Contents - Pennington CofE School

PROSPECTUS 2014-2015
LA12 0RR
Tel: 01229 587253
Fax: 01229 588346
1. Welcome letter from the Acting Headteacher, Mrs Gill Pett
2. Our School’s Vision and Aims
3. The Curriculum
4. Every Child is Special
5. Parents and the School
6. School Governors
7. Important procedures and policies
8. The school routines
9. School Uniform (including PE kit)
10. First Aid, Medicines and Emergency Contacts
11. Invitation to come and visit
12. How to contact the school
Appendix 1 Staff List
Appendix 2 School Times & Holidays
Appendix 3 School Governors
Welcome to Pennington CE Primary School
I am very pleased to welcome you to Pennington CE (Voluntary Controlled) Primary
School. We hope that if you choose to send your child to our school you will be very
happy with us and enjoy your time as members of our school community.
At Pennington we want to create a learning environment that is exciting, challenging,
safe and happy. We want to unlock the potential of every child to help them achieve
both, in their learning and as they grow into young people. We pride ourselves on
being a friendly, welcoming school. If you have not already visited, please do come and
see the children at work and play.
We recognise the importance of developing all the abilities of the children, and offer
opportunities for them to take part in additional activities. We have excellent
facilities and grounds all of which are used to meet the needs of our children.
This prospectus is intended to give details about the school, its organisation and what
we have to offer you and your child. We hope it will be a useful guide and answer
some of your immediate questions. If you require further information, please do not
hesitate to contact me.
Gill Pett
Acting Headteacher
Our School Vision and Aims
We want our children to have an equal opportunity to achieve success and reach their
full potential, regardless of gender, race, culture or background; and to become
independent learners within a Christian environment, which is safe, caring and happy.
The whole school is committed to an exciting and relevant curriculum that is
appropriate for individual needs and gives everyone the opportunity to succeed.
By working closely with children, staff, parents and the community, we will strive to
help our pupils develop into well-motivated, responsible and fulfilled young people.
School Aims
Pennington CE Primary School has a philosophy where the needs of the children are of
paramount importance and our aims are based on the five outcomes of Every Child
Matters:Be Safe
Be Healthy
Enjoy and Achieve
Achieve Economic Well Being
Make a Positive Contribution
At Pennington CE Primary School we aim for every child to be safe.
All children are safe, and feel safe from harm, neglect and bullying in a Christian
environment which is happy, caring and nurturing and ensures every child is heard.
At Pennington CE Primary School we aim for every child to have a healthy
All children to develop high self-esteem, self discipline and respect for others, and
understand the importance of choosing a healthy lifestyle.
At Pennington CE Primary School we aim for every child to enjoy school and
achieve to their full potential
Promoting a love of learning and an enjoyment of achievement; ensuring the highest
academic and social progress and achievement for each individual child. Recognising
that children develop at different rates, possess a variety of skills and abilities, have
different needs and display a range of personalities and interests.
At Pennington CE Primary School we aim for every child to achieve economic well
All children to be life long, enquiring, motivated and happy learners; with a desire and
confidence to learn, achieve and make decisions, and yet not to be afraid to make
Developing an understanding of the wider world, occupations & opportunities in the
local community and beyond.
At Pennington CE Primary School we aim for every child to make a positive
contribution to the school and the wider community
All our school community to have mutual respect, kindness and consideration for
others and recognise and celebrate the variety of cultures, religions, languages,
experiences, needs, views and personal attributes within our school and the wider
The Curriculum
The school curriculum provides all children with a wide range of learning
opportunities. These experiences equip children with literacy and numeracy skills and
stimulate interest and enquiry. The schemes of work fulfil all the requirements of the
National Curriculum.
English (Literacy)
Much time is spent developing children’s confidence and skills in the four aspects of
language; speaking, listening, reading and writing. In common with most primary
schools, Pennington has adopted the Literacy Hour and follows the framework for
Literacy. This provides for a daily hour of literacy teaching, structured to ensure
that children have a mixture of whole class and group teaching as well as independent
Reading at home is encouraged and children have books to take home and share with
their families. A large emphasis is placed upon the acquisition of language skills and
much time is spent talking to children and asking them for their opinions and
responses which are always highly valued.
