JULY1: Question 1 : Column A columnB 98^99+99^99 100^10 Ans

Question 1 : Column A columnB
98^99+99^99 100^10
Ans B
Q2. The number is from 1 t0 50 and mean is 18.5. If mean is replaced with 28.5 then new mean equals?
Ans (28.5-18.5)/50
Q3. if a>b>c>d
then col.A col.B
ab cd
Ans D
Q4 If 2*(a+b+c)/7 remainder is 1 then a+b+c= ?
Ans 4
Q.5 If in 2006-2007 2.2% increase
2007-2008 4% increase
in 2006-$1000
Then in 2008 what is the price?ans:1062.88
annihilate(to destroy completly)-help,preserve,revive,save
din(continuous noise)-calm,peace,quite
parasite(secondary meaning)(inactive)-active,invigorant
Blatant(obvious )-inconspicious,subtle
passage volcano :
Ans C,A,A,D
--------------------------1. 1575=3^m5^n7^p
ColA: m+n+p
ColB: 5 ANS:C
2. What is the remainder when 7^0+7^1+7^2……+7^25 is divided by 14? Ans:8
3. DI
4. DI
5. Guests at a recent party ate a total of 15 pork chops. Each guest who was neither a student nor a
vegetarian at exactly 1 pork chop. No pork chop was eaten by any guest who was a student, a vegetarian
or both. The vegetarians attended the party at a rate of 2 students to every 3 non-students, half the rate
of non-vegetarians. If half of the guests were vegetarians, how many guests attended the party?
A. 25
B. 30
C. 45
D. 70
E. 90 ANS:70
6. A figure given, which is exactly same as a question I have encountered in Kaplan Online Test
ColA: Perimeter of Triangle ABC
ColB: 4
7. In a deck of cards there are 52 cards numbered from 1 to 13. There are 4 cards of each number in the
deck. If you insert 12 more cards with the number 10 on them and you shuffle the deck really good,
what is the probability to pull out a card with a number 10 on it?
B. 4/16.
D. 4/11.
E. 1/3. ANS:A
8. (0,0),(a,0) and (3,4) are the vertices of a triangle of area 8.
ColA: a
ColB: 4 ANS:C
9. Y-X=2
ColA: Y+4
ColB: X+5 ANS:A
10. Given the equation of circle x^2+y^2=49 with two points A (4a, 3) and B (0,-b) on the circle.
ColA: Distance between points A and B
ColB: 12 ANS:B
11. There are three secretaries who work for four departments. If each of the four departments has one
report to be typed out, and the reports are randomly assigned to a secretary, what is the probability
that all three secretaries are assigned at least one report?
A. 2/3
B. 1/3
C. 8/9
D. 4/9
E. 2/9 ans:2/3
Ans: Again, if this is the problem on secretaries that I got in 1st July, then, let us consider, n=no. of secretaries
and r=no. of departments. Now total no of ways n^r.
1st secretary can be assigned with report in: rC1 ways
2nd secretary can be in: (r-1)C1 ways and gradually like so. 3rd one can be in (r-2)C1, 4th one can be in (r-3)C1
ways and so on.
If n<r, then some tasks shall remain unassigned as all the secretaries are already assigned with tasks. So, the last
task can be distributed to any of the secretaries, that is in n ways. Hence, the probability shall be: rC1*(r1)C1*….*n/n^r
12. How many 3-digit positive integers are divisible by 78 or 91?
A. 17
B. 19
C. 20
D. 21
E. 22
13. ColA: 10% of sq root of 573.28
ColB: sq root of 57.328 ANS:B
14. A certain holiday is always on the 4th Tuesday of month X. If month X has 30 days, on how many
different dates of month X can the holiday fall?
Options: Do not remember (Sorry)
15. A circle is centred on the origin. Point A and point B are selected at random from within the circle.
ColA: probability that A>B>0
ColB: 125/1000
16. Line P and Q pass through (1,1). The slope of P is less than slope of Q. P passes through (0,x) and Q
passes through (0,z).
ColA: x
ColB: z
17. A and B represent the following:
A: Number of ways in which 12 students can take 3 different tests of 4 students are to take each test.
