View Madeleine Gorges`s CV

Madeleine Gorges
The University of Houston, Department of Psychology
126 Heyne Building, Houston, TX 77204-5022
509-421-0618 • [email protected]
University of Houston, Houston, TX
Ph.D. in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3.95 GPA
Title of dissertation: TBD
Expected graduation May 2017
University of Houston, Houston, TX
M.A. in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 3.95 GPA
Title of thesis: “Priming with Real Art Images”
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Psychology coursework (non-degree) and research, 3.96 GPA
Relevant courses: Fundamentals of Psychology Research,
Understanding Statistics in Psychology, Cognitive Psychology,
Psychology of Music, Second Language Learning
December 2015
Spring, Summer, Fall 2012
Trinity University, San Antonio, TX
B. A., Spanish and Art, 3.90 GPA, Summa Cum Laude, Dean's List for 6 semesters
Relevant courses: Principles of Psychology, Introduction to
Neuroscience, Neuroscience Laboratory, Psychology of Sensation
and Perception
May 2011
Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
Studio art and Argentine art history and culture classes
Fall 2009
University of Houston’s University Presidential Graduate Fellowship, August 2013 - August 2015
University of Houston’s Department of Psychology Scholarship, August 2013 – August 2015
University of Houston’s Recruitment Award, August 2013- August 2014
Fulbright English Teaching Assistantship Alternate (Spain), April 2011
Trinity University's Virginia Joiner Award for Outstanding Student in Spanish, May 2011
Sigma Delta Pi (National Hispanic Honor Society), April 2010 - May 2011
Blue Key National Honor Society, November 2009 - May 2011
University Scholar (top 15 students in class), May 2008, May 2009, May 2010
Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society member and scholarship recipient, September 2009 - May 2009
Trinity University's Baker-Duncan Fine Arts Scholarship, August 2007 - May 2011
Trinity University's Murchison Scholarship, August 2007 - May 2011
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, 2014, 2016
Society for the Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity and the Arts (Division 10 of the American Psychological
Association), 2015, 2016
Psychonomic Society, 2015
Gorges, M. V. Z., & Hernandez, A. E. (2015). Is an Apple Related to a Melting Clock? The Relationship between
Creativity and Priming when Viewing Fine Art. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic
Society, Chicago, IL.
Warner, M., Wagner, V., Woods, E., Beilock, S., Hernandez, A. Expert and non-expert athletes differ in processing
of auditory stimuli. Poster presentation at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society’s annual conference, Boston, MA.
Attendance at the International Symposium for Bilingualism, New Brunswick, NJ, 2015
Bradley, K., Gorges, M. V. Z., Vaughn, K., & Hernandez, A. (In Preparation). Individual differences in imagerybased foreign vocabulary learning. For submission to Neuropsychologia’s special issue on language learning.
Gorges, M. V. Z. & Hernandez, A. (In Preparation). Is an Apple Related to a Melting Clock? The Relationship
between Creativity and Priming when Viewing Fine Art.
Graduate Student, Laboratory for the Neural Basis of Bilingualism, University of Houston
Houston, TX, August 2013 – present
• Master’s Thesis:
- Designed an experiment, created it in E-Prime, completed IRB approval process, collected
data from 74 participants in three months, and analyzed the data using R.
• Collaboration with Dr. David Eagleman and his laboratory at Baylor Medical Center (in progress)
- Analyzed of online data from grapheme-color synesthetes, including using Matlab.
• Collaboration with ESL International company: Testing reliability of ESL proficiency measures
- Ran participants on auditory and written language proficiency tasks.
• Collaboration with the University of Illinois in Chicago
- Created E-Prime task for an fMRI experiment about bilingual children’s perception of
• Train and mentor 6 research assistants
Research Assistant, Cognition & Cortical Dynamics Laboratory, University of Washington
Seattle, WA, August 2012 - December 2012
• Traced the putamen and caudate brain structures on MRI scans for Dr. Prat's
autism research
• Ran about six participants per week through behavioral tasks
Research Assistant, Cognitive Neuroscience of Language Laboratory, University of Washington
Seattle, WA, May 2012 - December 2012
• Set up equipment and participants' electrode caps for Dr. Osterhout's EEG studies
• Created scripts for data analysis
• Converted raw data into descriptive statistics
• Created and formatted tables in Excel for manuscript
• Participated in reading group
Field Research on Mexican Migration, International Studies, Trinity University
San Antonio, TX, August 2010 - December 2010
• Assisted in designing study questions and methods for Dr. Katsuo Nishikawa
• Gathered data by orally administering questionnaires to Mexican immigrants
• Results published in a book by Russell Sage in the fall of 2013
Bilingual Customer Care Assistant, Columbia Valley Community Health
Wenatchee, WA, October 2011 - March 2012 and December 2012-July 2013
• Answered about 100 calls per day in the call center
• Facilitated communication between providers, nurses, and other clinics regarding
coordination of patient care
• Checked-in patients at walk-in clinic and at main reception
• Verified insurance coverage and accepted payments
Spanish tutor
San Antonio, TX, November 2010 - May 2011
• Researched Spanish teaching methods
• Designed curriculum for a ten-year-old student
• Taught private Spanish lessons
Informe Hispano Reporter and Photographer
Wenatchee, WA, June 2008 - August 2010
• Interviewed Spanish-speaking community members
• Wrote articles based on the interviews for the Spanish-language newspaper
• Photographed local events that involved members of the Latino community
• Native English speaker
• Fluent in Spanish
Computer skills
• Training with AFNI fMRI analysis software
• Training with SAS
• Training with SPSS
• Experience with R
• Experience with MatLab
• Proficient with Adobe Creative Suite
• Advanced with Microsoft Office
Volunteer in the Metropolitan Volunteer Program, University of Houston, August 2014 to present
Handbell Choir Member, First United Methodist Church, Wenatchee, WA, September 2002 – June 2013
Vice President (2010-2011)/Member, Trinity University's ¡Venga! Spanish Club , January 2008 - May 2011
Historian, Trinity University's International Club, August 2010 - May 2011
Volunteer, Graffiti Wipeout, San Antonio, TX, October 2007- May 2011
Spanish Tutor, Trinity University's Service Learning, San Antonio, TX, September 2010 - May 2011
Dr. Arturo Hernandez, Professor and Director
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Department of Psychology
126 Heyne Building
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5022
Phone: 713-743-8828
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr. Hanako Yoshida
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Program
Department of Psychology
126 Heyne Building
University of Houston
Houston, TX 77204-5022
Phone: 713-743-1077
E-mail:[email protected]
Dr. Lee Osterhout
Graduate Program in Neurobiology & Behavior
Department of Psychology
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195
Phone: 206-543-4177
E-mail: [email protected]