ beautiful in pink.
Lynn: Thanks.
(A) see
(B) saw
(C) watch
63. ( C )A: What’s your full name?
B: Gina Poggi.
A: ______ your last name, please.
B: P-o-g-g-i. A: Thank you.
(A) call
(B) speak
(C) spell
(D) sign
64. ( A )A: I’m sorry. I don’t _________ what you said. Could you speak again?
B: All right.
(A) understand
(B) say
(C) clear
(D) speak
65. ( A )A:Where did you go yesterday.
B: We went to the ______. We had a picnic.
(A) park
(B) bank
(C) library
(D) gym
66.( B )A:Excuse me, where is the toilet?
B:Go to the ______ of the hallway, and you can see that.
(A) endless
(B) end
(C) star
67.( C )Wow, she’s a beautiful girl. She has _______ eyes.
(A) long
(B) curly
(C) brown
(D) bald
68.( C )A: The man is so handsome.
B: He is my ________. His name is Oscar.
(A) mother
(B) daughter
(D) sister
69.( B )A: What _______ is the party?
B:It’s nine o’clock.
(A) tell
(B) time
(C) place
70.( C )A: When is your doctor’s ____________?
B: 2 :30 p.m. on Wednesday.
(A) appoint
(B) appointed
(C) appointment
71.( A )Michael: How much is this?
Clerk: It’s 25 ______.
(A) dollars
(B) dolls
(D) dolly
72.( C ) Fred: Can you swim?
Fred: That’s great.
(A) No, I am.
(B) Yes, I can’t.
(C) Yes, I can.
(D) No, I can’t.
73.( A )Tony: There’s a soccer game tonight. Do you want to come?
Barry: I’m sorry, I have a lot of homework. ______________ next Monday?
Tony: All right, see you next Monday.
(A) What about
(B) How old
(C) How many
(D) How much
74.( C )Dad: What is Bobby doing now?
Juana: He’s studying in his _________.
(A) dining room
(B) toilet
(C) bedroom
(D) bathroom
75.( B )Doctor: How do you feel, Susan?
Susan: I feel terrible.
Doctor: ______________?
Susan: I have a sore throat. It hurts.
(A) What day is it
(B) What’s wrong
(C) How old are you
(D)What’s your name
76.( B )Yumiko: I have a fever. I can’t go to school.
Gina: _______________. You’ll be fine.
(A) Don’t smile
(B) Don’t worry
(C) Don’t get
(D) Don’t cry
77.( C )It’s cold today. So I wear my favorite red _________. It’s very warm.
(A) theater
78. ( C )
Tony:________ that boy?
(A) What’s
(D) weather
Mary: He’s my brother.
(B) Who
(C) Who’s
(D) How’s
(C) Are she
(D) Is he
79. ( B ) ________ your uncle’s daughter?
(A) Is not she
(B) Is she
80. ( B ) Mary: Are the boys your sons?
(A) Yes, he is.
Linda: ________
(B) Yes, they are.
(C) Yes, they are your sons.
(D) Yes, the boys are.
81. ( D ) Is ________your grandfather’s brother?
(A) doctor that
(B) that a doctor
(C) a that doctor
(D) that doctor
82. ( B ) Many students go to school ________ every day.
(A) on bike
(B) by bike
(C) ride their bikes
(D) by their bikes
83. ( C ) How long does it ________ from Taipei to Kaohsiung?
(A) do
(B) want
(C) take
(D) make
84. ( C ) You don’t have to go to the library on ________.
(A) feet
(B) a foot
85. ( D ) A: ________ does Jay go to the zoo?
(A) Why
(C) foot
B: By MRT.
(B) What time
(C) Where
86. ( A ) There are 60 minutes in ________ hour.
87. ( D ) Tony is late for school.
(A) an
(B) the
(D) How
(C) a
(D) x
Can you drive ________ to school?
(B) he’s
(A) he
(D) you feet
(C) his
88. ( A ) Which buses are the people going to ________?
(A) take
(D) him
(B) drive
(C) fly (D) ride
89. ( B ) She can save a lot of time ________ her homework.
(A) to do
(B) doing
(C) does
(D) do
90. ( D ) He ________ baseball this afternoon.
(A) want to play
(B) want playing
(C) wants play
(D) wants to play
91. ( D ) ________ your bother ________ hamburgers and soda?
(A) Do not; wants
92. ( A ) I like ________.
(B) Does not; wanting
(C) Don’t; want
(D) Doesn’t; want
How about your brother?
(A) different kinds of food
(B) different kind of the food
(C) different a kind of food
(D) different kind of foods
93. ( D ) I’m so hungry. ________ hamburgers?
