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APGNN Annual Report to
Membership 2016
Ryan Shonce, RN,MSN,FNP-C
President APGNN
Thanks to our Sponsors!
Clinical Practice
President /Executive Board
• Supports the Mission Statement of APGNN
• With the treasurer and committee chairs of
APGNN, determines the annual budget
• Pursues fund raising for APGNN through
industry grant support
• Serves as APGNN’s representative to
• Participates in APGNN Program development
• Invited APGNN Representative on NASPGHAN
IBD Committee
Ryan Shonce, MSN,FNP
President APGNN
Clinical Practice
Strategic Plan
• The APGNN action plan aimed at increasing APGNN membership
acquisition, engagement, and retention
– Creation of a Listserve supported through NASPGHAN
– Increasing APGNN involvement on NASPGHAN committees
– APGNN collaboration with NASPGHAN, CPNP,PCG
– Continued creation of educational offerings to our members
free of charge as a member benefit.
– Pursue advancement opportunities through certification
Clinical Practice
6-12 Month Goals
– We have improved our APGNN membership experience by relying
more on support from the NASPGHAN office
– With support from NASPGHAN administration we did successfully
launch the APGNN Listserve, a membership benefit that has been
consistently requested for many years.
– APGNN members will continue to serve on NASPGHAN committees.
– Increased engagement in recent NASPGHAN Advocacy efforts and
plans to continue to make this a priority as much as possible
Clinical Practice
6-12 Month Goals
• We worked closely with Dr. Heubi, and the Montreal organizer, Yee
Fun Wong in regard to World Congress planning.
– International venue resulted in unique challenges but has been an excellent
opportunity for collaboration
• APGNN, CPNP, and PCG have created the first day of our 2016
Annual meeting as a multidisciplinary collaborative including all
– We will work to create a more formalized process to make future planning efforts
more streamlined and transparent.
Clinical Practice
1-3 Year Goals
Reviewing archived webinars and applying for RN continuing education hours for members.
– Unfortunately since APGNN members were not on faculty, this is not possible for past
– Future projects will have APGNN representation and we are also pursing other avenues
for CEU credit
Moving forward all material produced through NASPGHAN will be submitted for nursing
education hours along with CME and RD hours.
– NAPNAP as well as the Boys Town Education department are willing to work with
NASPGHAN and APGNN moving forward as these educational opportunities are
presented. APGNN will need to be part of the process at the time the project is initiated
in order for the application to be processed.
Ongoing involvement with NASPGHAN committees
Professional development opportunities
Clinical Practice
Overall Outcomes
• We have increased our rate of new membership
applications significantly since the annual meeting through
the following initiatives:
– Buy 3 Get One Free-intended for NASPGHAN members and
institutions that support their nurse’s membership
– APGNN Membership Booth at NASPGHAN-space complimentary
– Handbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology 2nd ed. Available for
purchase while supplies last.
Clinical Practice
Overall Outcomes
• Our organization successfully negotiated a membership
agreement between APGNN and NAPNAP (National
Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners).
– The agreement allows members to join both organizations and
receive a 20% discount as a result of dual membership.
– APGNN currently works closely with NAPNAP as the provider for
our Annual Meeting CEU’s.
– APGNN was an Invited guest at NAPNAP Annual Conference
Clinical Practice
Overall Outcomes
• APGNN does not have the member numbers
or resources to pursue formal certification at
– Numerous other options to improve engagement
and advancement do exist and will be explored in
the near future
Clinical Practice
• Our infrastructure and lack of formal structured
administrative support has made budgeting difficult.
• Technology challenges in relation to website support
and features
• All volunteer board, it is often difficult to move projects
and initiatives forward due to limited resources both
financial and human.
