Web Governance.ppt

CSU Chico Web Site
A Unified approach to Governance,
Management, and Accessibility
Why do we care?
The University web site is the prime tool for
projecting the University image to potential
students, alumni and other external audiences
The University web site is a critical internal and
external tool for information sharing and University
University web pages are proliferating beyond our
capacity to keep them consistent, current, and
University web pages are now part of a complex
technical architecture
Successful Web Site Building Blocks
Strategic Direction/
Web Governance Structure
Web Policy
Web Management
Web Content
Web Design Team
Web Management Committee
The Committee is responsible for implementing and managing a web
infrastructure and design that meets the objectives set by Cabinet. Specifically
the committee will:
Establish and oversee a Web Design Team that will develop a new web design
and information architecture that meets the established web site goals.
Establish and oversee a Web Content Committee that will assure appropriate
content of the University’s web presence.
Assure that Chico’s web site meets the Accessible Technology Initiative goals.
Develop and manage a plan to implement a Web Content Management
Approve standards and guidelines for managing public web pages at CSU,
Recommend policy to Cabinet policy as required to meet the objectives of the
CSU, Chico web site.
Web Management Committee membership:
Chief Information Officer (Chair)
Vice Provost for Enrollment Management
Vice President for Business and Finance or designee
Vice President for Student Affairs or designee
Vice President for University Advancement or designee
Provost designee
College Dean
Computing and User Services Director
Web Design team leader
Web Content Committee Chair
Web Design Team
The Web Design Team will be responsible for developing a
public web presence that meets the goals established by the
University. Specifically they will:
Design a University web site that supports University goals in an
effective, attractive, and accessible manner.
Design a University web site and information architecture that
provides consistent navigation down to the level determined by
Cabinet .
Propose technical guidelines for campus-supported web pages.
Web Design Team
Laura Kling – Academic Technologies - Lead Designer
Alan Rellaford – University Advancement
Wendy Needels – Enrollment Management
Dee Hoffman Wills – College of Business
Tony Dunn – Computing and User Services
Roberta Roebuck – Academic Technologies
Web Content
Web Content Committee
The Web Content Committee will be responsible for assuring
that appropriate content appears on Chico’s web site in a
manner that meets the University’s objectives. Specifically
they will:
Review web-based information for currency and relevance.
Coordinate links to web-based information and ensure they
are consistently applied across the University.
Require that web-based information meets University quality
Provide advice and feedback to the Web Design Team on
both the design and information architecture of the University
web site.
Provide advice and feedback to the Web Management
Committee on policy and goals of the University web site.
Web Content
Chair and membership are set by the Web Management Committee and
Kathy Fernandes, ATEC, Chair
Terry Curtis, College of CME
Cindy Bumgarner, College of HFA
Kathleen Glanville, Library
Allan Bee, Admissions
Jean Irving, Student Records
Beverly Gentry, Business &
Sandy Parsons, Disability Services
Casey Huff, Public Affairs
Susan Anderson, Alumni
Joe Picard, RCE
Joe Wills, Public Affairs
Jennifer Mays, VPAA
Laura Kling, Web Services
Tony Dunn, Web Development
Patrick Berry, Enterprise
Alan Rellaford, Creative Director
Jerry Ringel, CAUS
Unified Approach to the Chico Web Site
Spring 2008
Fall 2008
Web Governance/Design
Spring 2009
management, design, ·
and content groups
State goals of web
June 2009
January 2010
Formulate web policy and
design goals
Cabinet approves policy
and goals
Design and content
groups implement goals
Policy and guidelines
implemented by all pages
Web Content Management
Beta sites
Select and install WCMS converted to
based upon WCMS
New sites on WCMS
Beta sites
All critical pages compliant in
WCMS or outside
ATI Web Compliance
Remediation of key sites
All new sites compliant and
using existing template
WCMS used to
remediate beta sites
New design fully
Most web pages are
managed with
All critical web pages
are accessible.
Establish a Web Governance structure
Select and implement a campus-wide Web Content
Management System to improve efficiency and effectiveness
of technical web management
Assure all critical campus web sites are accessible
Design and implement a new Chico web presence that reflects
CSU Chico’s values while meeting the functional and technical
needs of the campus
Increase consistency of design across the depth and breadth
of the CSU Chico web site
Increase accessibility across all University web pages
Leverage the Web Content Management system for improved
quality and currency of the University web pages