B: Number of ways in which 12 students can be divided into 3 teams so that each team consists of 4
What is the value of A+B?
Options: Really weird options, do no remember anything.
18. The height of an oak tree when it was planted was 4 feet. The height of the tree increases by a
constant rate each year for the next 6 years. At the end of 6 years the tree was 1/5th taller than it was at
the end of the 4th year. By how many feet did the oak tree increase each year?
A. 2/5
B. 3/10
C. 2/3
D. ½
E. 6/5 ANSlet x be the rate(ht+6x)=(ht+4x)+(1/5)(ht+4x) substitute ht=4,we get rate =2/3
19. Amanda travels from home to work, a distance of ‘d’ miles in ‘h’ hours. She returns home along the
same route and covering exactly the same distance but at an average speed that is 40% more than her
average speed while travelling from home to work. What is Amanda’s average speed for the round trip?
Options were given in terms of d and h.
20. A certain computer program randomly generates equations of lines in the form of y=mx+b. If a point
R, whose co-ordinates are (6,0), is a point on a line segment generated by this program, what is the
probability that the line will not pass through the square region ABCD? Figure provided on the exam.
A. ½
B. ¾
C. 3/8
D. 5/8
E. 7/8
21. ColA: No of ways for selecting 3 things out of 9
ColB: No of ways for selecting 6 things out of 9 ans:9C3 & 9C6 so ,same “C”
22. X is the set of n natural numbers (x1,x2…….xn) and Y is another set of n natural numbers
(y1,y2…….yn), such that ax+by+c=0. If the standard deviation of set X is ‘M’, what is the standard
deviation of set Y?
23. ColA: Area of the region enclosed by the lines |2x|+|3y|=12
ColB: 36
24. DI
25. DI
26. ColA: How many parallelograms are formed if a set of 10 parallel lines intersects another set of 10
parallel lines?
ColB: 90 ANS:B
27. ColA: 0.99998/0.99999
ColB: 1.00001/1.00002 ANS:B
28. A necklace is made by stringing 68 beads together in the repeating pattern: red, green, white, blue
and yellow. The necklace design begins with a red bead and ends with a white bead. A bead is pulled out
of the necklace at random
ColA: Probability that the selected bead is green
ColB: Probability that the selected bead is blue
PS: All the questions above are similar or exactly the same to the questions that I have faced.
july 2nd database
nancy Yesterday at 8:52 pm
Posted: Sat Jul 02, 2011 2:53 pm Post subject: GRE, 2nd July, Hyderabad, V:740, Q:500
These are the quants questions that my cousin Amritha faced in her GRE on 2nd July, Hyderabad:
1.ColA: ways of selecting 3 things out of 9
ColB: ways of selecting 6 things out of 9
2.Something about a tree which was growing for a constant rate for 6 years. Height of the tree was
given. At the end of 6th year the tree was around one fifth taller than it was in fourth year. Was asked
to find the rate of increase per year.
Ans: if this question is similar that I have faced in my test, then, let us consider the rate as x
(height+6x)=(height+4x)+1/5(height+4x), now we can calculate x from this equation
3.A shop sells an item for 125 dollar and another shop sells an item for 75 dollar.
ColA: percentage gained over 125 dollar if the item is bought from the shop selling at 75 dollar.
ColB: 40%
Ans: 50/125*100=40%, so c is the answer
4.Mean of 50 numbers given to be 18.5, and when a number is replaced by some values (28.5), then
what is the new mean of 50 numbers?
5.A very confusing problem on some secretaries assigned with some tasks in an office. It was a
permutation combination problem.
6.A person’s name is STEVE.
ColA: If any 2 letters are interchanged, what is the probability that the spelling is still correct.
ColB: 1/5
Ans: here, 5 letter words can get interchanged with each other when each letter is being interchanged with one
another and only when E is interchanged with E then the spelling remains correct only E can be interchanged to
make the spelling correct. Now total number of ways is 10, 5 alphabets interchanged with one another, and when E
is interchanged with E, the possible number of way is 1, hence, probability is 1/10. Hence, ColB is greater.
7.In a company, 40% of female employees were graduates and 35% of male employees were nongraduates.
