2015-2016 Biology EOC Study Guide

2015-2016 Biology EOC Study Guide
Name_______________________________ Date_________ Period_________
Unit 1 Cells:
1. In simple diffusion and passive transport,
A) the cell must expend energy.
B) enzymes are required to initiate the process.
C) movement occurs against the concentration gradient.
D) the process occurs naturally and requires no energy.
2. A red blood cell is placed in a 0.9% salt solution. If the cell remains at equilibrium, neither
gaining nor losing water, the solution is
A) isotonic.
B) hypotonic.
C) hypertonic.
D) hydrostatic.
3. A red blood cell is placed in a 0.9% salt solution. If the cell remains at equilibrium, neither
gaining nor losing water, the solution is
A) isotonic.
B) hypotonic.
C) hypertonic.
D) hydrostatic.
4. An animal cell containing 32 chromosomes divides by mitosis. Each of the resulting daughter
cells goes through mitosis. The cells that result each have
A) 4 chromosomes.
B) 8 chromosomes.
C) 16 chromosomes.
D) 32 chromosomes.
5. Plant and animal cells have many similar components, but plant cells contain two that animal
cells do not. One of these is
A) a nucleus.
B) cytoplasm.
C) chloroplast.
D) a cell membrane.
6. Which is the primary energy source for most animals?
A) carbohydrates
B) proteins
C) fiber
D) fats
7. Approximately 20 amino acids are essential to living systems. How are amino acids linked
together to form proteins?
A) genetic bonds
B) peptide bonds
C) acid-base bonds
D) hydrogen bonds
8. During interphase, chromosomes are NOT very distinct when viewed under a microscope.
During this phase they are long and intertwined. What is occurring during interphase?
A) chromosomes replicate
B) ribosomes are linking with the DNA
C) the cell is in an "active phase" prior to mitosis
D) centiomeres of chromosomes attach to spindle fibers
9. Name the class of biomolecule with all of these functions in living organisms:
I) Long-term energy storage for hibernating animals.
II) Buoyancy in marine animals such as whales.
III) Component of cell membranes in all organisms.
A) carbohydrates
B) lipids
C) nucleic acids
D) proteins
10. It is hypothesized by many biologists that many cell organelles formed in eukaryotic cells as
pockets of the cell membrane folded in and enclosed cellular structures that performed important
tasks. Prokaryotes, by comparison, do not have any of the membrane-bound organelles found in
eukaryotes. Based on this assumption, which organelle probably did NOT form this way?
A) ribosomes
B) golgi bodies
C) nuclear membranes
D) endoplasmic reticulum
11. Which of these functions does the molecule pictured in the diagram above have in living
A) It forms most of the structures in cells and tissues.
B) It is a short-term energy storage molecule used by cells.
C) A double layer of these molecules surrounds each cell to form a membrane.
D) It carries the coded information that organisms need to build proteins.
12. Which of these types of cells would likely have the GREATEST amount of sugar production
and why?
A) A fat cell in the abdominal area, because there are many vacuoles full of stored food.
B) A muscle cell, because there are many active mitochondria.
C) A mesophyll cell in a leaf, because there are many chloroplasts.
D) A gland cell, because there are many endoplasmic reticulum.
13. The rough endoplasmic reticulum is identified as item 3 in the diagram above. Give the
function of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
A) information coding and storage
B) transport of materials through the cell
C) modification and shipment of products out of the cell
D) production of ATP energy from the metabolism of sugar and other foods
14. If placed in a hypertonic solution, a plant cell will
A) swell
B) burst
C) shrink in size
D) remain constant in size
15. A major function of the cell membrane in eukaryotes is to
A) produce the energy for the cell.
B) digest nutrients and remove waste.
C) regulate the production of proteins.
D) hold the cytoplasm and other organelles into shape.
16. Which class of biomolecule includes monosaccharides such as the blood sugar glucose, and
the fruit sugar, fructose, which is found in energy drinks?
A) carbohydrates
B) lipids
C) nucleic acids
D) proteins
17. Which statement about the function enzymes in living systems is MOST accurate?
A) Enzymes are proteins that raise the activation energy for chemical reactions.
B) Enzymes are proteins that lower the activation energy for chemical reactions.
C) Enzymes are nucleic acids that raise the activation energy of chemical reactions.