Numeracy (Maths)
From an early age the children cover all aspects of maths – number, algebra,
measures, shape and space and data handling. We use practical work, physical
apparatus and problem solving activities to teach the basic skills and to develop
knowledge and understanding. Where possible children will practice and apply these
skills through ‘real-life’ situations. Within the school we have an agreed structure for
each of the four number operations. This may mean that your child does their
subtraction sums in a different way to the way you learnt at school! If you would like
to know more about the methods and procedures we use please do not hesitate to ask
you child’s teacher.
Religious Education and Collective Worship
Religious Education (RE) and Collective Worship is undertaken in accordance with the
requirements of the 1988 and 1993 Education Reform Acts. Assemblies, which take
place daily, are broadly Christian in character and support the children in their
development of personal and social principles and values. Assemblies are also
opportunities to promote the essential ethos of our school – We want our children to
have an equal opportunity to achieve success and reach their full potential, regardless
of gender, race, culture or background; and to become independent learners within a
Christian environment, which is safe, caring and happy.
To increase the children’s awareness and understanding of the increasingly multicultural society in which we live we also learn the main beliefs, practices and
important festival of other religions. We follow the Agreed Syllabus for RE that has
been developed for all primary schools in Cumbria. Parents may ask to withdraw their
children from RE and Collective Worship (Education Act 1944). If you would like to
discuss RE or collective worship please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Sex and Relationships Education (SRE)
Teachers not only respond to a pupil’s question naturally as they arise but also teach
SRE education as an integrated part of the curriculum with particular links with
Science (life processes / living things). The importance of family life is taught and
more generally, pupils learn about the importance of health, for instance – exercise,
food and nutrition and personal hygiene. Drug and alcohol awareness is studied in
Year 6.
Parents may request to see the school’s ongoing programme of ideas for SRE.
Parents may appeal to the Governors for permission to withdraw a child from SRE.
The key to young children’s scientific learning is exploration and investigation. We
cover all areas of the science curriculum and as children progress from Foundation
Stage to the end of Key Stage 1 they are developing and understanding, enabling then
to develop scientific concepts and explain their findings.
As the children progress into KS2 the units of work covered are set within the
National Curriculum three main areas of;
Life processes and living things, Materials and their Properties, and Physical
Scientific enquiry is an integral part of these three areas and is designed to help
children to develop their skills of enquiry prediction, and explanation and analysis of
Science is an exciting and stimulating part of the curriculum and it encourages
children to observe and explain natural occurrences in their environment.
Information and Communication Technology
ICT is developed across the curriculum. The school provides up-to-date computers
across the curriculum to support pupil’s learning. ICT skills and experiences follow a
logical development path from one year group to the next. A whole school approach
to planning and delivery of the National Curriculum includes ICT as an integral part of
the teaching and learning environment.
Pupils’ ICT use and skills development are monitored and recorded. Parents are
encouraged to share ICT discovery with pupils in the classroom. It is helpful if pupils
have access to a computer at home, to help develop their ICT competence.
Foundation Subjects - Art, Design Technology, Geography, Music,
Physical Education
As part of the wider curriculum children study a range of subjects within the
National Curriculum and the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. In Foundation
Stage & Key Stage 1 this tends to be done through topic work where there is a
balance of subjects covered and the links between subject areas can be fully
In Key Stage 2 subjects are generally taught by their class teacher and may be
undertaken as a blocked project for a period of time or as individual lessons each
Peripatetic music teachers provide woodwind, brass and guitar tuition for pupils
wishing to play these instruments. There is a charge made for these lessons.
A strand of Environmental Education permeates through many main topics studied and
pupils are encouraged to develop a responsible attitude towards the preservation of
our planet.
Years 1 and 2 children go swimming at Dalton Leisure Centre during the summer term
We have recently introduced a Modern Foreign Language into the curriculum as
French is taught in Key Stage 2.