ColA: % of graduates in the company
ColB: 55
Ans:D, it cannot be determined since, the ratio or even the number of male and female are not given in the
8.A question with a diagram showing two overlapping circles forming a swimming pool, and was asked
to find the area of the swimming pool. Radius of the both circles were given as 4.
Ans: how can a swimming pool be overlapped? any idea? did it mean that circles being overlapped and formed a
pool? If this the case then, if two circles with same radius overlaps, they create two equilateral triangles between
the overlapping region. now, two base angles of the equilateral triangles forms 120. Total measure of angle from
the radius of a circle is 360, therefore central angle should be 360-120=240. Now, area of a sector is
pi*r^2*x/360, where x is the central angle. Hence, the area should be 16pi*240/360*2 + (root3/4*16*2)=
8root3+64pi/3, where root3/4*16*2 is the are of the two equilateral triangle formed within the overlapping region
of the circle
9.Two graphs were given and were asked to find whether they represent a function or not.
10.A very strange question was given on a computer program generating a straight line and then a
square is being formed. A point is randomly selected and was asked to find the probability that the
line will not pass through the square region.
I can see got repeated from my test. Friends I have no idea how to do that. I made it wrong in my test, because I
asked a senior, and he is too good in maths, he told the probability should be 1/2, but he explained in such an
esoteric way that I cud not understand so if it comes in ur test, just click on the option having 1/2 as the answer
11.Perimeter of a triangle was given as 10, and it was mentioned that the different sides are integers.
It was asked to find the difference between the maximum and minimum possible values of a particular
side mentioned.
Ans: No figure? Which side? Well without figure, a triangle having a perimeter 10 can have sides: 4,2,4 or 4,3,3. I
do not know whether a triangle can be formed with sides 1,4,5 and I think it is not possible. So, we have to
consider the three sides to be 4,2,4 or 4,3,3. Now, difference should be, 4-2=2, but again this I solved without the
figure and the specific side mentioned.
12.Remainder was asked to find out when 3^64 is divided by 28.
13.F(x+3)=F(n), given F(-1)=6, F(0)=5 and value of F(1) was also given. Asked to find the value of
F(19). Ans:-14
14.Another permutation or combination problem was given, where a teacher sets 5 objective type
questions out of which 4 have to be answered. It was asked to find out the total number of ways in
which they can be answered if first 3 questions have 4 choices and last 3 have 3 choices.
Ans: Teacher sets 5 questions and there are total 6 questions to be answered? It does not make any sense. Does
15.Some co-ordinate geometry problem, points X,Y,Z forming a triangle.
ColA: Perimeter of the triangle
ColB: some values (5 or 6)
16.Greatest prime factor of 3^38-2^28
3^64=(3^3)^21 * 3 = (27)^21 * 3 = (28-1)^21 * 3 = { 28k + (-1)^21} * 3= 28k-3/28, if k=1, then remainder
should be 28-3=25. I have found this tactics useful in TIMES CAT preparation material.
Find out the units digit of both 3^28 and 2^28
It will come out to be 9 and 4 so 9-4=5.
Hence it will be divisible by 4..
17.k/60125= sq root 0.02681, it was asked to find the unit digit of k
k/****5 = sq.root of 0.0***1
* bcoz i dont remeber the values :p
c any thing multiplied with 5 will be 5 if odd and 0 if even..
since 0.0***1 cannot be even it means the units digit will be 5...
I hope these are correct...
If they are wrong plz correct me...
1.ColA: 7^20
ColB: 20^7
2. -2<x<9 and -4<y<10, maximum value of x-y
ANS: -1
3. P>a+b
ColA: p+q
ColB: a+b
4. Least number which when divided by 6,7,8,9 will leave a remainder of 3 in each case
ANS: 507
5. 1575=3^m5^n7^p
ColA: m+n+p
ColB: 5
6. How many numbers are there between 1 and 500 inclusive, which are not divisible by either 4 or 7?
7. A comparison question was given regarding the misspell of a person’s name PETER and the probability that the
name was still correct was asked.
ANS: 1/5!
