Upload Commits to Collaborative Planning from Excel

Upload Commits to Collaborative Planning from Excel
***Indicates a one-time set up step only
***Step 1 Create Personalized View
This is a ONETIME set up that you will NOT have to repeat.
Log into Collaborative Planning
Go to Planning>Vertical View. Click the Personalize button.
Click Create View button
Enter Name – Planned Order
Leave Row Count set to 25
Check Set as Default box.
Enter Description – Planned Order Download
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Click the Remove All icon to remove all rows in Columns Displayed.
Next add the following to Columns Dislayed in this order. Select each column from the Available Columns on
the left and use the Move icon to move them to the right.
Order Type
Supplier Site
Customer Site
Receipt Date
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Update the Sort Settings as follows:
First Sort = Receipt Date; Sort Order = ascending
Second Sort = blank
Third Sort = blank
Update the Search Query to Filter Data as follows:
Click Add Another and choose Order Type. Click the Add Button
When Order Type appears, select Planned Order.
Click the Apply button in the lower right hand corner when you are through.
Now go back to Planning>Vertical View to create a second Personalized View called Supply Commits.
Click the Personalize button.
Make sure that Planned Order Download is selected and then click the Duplicate button.
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Change the View Name to Supply Commit View
Change the Description to Supply Commit
Uncheck Supply Commit view unless you want this to be your default view.
Leave the Columns Displayed alone. These are the same columns used for the Planned Order Download.
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Do not make any changes to Sort Settings.
In the Search Query to filter date section, change Order Type to Supply Commit.
Click the Apply button in the lower right hand corner when you are done.
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***Step 2 Update Regional settings for File Import
This is a ONETIME set up that you will NOT have to repeat.
On your desktop computer, go to Control Panel>Region. Click the Additional settings button.
In the List Separator field enter ~. Click OK.
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***Step 3 Format Template
This is a ONETIME set up that you will NOT have to repeat.
Go back to Collaborative Planning and go to the Admin tab. Select Load Supply/Demand link.
Click Download templates link
A zipped folder will open. Click the Unzip button and click OK.
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Go to your desktop and find the folder called OA Template and open it. Open the file called
SupplyDemand.dat and put it on your desktop.
Now open Excel. Go to the Data section and choose “From Text” in the upper left hand corner.
In the bottom right, choose All Files and then find the SupplyDemand.dat file you saved to your desktop.
Select that file and click the Import button.
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Choose Delimited and click the Next button.
Select Other and enter ~ in the field provided. Then click Next the Next button.
Change the Item Name and Supplier site columns to Text by highlighting the column and clicking the Text
button. Click the Finish button when you are done.
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Delete the sample rows and save the file to your desk top with a file name of SupplyDemand Template.
You will NOT need to repeat any of the steps done to this point. These are one time set up steps.
You will now use the SupplyDemand template file to upload commits as needed.
Step 4 Download Planned Orders
Go to Planning>Vertical View. In the Views section, select the Planned Order Down download and click the
Go button.
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When the query results are displayed, click the Export All button to create a csv file.
Now open Excel. Go to the Data section and choose “From Text” in the upper left hand corner.
In the bottom right, choose All Files and then find the exported file you just saved to your desktop. Select that
file and click the Import button.
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Choose Delimited and click the Next button.
Choose Tab and click the Next button.
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Change the Item and Supplier site columns to Text by highlighting the column and clicking the Text button.
Click the Finish button when you are done. Save the file to your desktop as Planned Order Download with a
date for future reference.
Step 5 Create and Upload Supply Commit File
Open the template you created and saved in Step #3 (SupplyDemand template). Create a commit upload file
by completing each column as follows using the data from the Planned Order Download file from Step 4.
All other columns should be ignored.
When you are through save the file as an Excel file for your records.
Save the file again as a .csv file and save it with a File Name of SupplyDemand. No other file names or file
type will be accepted.
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Go to Collaborative Planning>Admin>Load Supply/Demand
Choose the SupplyDemand.csv file and click the Start Load Now button.
A message will appear with the request id of your load.
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Now go back to the Admin tab and select View Requests
The status of your upload will be displayed here. Check the Phase and Status column to see if the process
completed normally.
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Check to see if the commits in the upload file are present in Collaborative Planning by using the Supplier
commit download you created in Step 1.
Go to Collaborative Planning>Vertical View. Choose Supply Commit View and click the Go button. You will
see a list of ALL Supply commits including the ones you just uploaded.
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You can also check the status of an upload by going to the Collaborative Planning Home tab.
In the Recent Notifications section you will see a message indicating if the file was loaded successfully or not.
Click the message link to open it for more details. If your file did not load successfully, you will see details
about the reason. In this example, the date format was incorrect on the upload file.
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Deleting Commits
Previously when we used TPC, commits were wiped out and had to be replaced every single week. This is no
longer necessary in Collaborative Planning. Now you only need to update existing commits if required and add
commits for new planned orders.
If you need to remove a commit, you can do that one of two ways:
Remove the commit directly on the UI by replacing it with 0.
Use the upload process and enter D in the Sync Indicator column which will remove the commit for that
Upload File Tips and Tricks
Sync Indicator
File Name
File Type
Date Format
Supplier Site
Item Name
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Remember this….
Make sure the Sync Indicator column has either R or D for every row of
The file name MUST be SupplyDemand with no spaces or additional
The file type MUST be .csv.
The only acceptable date format is 1-Jan-17
The Supplier Site must be at least 3 digits. You will never need to fix this if
you remember to mark this column as a Text column when you import it to
The Item must not have items that have been converted to exponential
format. You will never have this problem if you remember to mark the Item
column as a Text column when you import to Excel.
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