(A) Is there anything
(B) Is there any
94. ( D ) Waitress: ________
(C) Are there one
(D) Are there any
Linda: To go, please.
(A) To here or for go?
(B) At here or to go?
(C) For here and to go? (D) For here or to go?
95. ( B ) Harry: ________ your brother and sister want ________apple juice?
Mary: No, they don’t.
(A) Does; any
(B) Do; some
(C) Are; some
(D) Is; any
96. ( D ) The old woman is looking at her grandson ________.
(A) happier
(B) happy
(C) happiest
(D) happily
〔解析〕副詞 happily 修飾動詞 is looking
97.( C
) The crying of the baby makes him ________.
(A) exciting
(B) sadly
(C) crazy
(D) angrily
A ) I don’t know why he went away without ________ goodbye.
(A) saying
(B) said
(C) to say
(D) say
〔解析〕介系詞 without 後面接動名詞(V-ing)
99.( B
) Ben didn’t go to work today ________ he felt sick.
(A) so
(B) because
〔解析〕because he felt sick
(C) than
(D) but
100.( B ) Mark brought a coat with him, and so ________ I.
(A) do
(B) did
(C) was
(D) could
〔解析〕助動詞 do 代替 have to~
101.( C ) I like light music ________ than loud music.
(A) well
(B) good
〔解析〕better than
(C) better
(D) best
(C) with
(D) for
102.( C ) I don’t think they’ll agree ________ you.
(A) to
(B) about
〔解析〕agree with+人
103.( C ) Waitress: ________ Mary: Yes, a sandwich, a large pizza and a large soda.
(A) Is that all?
(B) Anything to drink?
104.( A ) Peter: Do you want some apples?
(C) May I help you?
(D) For here or to go?
Linda: ________
(A) No, thank you. (B) No, please. (C) Yes, I want two oranges.
105.( D ) Tony: Is he your uncle’s son?
(D) No, I don’t want.
Mary: ________
(A) Yes, he is my son.
(B) Yes, he isn’t my son.
(C) Yes, he’s my mother’s son.
(D) Yes, he’s my cousin.
106.( A ) Mary: ________
Lily: No, they’re not. They are my classmates.
(A) Are they your brothers and sisters?
(B) Are they your cousin?
(C) Are they girls?
(D) Is he your cousin?
107.( D ) A: Do you walk to school?
B: No, I don’t.
(A) I go with my mother.
(B) It’s time to go.
(C) Sounds great.
(D) I go by bus.
108.( D ) A: How long does it take you to get to school?
B: ________
(A) Three hundred dollars.
(B) Once or twice a year.
(C) We have to hurry.
(D) About half an hour.
109.( A ) A: Miss White is going to drive you home. B: ________
(A) How nice!
(B) What for?
110.( B ) A: Do you get up early every day?
(A) Take it easy.
It helps a lot.
(C) Are you ready?
B: ________
(B) Well, not really.
(D) Stop it!
I get up late on Sundays.
(C) Good luck.
(D) Hurry up!
111.( A ) A: ________ B: I’m not sure.
(A) Which train can we take?
(B) How many people are there in your family?
(C) Where are you from?
(D) How old are you?
112.( C ) Phil: I am hungry. Can I have some pies?
Mom: Sure. But don’t eat ________.
(A) many lunch
(B) too many hot dogs
113.( B ) Emma: Anne is a cute girl.
(A) Be polite.
(C) too much
(D) a hot dog
Jimmy: ________
(B) No kidding.
(C) Welcome to my home.
(D) I am not tired at all.
114.( B ) Amy: Make more cookies, Mom. Mom: ________, Amy.
(A) Be polite please (B) Say “please”
115.( A ) Cathy:
(D) Don’t try
(C) Say welcome
Gina: We are from America.
(A) Where are you from?
(B) Where are they from?
(C) Are you from America?
(D) Are we from America?
116.( B ) Vicky:
Jacky: They are twelve years old.
(A) How old are you?
(B) How old are your sisters?
(C) How old is he?
(D) What’s her name?
117.( D ) Bob: My hometown is Kaohsiung(高雄).
, too.
(A) I am from Taipei
(B) My hometown is Tainan
(C) It is your hometown
(D) I am from Kaohsiung
118.( C ) Sally: Why are you going to the store?
(A) No, I hate shopping.
Joyce: ________
(B) Yes, I am.
(C) It’s having a sale.
(D) I am happy.
119.( A ) John: ________ Peter: Yes, they play basketball together.
(A) Are they good friends?
(B) We are classmates, too.
(C) Is he your brother?