8. P,Q,R are positive integers
ColA: SD of P,Q,R
ColB: SD of P-6, Q, R+6
ANS: b
9. A question on parallel lines and how many parallelograms can be formed.
10. Travelling at 3/4th of a person’s usual speed, he is late by 1 hr 30 mins. What is his usual travel time?
11. –x|x|>0
ColA: square root of (x-10)^2
ColB: (10-x)
12. Maximum number of points where a triangle and a circle can intersect.
ANS: 6
13. A circle is centred on the origin. Point X and point Y are selected at random from within the circle.
ColA: probability that X>Y>0
ColB: 1/8
14. 3 different co-ordinate points are given with k as a y intercept in one and the three points are collinear. Value
of K is asked
15. -11, 12, -13, 14, -15, 16………..Sum of first 37 terms.
16. Numbers of ways in which 12 students can take 3 different tests of 4 students are to take each test.
ANS: (12C3*8C3*4C3)
17. A venn diagram given showing percentages of 3 magazines individually and three of them together. The
question said to find the percentage subscribed to at least 2 of the magazines.
ColA ColB
1/(2-1)*(3-1)*(4-1) 9
2. (2^200+2^200)/(4^50+4^50+4^50+4^50) 2^100
3. ak =1/k- 1/(k+1)
ColA ColB
a3+a4+a5+a6 1/8
4. f(n)=2/n -2/(n+1)
ColA ColB
f(5943) f(5944)
5. In 3 committees there are 8,10 and 15 people respectively. If the total number of people =N then
what is the minimum value of N?
ANS: 13.
I do not feel like 13 to be the answer, if 13 is the minimum number of N, then now can a committee of 15 people
can be formed from 13? The minimum value of N must be 15 because, 1st Committee= 8 people, 2nd
Committee=remaining 7+ any 3 people from Committee 1 and 3rd Committee=all 15
For example, let us consider 15 graduate students who form a committee for Fund raising. Now one committee has
8 students who raise funds within the campus, while another committee of 10 students raise funds outside the
campus in which some students from fund raising inside campus also take part in and the total fund raising
committee is of 15 people. Hence, 15 can be the minimum value of N not 13.
Ans: 15
6. The workers requires 10days to complete each level of a skyscraper if weather and other factors
are OK. If it takes 85 days to complete 7 levels and the delay due to weather is 80 percent of the total
delay then what is the delay caused by other factors?
ANS: 3.
If 1 level is built in 10 days, then 7 levels can be built in 70 days. But the number of days the workers took to built
7 levels is 85, hence there is a delay of (85-70)=15 days. Now 80% of the delay was caused by bad weather, 80%
of 15=12, hence total delay caused by other factors is (15-12)=3 days.
Ans: 3 days
7. A diagram of rectangular solid is given. The diagonal of two faces are given. Asked to find the area
of the rectangular solid.
which diagonals were given? The longest one and another side face diagonal?
If so then, longest diagonal=sq rt of l^2+b^2+h^2, another diagonal could be either sq rt of l^2+h^2 or sq. rt of
b^2+h^2, now we have to solve each of l, b and h by putting equating the above equations. I think it can be done
in this way, but there must be some other easier ways to solve this.
8. Line1 : y=ax+5,
Line2 : y=bx+2; a>0; b<0.
ColA ColB
slope of l1 slope of l2
9. The slope of the line passing through the points (2,5) and (3,a) is -3. Find a.
ANS: 2
10. The Largest prime factor of some 4 digit number.
Depends on the number. For example, if we consider a 4 digit number randomly to 3577, then 3577=7*7*73. Here
73 is the largest prime number of 3577, just do the HCF of the number given.
11. SD of x, y, z is d
ColA ColB
SD of x+1, y+1, z+1 d
12. Population of two years for a country is given. Asked to calculate the percent decrease.
(Year with more population – Year with less population)/Year with more population * 100= we get percent
decrease in population
13. Find y if 1/13 of y is equal to y-13.
ANS: Y=169/12
14. x+7 divided by 3 gives a remainder of 2. What is the remainder when x is divided by 2.
