The best web browser to use for registration is Google Chrome. We do not recommend
registering on a smart phone or tablet.
Once a child has been notified of acceptance into the program, please visit the parent portal to
complete steps 1 – 3. Step 4 can be completed when registration opens in June.
Please note: Registration is not complete until payment is received. Successful payments will
be confirmed via email. If you do not receive a confirmation email from BYC after payment,
please contact the BYC office.
1. Log in to the Parent Portal ( using your primary account email
address and password.
2. Next to your chorister’s name, choose “Edit Child Details”. Confirm that the information is
correct – especially your child’s birthdate (correct year), grade and school.
Update your child’s school by choosing the “Select” button and follow the directions. Please
note: in order for a partner school discount to be activated, you must choose the school from
the list rather than entering it manually in the “School (other)” area.
Once your child’s school is selected, choose the “Submit” button on the “Edit Child Details”
3. Answer the question “Do you wish to apply for financial aid?”
If you answer, “YES”, the Financial Aid Portal button will appear. Choose the “Financial Aid
Portal” button. Please complete each section of the Financial Aid Portal:
a. Upload Your Supporting Documents. This includes:
1. A complete copy of your 2014 Federal tax return Form 1040 including Schedule
A, C, D and E if applicable
2. Two current paystubs from each wage earner in the household
3. Other documentation of income such as unemployment and social security
benefits, or public support such as SNAP EBT, Section 8, Medicaid.
b. Select “Financial Aid Form” button. Complete sections 1 – 5. Choose “Submit”.
1. For questions 2-3, please insert a “0” if the question in not applicable.
c. Select the “Pay Application Fee” button. There is a $25 application fee. This fee will
be credited to your 2015-2016 chorus tuition and fees.
d. Please select one of the three options regarding your submission (save and return
later, submit, or submit without documents). You may choose the “Save” button in
order to return to the page later to complete the application OR you may choose the
“Submit” button.
If you do not have access to a scanner, you may fax your documents to our secure fax (718709-8843) or bring them to the Cobble Hill office.
You will be notified when your financial aid application has been reviewed and your award has
been posted. To confirm your award, please visit the parent portal and visit the “Financial Aid
Portal”. You will see your award/parent responsibility for the program year. Once you choose
“confirm” and “submit”, the “Update Registration” Button will appear. See directions below.
If you answer “NO”, the “Update Registration” Button will appear. Choose the “Update
Registration” button. See directions below.
4. Please complete each section of Registration:
a. Upload a current photo (Choose file from your computer and then Upload)
*A head-only picture is best.
b. Confirm that your child’s grade is accurate.
c. Confirm that your child’s school is correct. Update using the school list if necessary.
d. Choose “Your Contact Info” and confirm that the information is accurate and current.
When confirmed, choose “Submit”.
e. Select the “Enrollment Contract” button. Initial each agreement statement and type
your full name at the bottom. When completed, choose “Submit”.
f. Select the “Health Form” button. Complete each section with current information
regarding your child’s health. All active parents/guardians type their full name to
confirm the General Medical Release/Permission. Confirm that the emergency contact
information at the bottom of the page is accurate and current. Choose “Submit”.
g. Select the “Permanent Liability Form” button. Read the release statement carefully.
Both parents/guardians type their full name to confirm the General Liability Release.
Choose “Submit”.
h. Select the “Attendance Policy” button. Parent 1 must type their full name to confirm
the Attendance Agreement. Choose “Submit”.
i. Select the “Demographic Survey” button. Complete the anonymous form and choose
“Submit”. You may also choose to “Decline”.
j. Select the “Pay Now” button.
k. Select which section in which you’d like to enroll your child. Please note: only the
available sections will appear. Select the “Next” button.
l. Registration is considered complete and placement in desired section is confirmed
when payment is received.
• To complete payment, decide if you will pay in full or if you would like to sign
up for monthly payments (ie. Installments).
o Answer the question “Are you paying in installments?”
o Please note: There is a $55 fee (full year)/$30 (spring semester) for
the monthly payment plan that is directly payable to TMS (Tuition
Management Services) upon completing payment. BYC covers
the fee for families receiving financial aid.
• Choose the “Next” button.
m. Your invoice will appear showing the amount you owe. Select the “Pay by Credit
Card/ECheck” button. This leads you to the TMS website. You may press the back
arrow in your browser to return to the BYC parent portal.
• Please note: Successful paym ents are confirm ed via em ail. If you
do not receive an em ail confirm ation, please contact the BYC
n. Enter your payment information. Select “Continue”.