Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering
Ethical Implications of Cloning and
What might be in store for our Future
Quote from William Gatlin
• “I not only think that
we will tamper with
Mother Nature, I
think Mother wants
us to.”
The Process of Cloning
• 1. Place Cells in a petry dish
(grow them in optimal
• 2. Electroshock an unfertilized
egg with a cell nucleus and fuse
them together.
• 3. Implant embryo into human
mother where it can be incubated.
• Artificial womb or a Human womb.
• Surrogate Mothers….Would You be one
for your best friend/sibling?
President Bush’s Decision
• Why is it important to do Federal Research
• No competition when groups are federally funded
• Information is open and information is shared.
• Decision didn’t stop individual people from
• Bush stopped Federal funding from being
issued for future stem cell’s from baby
President Obama signed an executive order ending Bush-era
restrictions on using federal dollars for embryonic stem cell research.
The President explained that:
• Today, with the Executive Order I am about to sign, we will bring
the change that so many scientists and researchers; doctors and
innovators; patients and loved ones have hoped for, and fought for,
these past eight years: we will lift the ban on federal funding for
promising embryonic stem cell research. We will vigorously
support scientists who pursue this research. And we will aim for
America to lead the world in the discoveries it one day may yield.
• ... In recent years, when it comes to stem cell research, rather than
furthering discovery, our government has forced what I believe is a
false choice between sound science and moral values. In this case, I
believe the two are not inconsistent. As a person of faith, I believe
we are called to care for each other and work to ease human
suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to
pursue this research – and the humanity and conscience to do so
Why Fetal Stem cells
• Adult stem cells could be
beneficial…..this is the debate.
• Fluid from Amniotic Sac? (2007)
• Adult stem cells are less
productive than fetal stem
cells…….They divide more
readily……Fetal stem cells
develop organs better.
Ethics of Cloning
• Who do we decide to clone
What does this person look like?
What intelligence level?
What skills are important?
Is height important….What eye
What is a “Perfect Being?”
Certain people can drink the water in
Vietnam, but when we drink a glass,
we could get sick.
People evolve for the situation!
• If we decide to get rid of
diseases……Which ones will
be cured?
• If you get rid of one disease,
another is likely to take its
• The world might be balanced
in some unforeseeable way?
Who is eligible for Genetic
• Will we be curing millions of people,
or people with millions?
• You decide
• Organ transplants are a major reason
for major support.
• Will there be a warehouse of human
• Will there be an extra-you in case you
need better eyes or legs. What happens to
that other person?
• Do they have a soul or even Human
Who is eligible for G.E.
• Old Age……….Is it a disease?
• What elements make up a perfect
• Perfect Pitch
• This might end up with no human
that is more talented than another.
Will clones be Human?
• Threat of cloned armies, or humans
used for experimentation only.
• Will they have a soul?
• Cryogenics
• People have been frozen in hopes for
scientific breakthroughs in the future.
• Certain individuals with money want to
be brought back when there is a cure for
What do you think?
• ???????????????????????????????????????
• Futuristic film about the ethics
of genetic engineering and
living with process and
Student Lecture Assignment
• Students will be divided into groups of 4-6
• The Groups will each read a separate
article regarding bioethics and genetic
• You will design a lecture and teach it to
the class.
• Your lecture must be related to
summarizing your article and teaching it
in some creative way to us.
• Ways to be creative
• (paper/markers/overhead
projector/whiteboard as options/discussion
Student Lecture
• Every student in the group must
be active in providing
information to the class.
• It would be wise to divide the
articles into separate sections for
each group member.
• Be creative and know the