When when x is even, x=4, x+7=11. 11/3 leaves a remainder 2. Now 4 is divisible by 2, hence remainder 0. Again,
when, x=16, x+7=23. 23/3 leaves a remainder 2. Now again 16 is divisible by 2, hence remainder is 0.
Now, when x is odd, x=7, x+7=14, 14/3 leaves a remainder 2 and 7/2 leaves a remainder 1. Again, when x=13,
x+7=20, 20/3 leaves a remainder 2 and 13/2 leaves a remainder 1. I think this should be a comparison question,
and we have to compare the two columns with their values accordingly.
a) No. of pages printed in 1hour
b) 12000
Ans: 3600*2/3=2400 pages, so ColB is greater
2) The sum of ages of 4 people is 36.None of them has age less han 3 year
a) sum of ages 3 years back
b) 30
Ans: None of them has age less than 3 year? I cannot fathom this question.
3) A) 2^70+2^70+2^70+2^70
B) 2^72
Ans: 2^70(1+1+1+1)= 2^70*4= 2^70*2^2= 2^72, hence ColA=ColB
4) a>b b>c
a) ab
b) cd
Ans: D, take positive and negative values of each of a, b and c. Col B shall be cb instead of cd, when a,b,c positive,
then ColA>ColB and when a,b,c negative, then ColA<ColB, double case, so answer is D
5) A) probability of 6 items selected from 9 items
B) probability that 3 items selected from 9 items
Ans: C, since both columns will equal to 9!/3!6!
*Find greater interest gain @ interest rate=7%
A: 6,000, 2 B: 12,000, 1
*Each people read a unique amount of books. Find median of people who read:
- less or equal to 6 books (4 people)
- 7 to 11 books, inclusively (5 people)
- more or equal to 12 books (6 people)
JULY 4th questions
priyanka Today at 5:30 pm
1. Cost price of 11 pens are equal to selling price of 9 pens, what is profit percent? ANS:22.22
2. Distance y to x 10 units , z to x 20 units
ColA:Distance Z to X ColA:30
3. Volume of a cube given as 27 which is painted totally, and are cut into small pieces of unit volume.
Area of the unpainted surface? ANS:54
4. Sum of n consecutive integers is said to even. Some options were given like 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 (all
multiples of 4) and the question said that which could be the sum of the value of n.
5. 83A+DBB=CAC2, where A,B,C,D are different digits, what is D?
6. a/b=3.12, remainder was 24.
ColA: b ColB: 100
7. A pyramid had a square base. The sides of the squares are 20. Height of pyramid? H=s/sqroot2
8. A person is travelling from two cities at 8mph and back at 6mph, average speed was asked.
9. z is a positive odd integer
ColA: number of positive factors for 2z ColB: twice the number of factors of z
10. if two sides of a triangle are 6 and 8, then ColA: area of the triangle ColB: 27
11. a direct question came from powerprep,
ColA: 1/1-0.03 ColB: 1.03
12. 4^30-2^50, when divided by 5, what is the reminder
13. 0.k/5099=0.0382, unit digit of k.
14. A question on hamburgers, which was similar to Dr Raju’s 1st July’s pork chops question.
15. A permutation problem, where a teacher sets some questions and only some questions are to be
answered with some choices, number of ways answering the question.
16. m*n=64, where m and n are positive integers, ColA: m+n ColB:17
17. Something on average weight of a 20 member group increased by 3kg, when a person weighing
around 68 or 72 kg (do not remember exactly the person’s weight) was replaced by a new member.
Weight of the new member?
18. ColA: 25% of sq rt of 983.33, ColB: sq rt of 98.333
19. A probability question where 2 dice are rolled and sum of the number obtained were more than 7;
probability that sum is an odd number.
I can remember all these quants till now. About DI, there was on some country and in 4 different
years people were trying 2 different candies. One question was on percentage increase in one type of
candy from 1st year given to last year. Another question was on inference based, with 3 options out of
which two were related to mean and median increase, last option was given on probability. This DI
was very confusing.
Another DI was on income and expenditure of 10 families in 4 different years, first question asked to
find out the ratio of income:expenditure of the two families whose percent increase in income was
greatest and least respectively. Another was a simple on which told to find out the median of
expenditure of the ten families in the 2nd and 4th year.
