Trees in Phytoremediation

Trees in Phytoremediation
Grete Gansauer
BZ 572
November 29, 2012
 Why trees make good phytoremediators
 Species currently used in phytoremediation
 Pollutant clean up and methods
 Organic Remediation
 Inorganic Remediation
 Some Case Studies
 Capturing Economic Value from projects
Why trees are awesome
 They *can* grow fast
 And use a lot of water (high transpiration
 They are large
 Their root systems are also large and deep
 Large, microbially diverse rhizosphere
 Potential for ecological restoration
 They are woody
 They grow in bad places
 They are perennials
 Their products have economic value
Tree species used for remediation
 Riparian tree species are
 Poplar
 Willow
 Genipa americana
 Mulberry
 Legumes
 Eucalyptus
 Evergreens?
 High transpiration and
water uptake rates
 Fastest growers
 Clean up pollution in water
 Not used for merchantable
Species of Acacia accumulate Cadmium
Ornamental Mulberry
Methods of Tree-remediation
 Stabilization
 Rhizofiltration*
 Riparian Buffer Strips
 Extraction*
 Volatilization*
 Stimulation
 Degradation
 Detoxification
Riparian Buffer Strip in Wisconsin
Historical and Current Uses of Trees in
 Use of trees in Phytoremediation since the early 1990’s
 Organic pollutant clean up:
 Inorganic pollutant clean up:
 Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn
 Phytoremediation in conjunction
with Biomass Fuels production
Willow being grown on contaminated
land for biomass production
Trees and Organic Remediation
 Poplar volatilization, stabilization, stimulation
 Naphthalene
 Eucalyptus rhizodegradation
 Poplar hybrids
 Pines
 Mulberry
Using Eucalyptus to remediate Naphthalene
Trees and Metal Remediation
 Potential for accumulation & phytoextraction
 Cadmium
 Willow
 Legumes (Acacia, Mimosa, Anadenantera)
 Genipa americana
 Lead
 Eucalyptus
 Legumes
 Mangrove
 Chromium
 Genipa americana
Genipa americana and Cr
 South American Rainforest Species
 Phytostabilization and Rhizofiltration of two
harmful Cr ions
Chromium in action
 Rhizofiltration of Cr3+ on roots
 Phytostabilization of Cr6+
 Cr6+ converted to Cr3+ in plant
 Adsorbed Cr on roots, but did
not translocate Cr to the shoot
 Cr lowered PS rate
 Lower K concentration in leaves w/ Cr
 Riparian Buffer potential?
 Rhizofiltration of Zn and Cd as well
Genipa americana
Meanwhile, in Europe…
 Phytoextraction and Biomass Fuels
 Short-Rotation Coppice Willow plantations
 Biomass plantations on former agricultural
land (contaminated?)
 Irrigated with waste water
Trees are harvested every 3-5 years
Willows being irrigated with industrial wastewater
Willow coppice regeneration.
Phytoextraction with Salix viminalis
 Concentration of Cd in willow-planted
soil was 12% lower than control soil
(field study)
 Willow-planted soils had “significantly
higher Carbon”
 Microbial stimulation potential?
 Negligible difference in soil pH
 Willows in alkaline soils accumulated the
most Cd
Willows planted on former
agricultural land near a
wastewater treatment plant.
 High irrigation rates…even with waste
 High accumulation of Zn and Cd in
willow leaves
 Removed 5% Zn and 20% Cd from the
soil (greenhouse study)
Biomass Biproducts
 Metals accumulated in
shoot, shoot harvested
for fuel
 Burned in a Fluidized
Bed Reactor
 Metals not combusted,
still found in ash
 Don’t re-scatter
contaminated ashes onsite for fertilizer!
 What are two reasons that trees good candidates for
 Name one Tree species I mentioned and how it can be used
for phytoremediation.
Arnold, C.W. 2007. Phytovolatilization of oxygenatied compounds from gasoline-impacted groundwater at an underground storage tank site via conifers.
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Ciencia Agronomica. Vol.