Touch Till Picture Manual

Touch Till Picture Manual
Touch Till Picture Manual
This manual is designed to give you a step by step pictorial guide to how the touch screen till system
Prepared by
January 2008
Training and Document Manager
Jonas Computing (UK) Ltd
313 Regents Park Road
London N3 1DP
0870 162 4991
[email protected]
January 2008
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Touch Till Picture Manual
Table Of Contents
1. Opening The Till. ........................................................................................................................................... 3
2. Looking At The Till Screen. ........................................................................................................................... 6
3. Making A Transaction.................................................................................................................................... 7
4. Correcting Mistakes..................................................................................................................................... 13
5. Refunding After The Transaction Has Finished........................................................................................... 17
6. Pay In Money Onto A Member Card............................................................................................................ 18
7. Correcting A Pay In. .................................................................................................................................... 21
8. The Function Keys....................................................................................................................................... 22
9. Other Till Functions. .................................................................................................................................... 34
10. The Menu Key. .......................................................................................................................................... 40
11. Closing The Till.......................................................................................................................................... 47
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1. Opening The Till.
The 5am process:
At 5am every morning each till will automatically run an End of Day process. This process will zero the till. At
the start of each day on each till the totals will be zero. All information is now recorded in Clubminder Office.
(Where manual totals are taken from the till the till will not zero).
No 5am process:
If the 5am process has not run on any till, all the transactions from the previous day on that till, will carry
The next 5am read will accumulate the totals, therefore it will have two days of transactions on one read.
The till can be used as normal.
Where the till doesn’t run a 5am process the days will keep carrying forward until the till does do a 5am
You must contact Clubminder if the till continuously does not do a 5am process.
If a Shift and Grand Total were printed at the close of business the previous evening, the system will not
produce another shift total at the 5 am process. (Where no more transactions have gone through the system).
Opening the till –
Touch Yes where you have Shift Totals and then a Grand Total will print.
Touch Yes where you have Grand Total.
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Touch OPEN
Once OPEN has been touched, the box as below will appear.
The only time YES needs to be touched is where changes have been made to either:
Products, prices or operators.
This process updates any changes that have been made in Clubminder Office to each till.
On a day to day basis Touch NO, this will open the till.
Touch YES: Follow the instructions on the screen.
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Touch OK. This will open the till.
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2. Looking At The Till Screen.
There can be anything from one screen up to a maximum of eight screens depending on the number of
products there are on the till screen. Move from screen to screen by touching the tab at the top of each
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3. Making A Transaction.
The instruction is:
Press Operator Key
To start a transaction:
Touch your name.
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The instruction is:
Enter Items
Your name will now be in the
transaction box with the
transaction number, the date
and time.
Now enter all the products that you are selling by touching the product on the till screen.
If you need to move from screen to screen for different products touch the appropriate tab at the top of the
When you have finished entering all the products:
Touch Enter.
Enter Items now changes to Take Payment.
If you need to add items, touch Enter again, Take Payment will change back to Enter Items, you can now
add more products.
When you have finished entering all the products:
Touch Enter.
Enter Items now changes to Take Payment.
You can follow this process as many times as is needed.
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At the top of the screen you can see the total
of the transaction.
The Instruction is:
Take Payment.
In the transaction box you can see a list of all the
products that have been sold in the transaction.
On the Operators key you can see the total of the
transaction in RED.
For a Cash transaction:
Press EXACT TENDER for the exact money.
Press F3 = £10.00 when you are given a £10 note.
Press F4 = 320.00 when you are given a 320 note.
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Press the amount of cash on the number pad followed by ENTER for all other amounts. The DOT IS NOT
A menu similar to this will now appear.
Touch the correct method of payment.
The drawer will open so that the cash tendered can go
into the drawer.
The amount of change to be given will appear at the
top of the screen.
Shut the drawer.
If a receipt is required for the cash transaction, once
the drawer is shut Touch F3 = Reprint. This will print a
receipt for the last transaction.
These methods of cash payments are set up in the
Clubminder Office. Each Club will have their own
methods of payment types that are acceptable.
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For a member Card transaction:
Follow the exact steps as above.
At Take Payment – swipe the Member Card through the Card Reader.
A receipt will automatically print for the Member.