July-4 quant update
champ@77 Today at 12:23 am
Quant was very easy......5 to 6 questions were from the previous data base....
4. Two points were given on a straight line (5,t) and (-5,-t) and the distance between the two points is
2*sqrt(34). What is the slope of the line?
5. Twice the sum of three positive integers x,y,z when divided by 7 gives remainder 1 then what is the
remainder when x+y+z is divided by 7?
Ans: 4
6. slope of a line passing from origin and having a point (a,4a/3) is z.
col A col B
Z 45
Ans: A
7. A road roller which levels a surface has height as 16 and diameter as 2, then if it revolves for
around 500 revolutions. What is the area of the land that it covers in 500 revolutions?
Ans : multiply the curved surface area of the cylinder with 500. 2*pi*r*h * 500.
8. A man measures the perimeter of a rectangle for 5 times. The first two measures are less than 200
and the next three are greater than 200.
Col A Col B
The arithmetic 200
mean of the five
Ans : D
9. The cost of a book is $32. A person gets 10% profit on each of the book sold.
Col A : The number of books sold by the shopkeeper to get a profit of $1600
Col B: 500
Ans: C
10. y/x = 5
4x + y = 27
Col A Col B
y+2 X+2
All the questions were of this difficulty.....
DIs were also pretty easy!!!
All d best to u guys!!!
Cost price of 11 pens are equal to selling price of 9 pens, what is profit percent?
ANS: 22.2%
2. Distance y to x 10 units , z to x 20 units
ColA ColA
Distance Z to X 30
3. Volume of a cube given as 27 which is painted totally, and are cut into small pieces of unit volume.
Area of the unpainted surface?
i thnk inner surface area will remain unpainted
Total unpainted surface areas: 27*6*a^2 – total area= 27*6*1- total area
=162 – (6*9)[since volume being 27, each side of cube is 3]= 108
Ans: 108
4. Sum of n consecutive integers is said to even. Some options were given like 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 (all
multiples of 4) and the question said that which could be the sum of the value of n.
ANS: We know that sum of first n natural numbers= n(n+1)/2
Now, for n=8, 8(8+1)/2=36
n=12, 12(12+1)/2=78
n=16, 16(16+1)/2=136
n=20, 20(20+1)/2=210
n=24, 24(24+1)/2=300
All sums are coming to be even, so the options have been garbled I guess, but this is the easiest way to solve this
type of problems
5. 83A+DBB=CAC2, where A,B,C,D are different digits, what is D?
ANS: D=6
6. a/b=3.12, remainder was 24.
ColA ColB
b 100
a/b=3.12=312/100=leaves remainder 12, now multiply both numerators and denominators by 2 (since
12*2=24)= 624/200=leaves remainder 24, and b=200
hence, A>B
Ans: A
7. A pyramid had a square base. The sides of the squares are 20. Height of pyramid?
8. A person is travelling from two cities at 8mph and back at 6mph, average speed was asked.
9. z is a positive odd integer
ColA ColB
number of positive factors for 2z twice the number of factors of z
10. if two sides of a triangle are 6 and 8, then
ColA ColB
area of the triangle 27
11. ColA ColB:
1/1-0.03 1.03
12. 4^30-2^50, when divided by 5, what is the reminder
ANS: 4^30-2^50=((2)^2)^30-2^50=2^60-2^50=2^50(2^10-1)
Now, let us construct the cycle of powers of 2 with respect to their unit digits:
So unit digits of powers of 2 follow the cycle: 2,4,8,6
Thus 50/4=remainder2, hence 2^50 shall end with a 4, as 4 is the 2nd unit digit of the cycle
2^10 shall end with 4 also (10/4 leaves 2 remainder)
Now, unit digit of (2^10-1)=4-1=3
Unit digit of 2^50 is 4, so 4*3=12, which means that the unit digit of 2^50(2^10-1) is 2.
Thus, the dividend shall end with 2 at its units place, which when divided by 5 shall leave a remainder 2 always.
Thus the remainder is 2.
Ans: 2
13. 0.k/5099=0.0382, unit digit of k.