Every Child is Special
All parents want their children to be happy and successful in school. However, we
know that on average 1 in every 5 children will need some extra help with their
learning, behaviour or language skills at some time whilst at school.
Excellent attention is given to the care of all pupils. Staff, work tirelessly to
ensure that all pupils make the best of all the opportunities presented to them.
The care, guidance and support given to those pupils who are vulnerable or at risk
are extremely effective. Transition to secondary school is carefully planned for
all pupils. The strategies used to improve pupils’ attendance have been effective.
The well attended breakfast club provided by the local Nursery is an excellent
facility which gives pupils a very good start to the day and encourages regular
attendance. We believe that all these aspects demonstrate the high quality of care
provided by all those connected with Pennington CE Primary School
At Pennington our specialist support is managed by Mrs Davies (the SENCO – Special
Needs Co-ordinator). Parents as well as teaching staff can refer a child
who needs extra help to Mrs Davies. You may be aware of difficulties that your
child is having that your child’s teacher does not know about. If so, please drop
in to see Mrs Davies, or your child’s teacher as soon as possible. If you tell us we
can do something about it!
The key to children making progress is a partnership between home and school.
The support and encouragement you can offer your child can make a big
difference to the progress they make.
The most important person in all of this is your child. Like you, we know that your
child is special and we will do our best to help them succeed.
Parents and the School
At Pennington we like to think that school and parents work in partnership for
the benefit of the children. School welcomes parents to come in if they have
any issues or problems to discuss. Class teachers are available after school and
Mrs. Parker or Mrs Fitzgerald are in the office to pass on messages or try to sort
out any difficulties.
If you need to see Mrs Pett, the Acting Head teacher, please ask at the school
Pennington also welcomes parents to take part in the numerous learning
opportunities which are offered. School encourages parents to be actively
involved in their child’s learning and when necessary we can run family learning
sessions to enable parents to help their child at home.
Parents are also very active in school putting on events and raising money. The
Friends of Pennington School (FOP) meet regularly and hold events for
the children and parents alike as well as Christmas Fayres, raffles etc.
All the money raised goes towards buying items for school which will benefit the
New members are always welcome so if you would like to join please speak to any
committee member or to Mrs Pett.
Educational Visits
At Pennington, we have an extensive enrichment programme where children
have the opportunity to go on a number of trips each a year with their respective
We have also set up a programme of residential visits for the children in Years 4, 5 &
6. All three Year groups go to Hinning House near Broughton; the Year 4 children stay
for 1 night, the year 5 children stay for 2 nights and the year 6 children stay for 3
The experiences and skills that the children benefit from and develop are built on
year on year. Consequently the end of year 6 the children have acquired a wide
variety of skills through many different experiences.
School Routines
School routines at Pennington are very important to ensure that children are
settled and ready to learn during their lessons. For those parents who need to drop
their children off early there is the excellent Breakfast Club at Pennington Nursery.
The children are brought from the club to school by the staff ready for the start of
The gates open at 8.30am, the children go into class from 8.35am and school starts
at 8.45am.
There is a morning break for all children and during their break the children are
allowed a snack. The Foundation stage and KS1 children have a piece of fruit,
provided by the governments Fruit for Schools Scheme.
At Lunch times not all the children can eat in the hall at the same time; some year
groups will play in the playground first and then swap over. We do ensure that the
children get enough time for exercise and to interact with other children in the
School Uniform including PE Kit
We positively encourage our children to wear our school’s uniform colours!
We want the children to take pride in their appearance, so please encourage them to
come to school dressed smartly
The school uniform consists of the following items:Winter – Boys and Girls
 White polo shirt showing the school logo
 White polo shirt without the school logo
 Red jumper showing the Pennington school logo
 Red jumper
 Grey or black trousers or skirt/pinafore dress for girls
 Same as for winter
 Girls – red gingham dress
 Boys and girls – red/grey shorts
The school uniform and PE kit can be purchased at Identity (formerly known as
Trends) Cavendish Street, Barrow-in-Furness.
