“Cool” Students of the Week

Mrs. Borges’
December 12, 2014
Important Dates
Tues. Dec. 16th: Math Minds,
Wed. Dec. 17th: KCS goes to
KHS for their Annual Winter
Solstice Concert, 8:45-10:45am
Thurs. Dec. 18th: Math Minds,
PTO Meeting is cancelled
Fri. Dec. 12th and Sat. Dec.
13th @ 7:00pm, and Sun. Dec.
14th @ 2pm: 8th Annual
Christmas Cabaret: A
Generational Christmas,
Killingly Recreation Center, 185
Broad Street, Danielson
Sun. Dec. 14th:
December Birthdays:
Happy Birthday to Seth
LaFlamme on December 20th
and Emily Goulet on December
Hello Parents/Guardians!
The month of December seems to be quickly
getting away from me. The holiday season is upon
us and with that students have been busy creating their gifts
for their Boxes of Hope and Inspiration secret box buddy. To
go along with the theme of hope and giving, we are reading
the novel Any Small Goodness by Tony Johnston. Readaloud time in Room 103 is our “sacred” time in which we
settle our listening ears into a good book, and this novel has
kept everyone’s attention thus. I would like to thank all of you
parents and guardians for supporting your child with his/her
Box of Hope gift project. It is so important for students to
realize that the best gifts come from the heart, and that the
true meaning of the holiday season is giving to others and
providing hope and inspiration to those in need.
I have another holiday project that I would like the
students to participate in. However, we have so much going
on with the Boxes of Hope and Inspiration that the other
grade 4 teachers and I have decided to hold off until after the
holidays. We are calling it “Holidays Around the World” and it
will require students to research their family’s roots and
prepare a short presentation on the holiday traditions of the
country of their heritage. Included in this would be the
opportunity to prepare a food item that represents the
traditions from that country and share it with the class on the
day of the presentations. I have done this project with
students in the past and it has been very well received. I look
forward to celebrating each student’s heritage with the class
after the holidays. 
Sincerely, Mrs. Borges
The KCS Sharing Tree: In continuing the KCS long-time tradition, the school is collecting books for our Sharing Tree.
These books will be wrapped and donated to a local shelter where they will be given as gifts to children at the
shelter. Please consider donating a book. Books will be presented on Dec. 23rd at our school Holiday Assembly.
Mrs. Hillary Borges
Email: [email protected]
Killingly Central School 60 Soap Street Dayville, CT 06241
Webpage: There is now a link for parents and students to view vocabulary
words they are working on under the “Words Their Way” link. Check it out!
Lunch Menu
*Bean and veggie salad always
available, lunch 2: bagel with
cream cheese & yogurt, lunch 3:
Monday: Whole grain pizza
wedge, broccoli florets, mixed
fruit, corn
Tuesday: Sloppy Joe on bun,
baby carrots, Caesar salad, fresh
Wednesday: Chicken parmesan
sandwich on whole grain bun,
green beans, tater tots, apple
Thursday: Chlean Day: “Arepas”
with chicken, cheese and salsa,
side salad,
rice pudding
Egg and
on roll,
turkey sausage
salads, pear cobbler,
KCS “Cool” Students
of the Week:
Grady Ross
Emily Goulet
Olivia Hamelin
Antoinette Garcia
Benjamin Rondeau
Jane Stockford
Thomas Dreibholz
Laci Martin
Christian Lippard
Evan Watling
Conner Stravato
Avi Miller
Tianna Wallace
Seth LaFlamme
Antoinette Garcia
What We’re Learning
Reading: Working on pushing our thinking about
characters to use more precise, powerful words and
phrases to describe them; finished our read-aloud novel
Shredderman: Secret Identity by Wedelin Van Draanen,
and watched the movie; compared and contrasted the
book and movie using a Venn Diagram; practiced our
nonfiction reading skills by identifying nonfiction text
features and how they help readers understand the text
better; read and discussed important events that took
place in the world in 2014 and reflected on important
events in our own lives.
Math: Continued practicing skills adding and
subtracting multi-digit whole numbers using both the
partial sums algorithm and the traditional (standard)
algorithm of regrouping; working on multiplying multidigit whole numbers using the partial products algorithm
and The Area Model for Multiplication; beginning to
understand how to use the Distributive Property to help
us solve multi-digit multiplication problems.
Writing: Working on editing/revising and publishing
our narratives as the unit winds down; practiced our
letter-writing skills and typing skills with our ongoing Pen
Pal Writing project.
Stop and Shop A+ School Rewards
You can earn cash for KCS whenever your use your
card at Stop & Shop! All you have to do is register
your Stop & Shop Card online at
www.stopandshop.com OR by returning the orange
form to school with your child that includes your
name, telephone number, and 13 digits of your Stop
& Shop Card. Thank you for your support! _______
Please see the notice sent home today
about our class party on Mon. Dec. 22nd. I
am asking students to sign up to bring in
an item to help with the festivities.