
National report of the Republic of
Holbay Halilov
Head of atomic inspection
State inspectorate on safety industry & mining of Uzbekistan
Regional meeting, IAEA, 19-20 March 2009
Main activity in the field of the radiation
Up to now we have two research reactors,
uranium industry and more than 2000 users,
using radiation sources and nuclear materials (x –
ray facilities, neutron generators and different radiation
sources Co-60, Cs-137, Am-241, Ir-192, Sc-90, I-125, I131, Tc-99m and so on) in industry, mining,
agriculture, medicine and research.
Main legislation of the field nuclear &
radiation protection
1. Sanitary Supervision, 1992.
2. Radiation Safety Law, 31 August 2000.
3. Licensing of separate kind of activities, 25 May 2000
4.The Wastes, 5 April 2002.
5.Code of conduct safety & security of the radioactive
sources, 2005
6.Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel
Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste
Management 11. 12. 2008.
Aaccording to the Laws of Radiation Safety & Wastes, the
Cabinet of ministers and other authorised conduct the state
regulation in the field of radiation safety. The under Laws
we have four State authorities, each responsible for
radiation safety in the field own activities.
Cabinet of ministers of the
Republic of Uzbekistan
inspectorate on
in industry
for protec
tion of
State Inspectorate on Safety in Industry and
Main State Authority responsible for all activities
in the field of nuclear safety and radiation safety
for supervision, inspection, authorization and
safety management of the radioactive waste.
The SISIM as Regulatory Body and Contact
Point with IAEA and responsibility for is state
control and account of the nuclear and
radioactive materials.
The ministry of health of Republic of
The ministry of health Uzbekistan carries out state
sanitary supervision of observance of the
established sanitary norms and rules in the field of
radiation safety, at the manipulation with waste and
responsible for dose assessment, control public
exposure and individual dosimeteric services for
workers and patients.
State Committee for Protection of Nature
State committee of Republic of Uzbekistan
on protection of a nature coordinates activity of
the specially authorized state bodies in the field
of the management with waste and carries out
the state control of observance of the
requirements of the legislation about the
manipulation with waste.
The customs committee is responsible for
the border control by Illicit trafficking of
radiation and nuclear materials.
Norms and rules in the field of the control
of public exposures
1.The radiation safety norms (NRB-2006)
2.The basic sanitary rules for radiation
protection safety (OSP-2006),
Rules of
the organizations of the state systems of account
and control on the sources of ionizing radiation
The present Rules according to the laws of
Republic of Uzbekistan determine the order
of organization of system of the state
account and control on the sources of
ionizing radiation, nuclear materials,
radioactive substances, radioactive sources
and waste of radioactive
The program of actions on protection the
environments of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, for 2008-2012 years
The Program is developed with the purposes of
realization of a complex of measures on
protection of an environment, maintenance of
ecological safety, realization of complex system
of ecological monitoring, forecast and
development of an ecological science and also
increase of ecological culture.
Notification - Authorization – Licensing - Inspections
The atomic inspection division of SISIM is the technical
body for implementing the regulatory functions,
including the registry of sources (is used RASOD v1.3.2)
the preparation of regulations norms on the field of
radiation & nuclear safety and inspection of radiation
Unfortunately, we have limited staff for independent
(8 staff), therefore, we closely co-operate
with other authorities for involve to control of all users
(SCPN, SCC, MoH, General Prosecutor, MoFA, MoIA).
Licensing of separate kind of activities
From 2004 year we started licensing procedures for
all users of the sources of ionizing radiation under
new Cabinet of Ministers Decree № 111, 06 March
2004. After finished, we’ll be correct number of
On the today have received about 90
organizations, which users of radioactive
Inspection and Enforcement
Each year we prepare Inspection Plane, adopted by
Cabinet of Ministers Commission and carry out
inspection activities.
During inspection, we inspect safety and security of all
radioactive sources and facilities, their physical
protection, because under art.22 of radiation Safety law
our inspectorate is responsible for safety and security of
radiation sources and nuclear materials.
Management System
In spite of the fact that the legislative base (Laws “About
radiating safety”, “About a waste”) defines powers of
self-government institutions, the rights and a duty of
citizens in the decision of the given problems in Republic
is not present.
No quality managements system
The missions of the experts IAEA
International nuclear security advisory service mission
(INSServ) -2003
The international physical protection advisory service
(IPPAS)-in 2007
Radiation safety & security of radioactive sources
appraisal (RaSSIA)-2008
Regional workshop authorization and
inspection to include notification and
Expert mission in the field QC/QA
In view of absence in Republic of necessary
means of calibration, laboratory test
problems at carrying out of checking of
dosimetric devices