(D) Do you like basketball?
120.( D ) Kelly: ________
John: No, I like sports.
(A) Do you want hamburgers?
(B) Does he like tennis?
(C) Do you want apple juice?
(D) Do you like music?
121.( B ) Tony: ________
Ben: Yes, I like English.
(A) I like Chinese.
(B) Is English your favorite?
(C) What do you like?
(D) Try something fun.
122.( A ) A: I don’t like English. B: ________ Learning English is fun.
(A) How come?
(C) Let’s do it.
(B) Me, too.
(D) What else?
123.( C ) A: You have to study hard. B: OK. ________
(A) You bet.
124.( A ) A: Practice makes perfect.
(A) That’s right.
(C) I’ll try my best.
(B) Here it is.
B: ________
(B) Speak out, please.
(D) There we go.
(C) Sure, thank you.
(D) Well, it’s fine.
125.( D ) A: I don’t know these words. ________ B: You can look them up in the dictionary.
126.( D )
(A) What’s wrong?
(B) How much are they?
(C) Where can I buy them?
(D) What can I do?
C:You are interested in reading, ________ you?
(A) didn’t
127.( B )
(B) don’t
(D) aren’t
(C) are
D:Mary doesn’t like coffee,_____ she ?
(A) do
(C) doesn’t
(B) does
(D) don’t
128.( C ) ________ are you going ? We are going to Taipei tomorrow.
(A) What
(B) When
(C) Where
(D) Which
129.( B ) Tom is feeling depressed because he likes ______ his job nor his boss.
(A) either
(B) neither
(C) both
(D) also
130.( C ) _____ you and your mother are going to school next week.
(A) Either
(B) Neither
(C) Both
(D) Must
131. ( B ) She is a great teacher that all students look up ____ her.
132.( B )
How ____ books do you have?
(A) much
(A) with
(B) many
133.( A ) My father has been in Taipei ______ a month.
(A) for
134.( B ) Tommy hasn’t finished his homework____.
(A) ever
135.( C ) My sister Annie has been in Taichung ____last week.
(B) to
(C) about
(C) long
(D) do
(B) since
(C) yet
(B) yet
(A) yet
136.( A ) Dylan has been _____the newspaper for two hours. (A) reading
(C) already
(B) for
(C) since
(B) read
(C) reads
137.( C ) Carrie has been watching TV ______six o ‘clock.
(A) form
(B) for
138.( B ) Someone ______the kitchen yesterday.
139.( A ) The dining hall ________every day .
(A) cleaning
(A) is cleaned
(B) cleaned
(C) cleans
(B) has cleaned
(C) cleaned
140.( C ) The little boy ________by a stray dog last week.
(A) is bitten
(B) has bitten
(C) was bitten
141.( B ) My grandmother has ______traveled by airplane.
(A) ever
142.( C )
I like the girls ______have long hair.
143.( B )
Do you know anyone _____can speak five languages?
144.( A ) Do you have any book ______has cartoons in it?
146.( A )
I want to eat the cake ______ is on the table.
147.( B )
Do you know the man ______ your dad has talked to?
151.( A ) Do you know anyone _______sisther is in 6th grade?
(B)talk to it.
153.( A ) That movie really
(C)answer questions about it.
(D) scare
(A)whose (B)which
152.( A ) When you answer the door you _____.
(A)open it .
150. ( B ) This is the book ______I bought yesterday . (A)whom
(C) yet
149.( B ) Sandy is the girl ______I met yesterday.
145.( B ) My little brother is the person _____Mom likes best.
148.( C ) Tina is the girl _____is very short.
(B) never
154.( C )
I used to wear
155.( C )
(B)a hat
Do you know how to
156.( B )
, but now I wear contact lenses.
(D)a coat
How do you think we should solve this _____?
157.( C ) Don’t ______. I’m right next to you.
158.( B ) That new movie is so _____.
159.( A )
I can’t find my math _______.Have you seen it?
160.( B )
I bought this dress at the _____.
(B)department store
(C)flower shop
(D)gas station
(C)near form
(D)in front of
161.( D ) The bookstore is _______the bank.
(A)in behind
(B)beside to
162.( C ) We bought the medicine at the ______.
(A)department store
163.( C ) My younger sister will start kindergarten ________year.
164.( B ) My favorite Italian food is __________.
(B) spaghetti with meatballs
(C)French fries
(D)hot dogs
165.( D ) Mr. and Mrs. Brown are very worried ________their daughter.
166.( A ) He mailed the letter at the ________.
(A)post office
(B) police station
(C)elementary school
(D) convenience store
167.( D ) The MRT is very _________.