The cash drawer will not open as no cash is tendered.
If for any reason the Member Card will not swipe:
Press F1 = Member
At the top of the screen the instruction is: Enter Account Number.
Type in on the Number Pad the four digit account number from the Member Card and then press Enter.
The transaction will go through in the normal way.
On the front of the Member Card there is a set of digits.
The Account Number is the second set of four digits.
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Enter Account Number is the
1. F1 = Member
2. Type in the four digit account
3. Press Enter.
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4. Correcting Mistakes. Cancel The Whole Transaction.
Touch Cancel and then either Yes or No.
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Removing Products Put In By Mistake.
The Instruction is: Enter Items.
When you are in the middle of the transaction and you have entered incorrect items, to remove them from the
transaction highlight them by touch and then press Clear. As in the example below, when this is done the
monetary value of the product goes from the transaction. Then carry on with the transaction in the normal
1. The instruction is: Enter Items.
2. Highlight the product you do not want by touch.
3. Press Clear. The monetary value of the product will go. Do t
for each product you do not want.
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Other Ways To Correct Mistakes In The Transaction.
The Instruction Is:
Enter Items.
Pressing F2=Reverse
will remove the last
item entered into the
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Typing the PLU Number of the product and using the
minus key will also deduct the monetary value of the
product from the transaction.
To get the PLU number of the product: touch the Dot and
then the appropriate product; you will now see the PLU
number and then the Minus (Menu) Key.
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5. Refunding After The Transaction Has Finished.
When making a refund after the transaction has finished, you will need to:
Touch your name.
Touch Dot | Product | Minus
You must do this for each product you are refunding.
You will see at the top of the screen the total amount
followed by the minus sign.
You will see the products you are refunding, in the
transaction box. The value of the product will be
followed by a minus sign.
Press Enter, the instruction will be: Take Payment.
It is very important that you refund back to the original method of payment.
If the payment was a Member Card – now swipe the Member card.
If the payment was Cash Press Exact Payment and give back the Cash.
If the original purchase was by Member Card and you refund back Cash, the cash amount in the drawer will
not balance as the cash did not originally go into the drawer. (Not enough Cash)
Subsequently, if the original purchase was by Cash and you refund back to a Member Card, the cash amount
in the drawer will not balance as no cash will be given back. (Too much Cash).
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6. Pay In Money Onto A Member Card.
You do not press an operator name.
Press F4 = Payins
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The instruction is: Enter Amount
There are some pre priced
buttons for speed. If the amount
you are paying in is not on one
of these buttons type it in on the
number pad.
Using a pre priced key will show
the amount at the top of the
After manually typing the
amount you MUST press Enter.
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Then select the method of payment.
The Instruction is: Enter Account No.
Now swipe the Member Card or you can manually type in the
Member Card Account Number.
A receipt will print for the Member and the cash drawer will open.
The Instruction is: Press Cancel To Close.
Once the transaction has completed a receipt will print for the
Member. Then Press Cancel to return to the till screen.
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7. Correcting A Pay In.
Follow all the instructions as above.
You must manually type in the amount to be refunded.
The pre priced keys are automatically positive amounts and can’t be used when refunding.
Once you have manually typed in the amount Press the minus (Menu) key.
You will see the amount at the top of the page followed by the minus sign.
If this is correct swipe the Member Card.
If it is not correct Press Cancel and start again.
Once the card is swiped a receipt will print and the cash drawer will open.
This function should only be used for correcting a mistake.
This facility should never be used as a means of “Cash Back”.
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8. The Function Keys.
The Instruction is: Press operator key. The function keys will look like this.
F1 = No Sale – You must press F1 to open the cash drawer.
F2 = Balance – You must press F2 and swipe a Member Card to obtain an account balance. Once the card is
swiped a balance will print.
F3 = Reprint – You must press F3 after a transaction has finished to obtain a reprinted receipt.
F4 = Payins – See Chapter 6 above.
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The instruction is Enter Items. The function keys will look like this.
F1 = Help.
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When F1 = Help is pressed the above Operator Instructions will be on screen. These can be printed out as
many times as required by pressing Print.
Press Close to return to the till screen.
F2 = Reverse – See Chapter 4.
F3 = Repeat – You can press a product followed by repeat and this will keep adding that product into the
F4 = Table.
