Zimmermann Irrigation Monitoring

Hennigsdorf b. Berlin, Germany
Zimmermann Irrigation Monitoring
non-invasive, Internet-based sensor
continuously measurements of plant
water status (turgor pressure) with high
precision in real time under field
The ZIM-probe measures turgor pressure
How well plants are being supplied with water can be viewed by the
innovative magnetic probe that is simply clamped to the leaves
The ZIM-probe measures turgor pressure
Turgor pressure: identicator for plant water status
Pp [kPa]
8 Jul
12 Jul
16 Jul
20 Jul 2009
Part of a 3-month ZIM-probe turgor pressure reading under field conditions on
grapefruit (arrows mark irrigation)
Today Feedback Control System
The ZIM system informs the user worldwide about the water status of their plants
(turgor and leaf temperature)
ZIM-data visualisation
Semi-manual data-evaluation and
irrigation recommendations
ZIM-user data center
Today Sensor Portfolio
(turgor pressure)
ZIM-temperature probe
(local ambient temperature)
soil moisture
light sensor
(PAR or
The ZIMtransmitter is
...all combinations
Bader et al. (2012) Drought stress physiology of evergreen sclerophyllous broad-leaved trees assessed with the
non-invasive magnetic turgor pressure probe. Submitted to Oecologia.
Bramley et al. (2012) Non-invasive pressure probes magnetically clamped to leaves to monitor the water status of wheat.
Submitted to Plant and Soil.
Ben-Gal A et al. (2010) Whole-tree water balance and indicators for short-term drought stress in non-bearing ’Barnea’ olives.
Agricultural Water Management 98, 124-133.
Ehrenberger W et al. (2011) Leaf patch clamp pressure probe measurements on olive leaves in the nearly turgorless state.
Plant Biology 14, 666-674.
Ehrenberger W et al. (2011) Concomitant dendrometer and leaf patch pressure probe measurements reveal the effect of
microclimate and soil moisture on diurnal trunk water and leaf turgor variations in young oak trees. Funct. Plant Biol. 39,
Fernandez JE et al. (2011) Online-monitoring of tree water stress in a hedgerow olive orchard using the leaf patch clamp
pressure probe. Agricultural Water Management 100, 25-30.
Lee K. et al. (2011) On-line monitoring of changes in leaf water status of tomato plants using leaf patch clamp pressure
probes. Physiol Plant. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2012.01637.x..
Rodriguez-Dominguez CM et al. (2012) Concomitant measurements of stem sap flow and leaf turgor pressure in olive trees
using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe. Agric. Water Manage. 114, 50-58
Rüger S, Zimmermann U. (2010) LaborPraxis 34, 26-28.
Rüger S et al. (2010) Remote monitoring of leaf turgor pressure of grapevines subjected to different irrigation treatments
using the leaf patch clamp pressure probe. Austr. Journal of Grape and Wine Research 16, 405-412.
Rüger S et al. (2010) Comparative monitoring of temporal and spatial changes in tree water status using the non-invasive leaf
patch clamp pressure probe and the pressure bomb. Agric. Water Management 98, 232-290.
Westhoff M et al. (2009). A non-invasive probe for online monitoring of turgor pressure changes under field conditions. Plant
Biology 11, 701-712.
Westhoff M et al. (2009) Distribution and function of epistomatal mucilage plugs. Protoplasma 235, 101–105.
Zimmermann D et al. (2008) A novel, non-invasive, online monitoring, versatile and easy plant-based probe for measuring leaf
water status. Journal of Experimental Botany 59, 3157-3167.
Zimmermann U et al. (2010) Effects of environmental parameters and irrigation on the turgor pressure of banana plants
measured using the non-invasive, online monitoring leaf patch clamp pressure probe. Plant Biology 12, 424-436.
Contact persons:
Prof. Dr. U. Zimmermann (CSO)
Phone: +49 (0)176 10365322
[email protected]
ZIM Plant Technology
Neuendorfstr. 19
D-16761 Hennigsdorf, Germany
Dipl. Biol. Simon Rüger (CEO)
Phone: +49 (0)163 4042889
[email protected]