(C)train station
168.( C ) Jeff is coming at eight, but you can come ________ you want .
169.( C ) The car stopped
(A) to
the intersection.
(B) on
170.( B ) The books are
(A) in
(C) at
(D) from
the table.
(B) on
(C) top
(D) from
171.( D ) Gerald wants to go back to France because he_________ homesick .
(B)will be
(C) to be
(D) is
172.( C ) Jessie is going to leave for Spain the _______ after tomorrow.
(A) week
(B) hour
(C) day
173.( D ) The experience was very ________to me.
(D) minute
(A) embarrassed
(C) to embarrass
(D) embarrassing
174. (A ) Suzie wants to become a great ______, so she’s going to France to study cooking.
(A) chef
(B) driver
(C) salesperson
(D) dancer
175.( D ) My _______is quite good–looking for a man of eighty .
176.( B ) ______ this prescription to the drugstore now!
(C)Has taken
177. (D) My brother and I _________ go the beach this weekend.
(A) are going
(B) will be
(C) will going to
(D) are going to
178.( A ) My uncle was very angry ______us for being so impolite.
179.( D ) Do you have a table that is ______the window? We want to see the view.
(A) next
(B) close
(C) next by
(D) closer to
180.( B ) The policeman said I had not stopped at a red ________.
(B)traffic light
181.( A ) Do you know when we should ______ the bus? I don’t want to miss our stop.
(A)get off
(B)get on
(C)get to
(D)get around
182.( C ) Can you believe that it ______ me two hours to get to work every day?
(A) spends
(B) costs
(C) takes
(D) uses
183.( A ) Please put that dirty shirt _____the washing machine.
184.( B ) When is the new movie coming _____? I can't wait to see it.
185.( B ) Mrs. Brown told her sons
(B)to share
the cake.
186.( C ) How many languages do you
(B)understanding (C)speak
187.( D ) Cut the sandwich in half with this
188.( D ) We need to hurry. We don’t want to keep Tom _____.
(A)to wait
189.( A )
Is Mark a good student?
(A)Yes, he is very diligent.
(B) No, he studied very hard.
(C) Yes, he is a poor student.
190.( B ) Where do you work ?
(A) The gas station is across the street.
(B) At a gas station.
(C) I don’t know.
191-195. Read the timetable and then answer the questions.
Last call
Now Boarding
Hong Kong
Wait in Lounge
191.( C ) What is Flight BA510’s destination?
(A) Paris
(B) Mexico
(C) Hong Kong
(D) London
192.( B ) What is Flight UA183’s boarding gate?
(A) 9
(B) 13
(C) 11
193.( A ) What is Flight JA 226’s departure time?
(A) 13:55
(B) 14:10
(C) 14:55
194.( D ) Which flight is cancelled?
(A) AM803
(B) BA150
(C) CI 664
(D) CA565
195.( D ) What is Flight CI664’s departure time?
(A) 14:45
(B) 14:15
(C) 15:45
(D) 15:15
196-198 Read the chart and then answer the questions.
London to…
By Bus
By Train
By Plane
196. ( B ) How much does it cost to go from London to Rome by bus?
(A) $27
(B) $85
(C) $108
(D) $49
197. ( C ) How long does it take by train to go from London to Paris?
(A) 11 hours
(B) 28 hours (C) 6 hours
(D) 8 hours
198. ( C ) How long does it take by plane to go from London to Berlin?
(A) 15 hours
(B) 2 hours
(C) 55 minutes (D) 35 minutes
199-201 Read the newspaper ad. and then answer the questions
Apartment for Rent
Danshui, sunny, 1rg. apt. 2 BR,
new kit., LR, DR, bath, Near MRT.
No pets. $ 900. Call 555-1001
199.( A ) How many bedrooms are there in the apartment?
(A) 2
(B) 3
(C) 4
(D) 5
200.( D ) What’s the phone number to call?
(A) 555-1005
(B) 555-1003
(C) 555-1002
(D) 555-1001
(C) $ 900
(D) No pets
201.( C ) How much is the rent?
(A) 1 rg. apt.
(B) near MRT
另安排 3-5 分鐘之口試測驗
一、 觀光專業認知口試
二、 英文會話 參 考 題 目
1. What is your name?
2. Where are you from?
3. When were you born?
4. What’s your favorite subject at junior high school?
5. What do you usually do on the weekends?6
6. How do you spend your winter vacation?
7. What activities do you do on Chinese New Year’s Day?
8. How long do you watch TV per day?
9. How long do you study English per day?
10. What do you want to be in the future?
11. If you win the lottery, what are you going to do?