Slide - Journal of Vision

From: Depth discrimination from occlusions in 3D clutter
Journal of Vision. 2016;16(11):11. doi:10.1167/16.11.11
Figure Legend:
Visibility cue. (a) As a target's depth increases, the target tends to be more occluded and hence less visible. (b) Mean
and standard deviation of visibility of short bar targets for one eye's view. The plot for the long bar targets is similar (not
shown) but the standard deviations are about one-third as large. (c) Blue curve shows probability that a target point is
visible to a monocular observer, say the right eye. Red curve shows probability that a target point is visible to both eyes
of a binocular observer. Gray curve is the ratio of these binocular to monocular probabilities, which is the conditional
probability that a target point is visible to both eyes, given that it is visible to the right eye (see figure 8 of Langer &
2012). 7/31/2017
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