ANS: 1947
3. Guests at a recent party ate a total of 15 pork chops. Each guest who was neither a student nor a
vegetarian at exactly 1 pork chop. No pork chop was eaten by any guest who was a student, a
vegetarian or both. The vegetarians attended the party at a rate of 2 students to every 3 nonstudents, half the rate of non-vegetarians. If half of the guests were vegetarians, how many guests
attended the party?
A. 25
B. 30
C. 45
D. 70
E. 90
(Similar to this)
15. A permutation problem, where a teacher sets some questions and only some questions are to be
answered with some choices, number of ways answering the question.
16. m*n=64, where m and n are positive integers,
ColA ColB
m+n 17
17. Something on average weight of a 20 member group increased by 3kg, when a person weighing
around 68 was replaced by a new member. Weight of the new member?
Let x be the wght of new member,A=AVG
18. ColA ColB
25% of sq rt of 983.33 sq rt of 98.333
19. A probability question where 2 dice are rolled and sum of the number obtained were more than 7;
probability that sum is an odd number
2 conditions: 1. Sum obtained more than 7. And 2. Sum is an odd number.
Now, probable outcomes,
D1 D2 Sum Status
1 2 6 8 Even
2 3 5 8 Even
3 3 6 9 Odd
4 4 4 8 Even
5 4 5 9 Odd
6 4 6 10 Even
7 5 3 8 Even
8 5 4 9 Odd
9 5 5 10 Even
10 5 6 11 Odd
11 6 2 8 Even
12 6 3 9 Odd
13 6 4 10 Even
14 6 5 9 Odd
15 6 6 12 Even
Here we can see the total probable events are 15, out of which sum being an odd number is 6.
Hence, probability=6/15=2/5
Ans: 2/5
20. the increase in rate fr 4 yr is from y to 2.6y. what is the average increase percent.
Percent increase: (2.6y-y)/y*100=160%
Now rate for 4 years, therefore average increase in percent: 160%/4=40%
Ans: 40%
ColB:y ans:d
2. Two overlapping swimming pool with radius 6 of each swimming pool. Perimeter of the swimming pool?
3. In how many ways 3 Xs and 2 Ys can be arranged in a line such that no Ys are together. Ans:6
4. Population of a town is increased at a constant rate of 30% from 1990 to 1998
ColA: population in 1993
ColA: half the population in 1995 ans:a
5. Unit digit of 37^37 ans:9
6. Mean of 20 values was 65, one value 69 is misread as 96, correct mean?
7. Something on a road roller question with revolutions covering the area of a land. Area of the land covered
8. K=105/L, L is integer.
ColA: how many values of L, K is a positive integer
ColB: 8
ANS:VALUES OF L WILL BE FACTORS OF 105 i.e 5,7,3 ,35,21,15,105,1,so values r L=8.so,Col c greater
9. Someone travelling by 75% of his speed got late by 2 hours. Normal travel time is asked?
10. X=10!, how many zeros the number x has? Ans:2
11. A bag contains 20 red and 30 white balls, 3 balls picked at random, probability that all of them are red.
12. ColA: |6|+|-3|+|-3|
ColB: 0
13. A square inscribed in a circle, one side of the square given, question asked to find the radius of the circle.
14. A probability question on some deck of cards
15. A simple time and work problem, where 3 persons can complete work in 3 different days, asked how many
days if they worked together. Ans:1
16. LCM of 2 numbers is 105
ColA: greatest prime factor of the two numbers
ColB: 5
Ans:no will be5,7,3 so th combination is (35,3);(21,5);(7,15)Greatest prime factor is 7.
Ans: c
2. (x-2)(y+3)=0
ans: d
Ans:can’t say,plz post the sum of series formula
4. When (1+22^24) is divided by 23 then what is the remainder?
Ans:don’t know
5. If a function is defined by a@b=a2-2ab+b2 and given that a@3a=144 then what is the value of a?
Area of the shaded region
If the arc length of PQR is 2π and the area is π/2 then what is the radius of the circle?
And length of arc=r*thetha
If the length of each side of the regular hexagon is 2 then what is the y coordinate of point P?
Ans: hypotenuse=2
Side=root(3)/2*sidei.e 2=root(3)