Clinical Practice
•Accurately records the minutes of all
•Prepares budget, maintaining fiscal
•Maintains a current financial report
•Prepares records for accountant for
Rosemary Pauley-Hunter, APRN
Secretary/Treasurer APGNN
As of 9/22/2016
Income Year to Date
Dues: $23,480 (19,032), Conference grants: $24,200(25,000)
Other: $275(5000)
Expenses Year to Date
Board retreat: $5889.03 (3193.37), Conf. exp. to date: $400
(1120.83), NASPGHAN $1811.45 (3243.75), Website $606.34 (1224.15)
Balances to Date
$65,484.20 (47,491.52)
$30,071.88 (30,065.36)
Comparison to 2014-16
Income Year to Date $38,755.00
Increase in dues, but decrease in “Other” income
Expenses Year to Date
This year– Decrease in NASPGHAN fees and website costs
Balances to Date
Savings: $30,071.88
Clinical Practice
President Elect
• Working closely under the mentorship of
current APGNN President to gain experience
• Active participation in Nursing Alliance
• Assists Clinical Practice Committee, Patient
Education and Program committee
• Active investigation regarding creating a formal
certification program for Peds GI
• APGNN Representative on NASPGHAN Ethics
Amy Donegan, RN,CPNP
President-Elect APGNN
Clinical Practice
Past President
•Seeks nominations for officers
and the Board of Directors from
the Association’s membership
•Supports Fundraising for APGNN
Annual Meeting
Diane Kocovsky, APRN
Past President APGNN
Clinical Practice
Patient and Family Education Committee
Excellence in Education Award Winner:
• Jessica Serino-Cipoletta, RN, BSN, CPN Boston Children’s
Hospital Liver Program Nurse Coordinator
•Patient focused educational comic book on Hepatitis B
“The Adventures of Captain Immunity”
•Active contributors to content on
•Collaboration with NASPGHAN Foundation for 2 toilet training
•Actively seeking new committee members and ideas to help
increase our practice and improve patient/family education
Pam Morgan BSN, RN
Clinical Practice
Program Committee
This was the first year we presented a
joint conference with Council of
Pediatric Nutrition Professional and
Psychology Collaborative Group.
 14.25 Contact hours
 2 pharmacology contact hours
 Contact hours for posters
Maureen Egan, APN
Program Committee Chair
Clinical Practice
Clinical Practice Committee
The goal of the committee is to provide learning
opportunities aimed at improving the clinical
practice of the APGNN members.
• 2016 Projects:
• Liver learning e-learning modules for CEU
• Enteral Feeding tube e-learning module
• Prior learning modules on GI disease for CEU including
Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, constipation and reflux.
• 9 Phone triages have been created to help assess patients
• Clinical Vignettes (reporting of interesting cases that have a
lesson to be learned) at the conference and in our newsletter
Outgoing chair: Kerry Zabriskie Reed,
Incoming chair: Donna Garner,
Clinical Practice
Media Committee
• Quarterly publication of the
• Committee reports to update
membership of different board
• Post to social media sites
Outgoing chair: Amy
Donegan RN, CPNP
Incoming chair: Sharon
Perry, RN, CPNP
Clinical Practice
Membership Committee
Reviews membership applications
Coordinates with NASPGHAN staff to maintain
current membership and update status of each
Conducts activities focused on membership
recruitment and retention
Reviews applications for conference scholarships
as well as Mentoring and Excellent in Nursing
Practice awards
Outgoing chair: Robyn
Robinson, CPNP
Incoming chair:
Bernadette Diez, RN,NP
Clinical Practice
Membership Incentives 2016
•NAPNAP/APGNN joint membership agreement continues. This gives
members of either group 20% off when joining or renewing with the
second organization.
•Group Membership Incentive applies when 4 new and renewing
members pay together, the fourth membership is free.
•A limited number of Clinical Handbooks of Pediatric Gastroenterology
and Nutrition are available at the APGNN booth for $10 with each new
•To learn more, visit the APGNN Exhibit Hall Booth
Clinical Practice
APGNN Conference Scholarship Recipients 2016
Breanne M. Bartek, RN, BSN
Boy’s Town National Research Hospital
Sharon Perry, MSN, CPNP
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital
Lindsay Wilson, MSN, RN, CPNP
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Clinical Practice
APGNN Mentor Award 2016
Dr. Joseph Levy
Director, Special Projects in Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
New York University
APGNN Excellence in Nursing Practice Award 2016
Susan N. Peck, MSN, CRNP
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Research Committee
2016 World Congress, APGNN Presentation
• Total of 23 poster abstract submissions submitted in the areas
of research, quality improvement, and case studies.
The submissions were from USA, Israel, Qatar, Canada, Turkey,
Mexico, Brazil, and China
Susan Moyer Research Grant: Annual Nursing Research Outreach
2014 recipient: Nancy Murray, underway
2015 recipient: Denise Pollard-Manigault, PhD, CPNP , underway
Committee Work/Membership Development:
Continues as part of the NASPGHAN Research Committee
Survey of membership
Regional/National Initiatives/Studies: Surveys provided to our
Goldie Markowitz, CRNP,
membership for:
• Adherence Study
• Tube Feeding Study
APGNN Annual Social Event
Hyatt Montreal
“Inspiration Room”
1255 Rue Jeanne-Mance
Friday October 7th in the following rooms:
Media 513 A
Research 513 B
Pt and Family Education 513C
Clinical Practice 513D
Program 514 A
Membership 514 B