The F4 Table function is used to hold tabs on the till.
You are able to quickly check if any Table numbers are already in use by:
Menu | Table Tabs | Exit | Close
This will enable you to see any numbers already in use as Numbers MUST NOT be duplicated.
The transaction is started in the normal way.
Once all items for the first transaction have been entered Press F4 = Table.
The instruction is: Enter Table No, at the top of the screen.
Allocate the Tab a Number, then Press Enter, you will see at the top of the screen – Sending to
Table Tab. If there is food included in the transaction, and there is a kitchen printer, the food order
will now print.
After the first transaction has been completed you are able to go to the tab and name it.
Press Menu | Table Tabs
Highlight the table by touching it on screen.
Once it is highlighted a list of options will appear on the right side of the screen.
Press Name.
A keyboard will appear and you can now type in the name to allocate this tab. Once you have
finished typing Press Enter.
You can now see the Tab with the name.
Now Press Exit. This will leave the tab where it is.
Now Press Close. You will now be back in the till screen.
All other transactions for the tab are entered in the normal way.
When all products are entered for each transaction, Press F4 Table enter the Table Tab number
and Enter.
Each transaction will be sent to the tab.
You will only need to bring the whole tab to the till screen when payment is due or if you need to
make corrections.
If the tab is brought back to the till screen for corrections, once these are done, Press F4 Table
enter the table number and Press Enter to send the whole tab away again.
When adding to a tab, it does not matter who makes the transaction and it does not matter which till
the transactions are made on as the tabs float between all the tills.
If at the end of the day tabs are still on the till they can be left. This will not affect the 5am process.
The tabs will stay on the till until they are brought back to the till screen.
Paying A Tab.
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Press your name and then Press F4 Table twice; you will now see all open tabs.
Highlight the tab you need.
A list of options will now appear on the right side of the screen.
You are able to print the tab. Press Print.
You are able to divide the tab. Press Divide.
The keyboard will now appear. You must enter a number to receive all the products you are going
to remove from the original tab. Once you have entered the number Press Enter.
Now highlight each product you want to move from the original tab.
Once you have finished Press Divide.
You have now created a new tab with the products on.
You can name this tab as well, by highlighting it and Pressing Name and typing in a name and
To bring the tab back to the till screen, highlight and Press OK.
The tab is now on the till screen and is now treated as a normal transaction.
Press Enter to Take Payment and swipe the Member Card or tender Cash.
Opening a Tab.
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The transaction has been opened and all the
products have been entered.
Press F4 = Table.
The instruction is: Enter Table Number.
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Press the number and Enter.
You will see at the top of the screen the tab has
gone to the table number allocated.
All future transactions are carried out in the normal way. At Enter Items, Press F4 table | enter table number |
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Naming a Tab.
Press Menu.
Press Table
Highlight The Table you wish to name.
A list of options now appears on the right side of the screen.
Press Name.
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A keyboard now appears. Type in the name for the Table Tab and Press Enter.
The instruction is: Please enter the name
for this allocation.
The Table Tab is now named.
Press Exit to leave the tab and return to the till screen.
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Dividing The Tab.
Press your name and then Press F4 Table twice.
Highlight the Table Tab.
Press Divide.
The instruction is: Please enter table number to receive
Press a number and then enter.
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Now highlight the products you want to move to the second table, as in the example above the food is being
moved to another Table Tab.
Once all items have been moved Press Divide.
You will now see the other Table Tab, as below.
You can now name this table tab.
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To leave the tabs where they are and return to the till screen press exit.
To print the table tabs highlight and press print.
To bring the table tab back to the till screen highlight and press OK.
When the Table Tab returns to the till screen a box will appear as below
It will tell you which Table Tab is now back at the till screen, press OK.
Once the Table Tab is back at the till screen it is a normal transaction and can be paid in the normal way.
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The instruction is Take Payment.
F1 = Member – You must Press F1 when manually entering an account number.
F2 = Suspend – You must Press F2 when you need to Suspend the transaction.
Where a card is swiped and there are insufficient funds to pay, you can suspend the transaction, proceed with
the Pay In and then resume the transaction.
Where there is not enough money in the account this will appear at the top of the screen.
Press F2 Suspend.
