Tapatapahi ana!: Cool! Choice! - Rimutaka Kindergarten Association

Hello - Kia Ora - Talofa lava Kia Orana - Fakaalofa lahi atu Malo e lelei - Malo ni - Talofa Ni Sa Bula Vinaka - Ming la ba Hola - la Orana - Halo ola keta Mauri - Sabaidee - Namaste
Recently some kindergartens have had issues accessing GOSH – apologies for this. Can you
please ensure that you are using the following link and that you have not cut and pasted the
link from the address bar at the top of the GOSH page
The correct link is www.gosh.net.nz/nzkindergartens/hwm/9633.htm
If you have any further issues with this, please don’t hesitate to contact
[email protected]
The Term Break PA1 Work
Just a reminder that PA1s for any building and environment work to be
completed during the April term
break needs to be emailed to [email protected] by
Thursday 31st March at 5pm.
Tapatapahi ana!: Cool!
Environment Tour - Last Call
Are you looking for inspiration for your environment? Are you interested in visiting some
kindergartens you have never been to? We are offering you a chance to come and look
through some of our lovely environments in the Wellington City North area. Come and
see beautiful gardens with lots of ideas for how to set up a containers to grow vegetables.
Are you interested in a developing a water feature that can be used as a teaching tool. How
might a very small outdoor area be used in a way that invites exploration? And many other
ideas. Come along with us. A teacher from each of these kindergartens have very kindly
offered to give their time to answer any questions you may have. (We will also have the
opportunity to be looking indoors )
When – Saturday 1st April
Where – Sunshine, Karori, Campbell, Khandallah and Onslow Kindergartens
Time – 9:30am at Sunshine Kindergarten
First Aid Update
This is a reminder that First Aid Refreshers will be held during the term break on the following
Tuesday, 18 April 2017 – (9.00am to 4.00pm) Porirua Club (full)
Thursday, 20 April 2017 (9.00am to 4.00pm) – Masterton West Kindergarten, Masterton
(spaces available)
Wednesday, 26 April 2017 (9.00am to 4.00pm) – KCDC EOC (Kapiti Coast District Council –
Emergency Operation Centre) Fyfield Place, Paraparaumu (spaces available).
Friday, 28 April 2017 (9.00am to 4.00pm) – Porirua Club (full)
Saturday, 29 April 2017 (9.00am to 4.00pm)– Silverstream Kindergarten, Upper Hutt (full)
Please be advised that we will be holding a further course in Porirua and a date and venue will
be advised in the next Korero.
Almost every teacher in the Association will have been privy to the launch of the
new, updated Te Manawa – now called “Te Manawa: Criteria for Weaving and
Implementing Curriculum” at the recent regional staff meetings. The document
is He Whānau Manaaki’s “how” to Te Whāriki’s “what”. The culmination of
months of review and feedback from teachers and wider association staff, Te
Manawa was developed and written by the Senior Teacher team and provides
an important example of high quality early childhood education.
A copy of the Supplementary Notes is attached for teachers’ reference. This
was attached to the Korero a few weeks ago, and provides a useful context for
Te Manawa.
We thank the Senior Teachers for their comprehensive work and everyone who
contributed to this significant document. It really is an example of the positive
impact a larger, diverse kindergarten association can make towards promoting
high quality early childhood education.
Thank you to the nearly 50 teachers from (mostly) our full day kindergartens who attended last Saturday’s professional
development day facilitated by Lucie Zwimpfer, Lynn Harris and our very own Sharon Coulton. It was heartening to see many of
our teachers forgo a Saturday to enrich their professional practices for the children in their kindergartens.
Some of the feedback received;
“We just wanted to say thank you for a great PD day, we all came away feeling very motivated and keen to share what we learnt
with the rest of our team”
“Thank you again for the very valuable and insightful P.D. on Saturday”
“The morning session was so very valuable. I think the main message that negative behaviour is a manifestation of an emotional
response to something. That was a great message that needs constant reinforcement as it makes us so much more empathetic in
our responses to children and indeed adults when we are reminded of this”
Above: Senior Manager, Lealamanua Aiga Caroline
Mareko overseeing the layout of goods.
Another successful “Giveaway Day” was held at Nuanua Kindergarten in Cannons Creek last Saturday 18 th. Kindergartens and
supporters of He Whānau Manaaki donate goods that we store, and every few months volunteers from the association office,
Amataga team and teachers take it all to a kindergarten and lay it out for parents and whānau to take away free of charge. This
provides an important service to many families, and encourages families and communities into kindergarten.
It’s also a great example manaakitanga, of our kindergartens and supporters from around the region caring and supporting for
others. Lovely.
