9th–10th November 2015
How does learning really
happen at museums and
science centres? How do such
institutions contribute to the
life of society? What impact
do they have on scientific
capital? How can museums
and science centres become
partners to scientists?
The Copernicus Science Centre
and the University of Warsaw
are pleased to invite you to take
part in “Cognitive Adventures”, an
international conference. During the
two-day event, outstanding scientists,
researchers, and practitioners from
Poland and abroad will together seek
answers to the above questions.
The conference will draw together
scientists and scholars who study
cognitive processes, the mechanisms
of learning, and how people experience
institutions of informal education.
Conference objectives:
1. To discuss museums and science
centres as venues for scientific
research. To present inspiring
examples of research and to foster
knowledge-exchange about
visitors who come to science
centres, museums, and other
institutions of informal education,
and about the role such institutions
play in the life of society.
2.To foster contacts between
scientists and practitioners from
museums and science centres,
from Poland and abroad.
The conference will include:
• lectures and discussion sessions
between scientists and practitioners
• workshops and study tours
through the Copernicus Science
Centre’s exhibition space.
It is also intended for representatives
of museums and science centres
who are interested in the issue
of what impact their institution’s
activities have on visitors.
Registration by 15 October 2015.
Registration form and more
information available on the
Copernicus Science Centre website:
Keynote speakers:
Prof. Louise Archer, King’s College,
Prof. Paulo Blikstein, Stanford
University, USA
Prof. Anna Giza, University of Warsaw
Dr Diana Issidorides, NEMO Science
Centre, Amsterdam
Dan Wormald, Natural History
Museum, London
E-mail contact:
[email protected]
Supporting Partners
Strategic Partner