Press F4 and make a payment into the account in the normal way.
Once the drawer is shut, Press Cancel to close and return to the till screen.
The operator name will now be in RED
Press the red name.
followed by F2 Resume,
this brings back the transaction, Press Enter to Take Payment, now swipe the Member Card.
F3 = £10.00 – You must press this when taking a ten pound note for cash.
F4 = £20.00 – You must press this when taking a twenty pound note for cash.
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9. Other Till Functions.
Multiple Users:
As in the example above, when an operator is in a transaction the value of the transaction is displayed in red
on the operator key.
This allows the operator to see that they are in the middle of a transaction.
Where more than one operator is using the till each one will have the amount of their own transaction on their
When the operator resumes their own transaction they must first press their name. This will bring back to the
screen the transaction that they are doing.
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Splitting A Transaction:
The instruction is:
Press Split
Once you press Split a receipt will print showing you the amount to be split.
Also a box will appear, as in the example below.
Press the tick box to
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This box will now be on screen.
Enter the amount to be paid on the number key pad
followed by Enter.
Then swipe the Member Card.
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This box will now be on screen.
Press the cancel button to return to the till screen.
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Follow the same procedure until the whole bill is paid.
Each transaction will generate a receipt.
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The Operating Panel
The Half large key is to
give additional screens
on the till. If these are
not in use you will see a
blank screen.
Press the Half Large
button again to return to
the normal till screen.
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The Cancel button will
cancel anything that
you are doing.
The Clear button will
clear anything that
appears in the space
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10. The Menu Key.
The instruction is: press Operator Key.
Press the menu Key.
The panel as below will now be on screen.
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Press the Journal Icon.
The current day’s journal will
now be on screen. You can
move up and down the journal
by using the arrows at the
To see a summary press
Press print to Print – this will
print the whole Journal.
Close will take you back to the
menu screen.
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When you press Summary you see a screen similar to the example below.
Press Print to Print.
Press Close to go back to the Menu screen.
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The Help Icon will show the screen as below. You can print this out.
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Press the payins icon to make a payment.
Press the member Transactions icon and then swipe a Member Card. This will produce a list of transactions
for that card for that day.
Press the Card status Icon and then swipe a Member Card. This will enable you to see the account status for
that Member.
Press the Shift Totals Icon when you manually want read outs for the till.
When you Press Shift Totals the screen, as below, will appear.
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If an X read only is required, Press Shift Totals X. These totals will give you a read out from the time the last
shift total was done.
Press Shift and Grand X and Y to get a shift and a Grand Total.
The Grand Total will automatically add all shift totals together that have been taken through out the day.
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Press the Date and Time Icon to adjust either. Follow the on screen instructions.
This icon is for engineers use only.
Press the Table Tabs Icon to see if any Table Tabs are Open.
Press the Black Screen Icon and the screen will go black, touch the screen anywhere to get it back.
Pressing the Exit to Windows Icon will take you out of the till programme.
Press the Close Icon to shut the menu screen and return to the till screen.
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11. Closing The Till.
1. Make sure on each till there are no red figures.
2. Make sure there are no operators open.
3. Press the Menu Key.
4. Press the Shift Total Icon.
5. Press the Shift and Grand Totals Button.
6. The Shift Totals will print, say Yes.
7. The Grand Totals will print, say Yes.
8. Press Close, to return to the Menu Panel.
9. You can now press Black Screen – optional.
10. You must cash up to the Grand Total print out.
11. In the morning you must keep the 5am read. This should be the same as the Grand Total Print done in
the evening. If it is not, then more transactions have gone through the till since that was printed.
The 5am read will look similar to the example below.
The Cash received is the important information, as this tells you how much cash should be in the till
1. Make sure that the read
you keep is a Grand Total.
2. Make sure that the read is
dated and timed correctly.
Payins = the amount of money
paid onto a Member Card.
Cash Sales = the amount of
money taken for cash sales.
Card Sales = the amount of sales
swiped through on to Member
Net Total = Cash & Card Sales
added together.
Cash Analysis = to the amount of cash that should be in
the till drawer after the float has been deducted.
Total Cash received = the total amount.
Cash Analysis breaks down the cash received into Cash,
cheques and which ever other form of payment the Club
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