Thanks to all who were involved in making it a success.
Teacher – Salary Scale K2
Matairangi Kindergarten – Permanent Fulltime Teacher: There is a Permanent Fulltime Teacher position available in this
kindergarten situated in the Wellington suburb of Hataitai. The kindergarten operates with five 6-hour sessions per week. An ability to meet the key tasks specific to this kindergarten, outlined in the Job Description, will be an advantage. Duties to commence
asap or as negotiated. Applications close Wednesday, 5 April 2017 at 12.00pm
Miramar North Kindergarten – Permanent Head Teacher: There is a Permanent Head Teacher position available in this
kindergarten situated in the Wellington Eastern suburb of Miramar North. The kindergarten operates with five 6-hour sessions per
week. An ability to meet the key tasks specific to this kindergarten, outlined in the Job Description, will be an advantage. Duties to
commence asap or as negotiated. Applications close Wednesday, 5 April 2017 at 12.00pm
A BIG THANKYOU to all those who helped at our stall at “Out In the Park” last Saturday. We had a great day networking and
making new friends. We had a number of enquiries about play groups for gay and lesbian families If you have a family that may be
interested we do have contact details of someone who could support them to set one up. Please get in touch with your Senior
teacher if you know of anyone.
It was a fantastic turnout of present and past children, whānau, and staff that attended the 50 th birthday celebrations of Otaki
Kindergarten last Saturday 18th March. Speeches were made remembering the wonderful service the kindergarten has provided
to the Otaki community over the past five decades, and the birthday cake was cut by children and the
K (Guru) Gurunathan, Mayor of the Kapiti District Council. It was yet another example of how valued and valuable Kindergarten is
to its local communities. Well done to the teachers, support staff and whānau that made the celebration such a success.
Below: Children, staff and parents participating in waiata
We have received enquiries from a few of you about He Whānau Manaaki’s position as regards the decisions by the Auckland
Kindergarten Association to extend the hours and days that its kindergartens are open.
He Whānau Manaaki already has kindergartens that are open for longer hours and for 48 weeks of the year (ie. Through the term
breaks). These full day kindergarten operate for between eight and ten hours per day. In addition, we have one kindergarten,
Nuanua Kindergarten that operates for six hours a day, but remains open through the term breaks. These services were designed
this way to meet the particular needs of the communities in which they are nestled. In all instances, the teachers remain part of
the Kindergarten Teachers National Collective Agreement (KTCA), and receive the same leave provisions that they would if they
worked in school day kindergartens – namely, 15 days professional leave and 31 days annual leave. The main difference is that
they are able to take their leave during the term, rather than being limited to term breaks.
He Whānau Manaaki is constantly reviewing its responsiveness to community need, and how to more effectively meet the
learning needs of the children who attend its services. Change is continuous, and as is our way, we will continue to involve staff in
decisions we make.
Miramar Central Kindergarten were featured in The Wellingtonian last week for their participation in the kindness project. The goal
of the project is to encourage creativity, exploring and community, by people hiding decorated rocks around local areas, to be
found by others. This project has been popular in Palmerston North and Upper Hutt. Check out Upper Hutt Rocks and Wellington
Rocks on Facebook.
“The idea of the game, already popular in Hamilton, Palmerston North and other areas, is to paint a stone, add a coat of varnish to
weather-proof it and then take it to a park or playground and hide it.
It appears to be growing in popularity in the capital with a new Wellington-specific Facebook page already surpassing a thousand
members in just a few months.”
On a beautiful sunny March 16 day we gathered together at Greytown Kindergarten, enough of us to fill a bus and 5 cars.
Assigning children to adults and practising waiata, off to Papawai marae for our pōwhiri.
This was my first time going to this marae and it was extra special as my great grandfather was from this marae Mahupuku Tiki
Kopu. Nehi came out to meet us and Mike became our whaikōrero person
Calling back (karanga) to the kaikaranga with 3 girls who were learning alongside me, girls in the front we walked onto the marae
and into the wharenui Hikurangi. (Jenny tells me the Māori name of Greytown is Hupenui great snotty from lots of crying, be good
to hear that pūrākau/ story). Whanaungatanga was fantastic with mana whenua, parents and Tamariki. After hongi hariru
(greetings) we had kai in Te Waipounamu (I wonder why the dining room is called after the South Island and I was told that this
marae was Te Kotahitanga, the first Māori parliament) rich pūrākau to research. While driving the back streets I see the street
names - Mahupuku and Hupenui. Thanks to Rōpū Greytown, John the bus driver, Mana Whenua Anaru, Nehi, Mike and Aunty.
Thanks to the Tamariki! Hei Kōna Lou
Tahi rua toru whā Pūkana!