D) Enzymes are nucleic acids that lower the activation energy of chemical reactions.
18. What function do phospholipids perform in living organisms?
A) They are used for short-term energy storage.
B) They serve as the building blocks for proteins.
C) They make up the major component of cell membranes.
D) They store information in the nucleus of a cell.
19. What is the final outcome of mitosis?
A) Reproductive cells called gametes are produced.
B) Two gametes unite to form a zygote.
C) Chromosomes are paired.
D) Nuclear material in the cell divides equally.
20. A red blood cell was placed in a concentrated salt water solution. It would be expected to
A) shrink.
B) swell.
C) divide.
D) grow.
Unit 3 Organisms
21. Pollination is the transfer of pollen to the stigma. Some pollen is transferred for miles to the
stigma of other flowers. Which is NOT a carrier of pollen?
A) birds
B) rain
C) insects
D) wind
22. Which is an example of sexual reproduction?
A) budding
B) conjugation
C) fission
D) mitosis
23. Which is an example of cloning?
A) taking leaf cuttings from a houseplant and growing new plants from them
B) transferring pollen from one flower to another
C) conjugation of two paramecia
D) none of these
24. Carbon dioxide and water are converted to oxygen and glucose through which of the
A) respiration
B) water cycle
C) photosynthesis
D) decomposition
25. Which characteristic is shared by most members of Insecta?
A) hard scales which protect and camouflage
B) metamorphosis from larvae to adult
C) a two-part shell that encloses a soft body
D) an endoskeleton that supports internal organs
26. Which of the following are products of cellular respiration?
A) ADP and oxygen
B) glucose and oxygen
C) ATP and carbon dioxide
D) oxygen and carbon dioxide
27. The following equation describes which process?
6H20 + 6CO2 C6H12O6 + 6O2
A) reduction
B) oxidation
C) photosynthesis
D) cell respiration
28. Many flowers have both male and female reproductive parts. However, some flowers have
only male or female parts. Which are the male parts?
A) stamen, pistil, anther
B) stamen, anther, pollen grain
C) pistil, stigma, style
D) stamen, style, pollen grain
29. Molds often spread by contaminating food that is left exposed to air. Which type of
reproductive process is most likely to spread organisms by air?
A) budding
B) binary fission
C) spore formation
D) vegetative propagation
30. An advantage of external fertilization is that
A) Females do not need to be present.
B) Males do not need to use as much energy.
C) Sperm cells will reach most of the eggs.
D) Males can fertilize eggs at their convenience.
31. When a virus infects a bacterium, what does the virus inject into the cell?
A) viral nucleic acid
B) capsid proteins
C) hormones
D) tail fibers
32. Which describes pollination?
A) pollen landing on the stigma
B) pollen forming a pollen tube
C) pollen fertilizing an egg cell
D) pollen forming the seed
33. Which is NOT true of internal fertilization?
A) Fewer eggs are produced.
B) The eggs have greater protection.
C) Adults return to water for reproduction.
D) The young are more fully developed at birth.
34. What part of a plant functions as an anchor and as an absorption and storage unit?
A) flower
B) leaf
C) root
D) stem
35. For which group of organisms is binary fission the most common type of asexual
A) simple plants like mosses and ferns
B) advanced flowering plants
C) invertebrates such as worms
D) unicellular organisms like amoebae
36. Homeostasis is the maintenance of stable conditions within the body. Which of the following
is a method of maintaining homeostasis in the human body?
A) working in air conditioning
B) shivering when cold
C) eating balanced meals
D) sleeping regularly
37. A bee is gathering nectar from a flower. It has just visited the anther. Where should the bee
visit next in order to cause the plant to be fertilized?
A) ovary
B) stigma
C) stamens
D) sepals
38. Which is NOT an example of asexual reproduction?
A) gamete formation
B) binary fission
C) spore formation
D) vegetative propagation
39. Which is an example of asexual reproduction?
A) Fruit develops around a seed.
B) The offspring of plants have a variety of traits.
C) A neighbor's tulip bulbs can be split and shared with others.
D) Pollen is transported from pistils to stamens in flowers.
40. Which equation represents photosynthesis?
A) C6H12O6 + 6O2 = 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy
B) 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2
C) 2S + 3O2 + 2H2O = 2SO4 + 4H+ + energy
D) C6H12O6 + O2 = C2H5OH + CO2 + energy