IFR Modeling in progress

Prototype shipping cost & time
July 2009, infos collected from prototype prod. company
2010/06/03 Elba
May 2010, infos from shipping/transport company
Massimo Benettoni
IFR Modeling in progress
Re-modeling of the IFR useful
to define IFR detectors
layout, dimensions, space
for services and cable/fibers
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
Preliminary FEA calculation
Re-modeling of the IFR to perform FEA calculation of modified (reduced) connections between
cradle/arcs and wedges, in order to leave free the outer wedge faces for a layer of scintillators
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
DIRC Modeling in progress
Position references for Fbox are:
three reference points on the back magnetic
shield to define Z position and tilt on X,Y axis
two rails to define Fbox position in XY and tilt
around Z axis
Fblocks to barboxes “gluing” should be
made outside the inner cylinder, thus ~Z=700mm w.r.t. nominal position
Mount extension rails on the Fbox
reference rails
Insert Fbox on the extension rails
Approach barbox to Fblock
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
Magnetic shield
Overall magnetic enclosure could be
composed by a back-shield and two
doors, of adequate thickness
New inner cylinder much shorter than
Babar one (about an half).
New magnetic shield much smaller than
Babar one.
Saving a lot of space in the backward
Opening/partition options: turning doors,
sliding doors, covers to put/remove
Baseline could be turning doors, being
their weight small (1ton @ 20mm
To be calculated wrt weight, magnetic
force, quenches, earthquake,…
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
Magnetic shield
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
Magnetic shield
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni
Some Babar work to be checked/resumed
Is the IFR built according to the drawings?
Are there late modifications or non-conformities not reported in the SLAC (kawasaki)
Does the 30 mm gap - between cradle/arcs and outer wedges – exist? Is it designed and
used to compensate wedges assembly tolerances?
Are there IFR structural calculation?
Which are, how much and how are distributed the loads on IFR : magnet and calorimeter
weight, magnetic forces ….
IFR drawings do not include drawings of magnet, calorimeter and their support. Drawings and
any technical doc. must be collected
In order to modify the connection between cradle/arc and wedges and to correctly size the
new connections all the information above would be useful
Some other question
Magnetic shield: still needed? Which thickness, specs, requirements?
Must back-shield be removable to free IFR face once open?
Any requirement about shield distance from IFR face and its dimension/surface?
Barrel and doors thichness layout
Risk analysis vs earthquake, magnet quench, etc…
2010/06/03 Elba
Massimo Benettoni