On February 21st we were excited to welcome residents from Madison
Retirement Village to visit our kindergarten. What an amazing visit. Thank you
Michelle for making contact this was a really valuable experience for our
tamariki who displayed great manaakitanga and whakaute to our manuhiri. Our
tamariki were eager to welcome the new visitors and shared with them our
waiata during karakia time and some of their favourite books. We hope to
continue these visits as a way to acknowledge the contribution the residents
have made within our local community and celebrate the wonderful service the
Madison provides.
Alysha! – dang ‘Gurl what can we say?!
You epitomise light in your own unique way
Through computer or phone or even a task
No problem is too big or little to ask
With a smile & a flash of colour in your hair
You have been the gel that oils the wheels with flare
We will miss seeing your beautiful smile
But never far from our minds, knowing you will inspire!
Arohanui tino nui - from us at the office xxx
Learning Through Movement – Sports
Amanda Taylor
Learning Through Movement – Sports
Environments Tour
29 March
3:15pm - 4:30pm
Totara Park Kgtn
All teachers welcome
29 March
3:15pm - 4:30pm
1 April 9:30am
Khandallah Kgtn
All teachers welcome
Sunshine Kgtn
All teachers welcome
26 April 9am - 1pm
WMK Offices
All teachers welcome
27 April
9:30am – 12:30pm
Johnsonville Club
Greytown Library
All teachers welcome
27 April
9:30am - 12:30pm
WMK Offices
All teachers welcome
27 April
9:30am - 12:30pm
Upper Hutt Cossie
All Certificating teachers
and any other teachers
If you’re looking for exciting ideas for your environment,
and are interested in visiting inspirational environments
in other kindergartens – then this is the tour for you.
Carrying the Tapa 1 and 2 series
This series of Culturally Responsive workshops is to
support non-Pasifika teachers working with Pasifika
children, their families and community. Teachers and
staff will have the opportunity to explore the cultural
context to understand what specifically Pasifika is;
Effective Engagement with children, families and
communities; and best practice where we discuss what’s
working, share what we do; consider expectations and
how Te Whariki is relevant to Pasifika education in ECE.
Te Manawa Revisited x 2
This is another opportunity for you to continue to engage
with the relaunched Te Manawa. There will be lots of
practical opportunities to delve into the document.
Dispositional Workshop
Are you still thinking about dispositions? Are you thinking
there is more for you to learn and understand about
“dispositions”? Are you intentional about planning to
support children’s dispositional learning? Do you, or how
do you, talk about, plan for, and respond to dispositional
Social Competence Workshop
This workshops focus is Building Social Competence,
linking directly with the unpacking of the WMK Social
Competence Criteria. Strengthening teaching strategies
for working alongside children, whānau and colleagues.
All Certificating teachers
and mentors
1pm – 3pm
Induction and Mentoring Workshop
Priority Learners
This workshop is a repeat from last year (October)
specifically focussed on our Māori Learners. We will be
exploring ways in which to build our bicultural capacity,
being responsive in appropriate ways to our Māori
Learners and Whānau. Key indicators of wise practice
will include: Partnership, Environments, Teacher
knowledge and engagement, Whānau Aspirations,
Assessment and Documents. What can inform these key
indicators? How are we enacting them?
Have you started using Storypark recently or even been
using it for a while and you are now ready to learn some
more about what Storypark can do to support your work?
Sharon from Storypark will share some hints for making
Storypark work for you, your team and for your whānau hear about how other ECE services are making it work
for them. There will be opportunities for you to ask
questions too.
Working with Under 3s
This workshop is based on teaching two year olds in
kindergarten. We will explore teaching strategies; the
use of environments, our mind-set and explore what is
happening for two year olds at this stage of their lives.
28 April
9:30am – 12:30pm
Aotea Lodge
All teachers welcome
28 April
9:30am – 12:30pm
WMK Offices
All teachers welcome
28 April
9:30am – 12:30pm
Paraparaumu Library
All teachers welcome
Thursday, 16 Poutū-te-rangi
4pm - 5:30pm
Kapa Haka
Greytown Kindergarten
Thursday, 30 Poutū-te-rangi
4pm - 5:30pm
Kapa Haka
Head Office
Wednesday, 5 Paenga-whāwhā
3:15pm - 4:45pm
Kapa Haka
Totara Park Kindergarten
Wednesday, 12 Paenga-whāwhā 4pm - 5:30pm
Kapa Haka
Greytown Kindergarten
Thursday, 4 Haratua
4pm - 5:30pm
Kapa Haka
Head Office
Thursday, 11 Haratua
3:15pm - 4:45pm
Kapa Haka
Totara Park Kindergarten