Please name/label all items of school uniform.
White t/shirt showing the school logo
Plain white t/shirt
Navy blue shorts
Black, slip on pumps
a drawstring pump bag in which to keep PE items, which is named
Football boots, if appropriate.
Pupils must not wear jewellery to school, other than earring studs and a watch. Older
pupils can remove their own earrings. Teachers are not responsible for removing or
the safekeeping of jewellery.
After school clubs
There is a wide variety of after school clubs on offer throughout the year (for which
there is usually a charge), to all children from Year 1 to Year 6. The charge for the
club usually goes to pay the coach or if it is a class teacher in charge then the money
goes towards buying new equipment for that club.
Clubs are regularly changed to ensure that there is a wide variety of different types
of club on offer, throughout the year. A letter is sent home at the start of each
term to notify parents and children of the clubs that are on offer to them.
Details of the after school clubs each term are also posted on the school’s Moodle
site:There is an After School Care Club run by the staff at the Nursery. Parents register
their child for this club and the staff collect them from school and take the children
to the Nursery until they are collected by their parents. If you wish to use either
the Breakfast or After School Clubs please contact Carrie at Pennington Nursery –
01229 582212
First Aid and Emergency Contact
Basic first aid is given at school if your child has a minor accident. If however
your child becomes unwell or has a more serious accident, we will contact you
immediately. This means that it is vital that we have up-to-date information on
where you or another nominated adult can be contacted in an emergency.
Doctors occasionally advise that pupils should attend school while still receiving
medicine, either because they are suffering from some chronic illness or allergy
(e.g. diabetes or asthma) or because they are recovering from short term illness
and are undergoing a course of treatment needing medicine. For legal reasons, it
is difficult for the school to administer medicine to children. Where at all
possible your child should either return home at lunchtime to receive their
medication or you should come to school to administer the medicine. If you are
unable to meet this requirement the Acting Head Teacher will arrange for the
supervision of the taking of medicine, providing the following procedures have
been followed:
 On the first day the parent must bring the medicine to the main office. The
parent must complete the school's written indemnity form. Medicine cannot
be taken in school unless this form has been completed.
 Medicines should be in the correct container with the chemist's label
detailing the child's name, drug name and dosage.
 A parent should collect the medicine at the end of each day.
If pupils are identified as needing medical support they will be monitored and
supported by a health care plan.
Infectious illnesses
To avoid the risk of spreading infection and illness please do not send your child
to school for 24 hours after any diarrhoea or sickness. The school or your
doctor will be able to advise you how long children should be kept at home if
they have other infectious illnesses such as chicken pox.
Headlice are a nuisance in all schools. It only takes one child to remain untreated
for all children in the class to become infected. The school will send a note home
alerting you to check your child’s hair if a child in the class has had an infection.
Please do use lots of conditioner and comb as this is the best way to remove all
the eggs which stick tightly to the hair. A chemist will also be able to
recommend treatments that you can buy to treat headlice.
Please check your child’s hair regualrly!
Important Procedures and policies
Admissions Policy
Children start in the Reception class in September of the year that they are five.
A parent can find out the catchment area of a particular school by making a visit
to it or by visiting or contacting the Education offices in Carlisle. For placement into
the school a parent should contact Carlisle when the child is about two years of age
or as soon as possible afterwards, and register his/her name for admission. Official
registration forms will then need to be filled in the year before your child starts
For each primary or infant school there is a planned admission limit, which for
Pennington is 30. This means that the maximum number of pupils that can be
admitted to the school in any one year group is 30. If the school becomes
oversubscribed, priority for places is determined according to the following criteria,
in the order shown:
 The child lives in the catchment area and has siblings in the school.
 The child lives in the catchment area.
 The child lives outside the catchment area and has siblings in the school.
 Any other children.
The school follows the Cumbria CC Admissions Policy. For further information contact
Mrs Parker, our school secretary or ring the Cumbria CC Admissions Service,
Equal Opportunities
Pennington CE Primary School is committed to ensuring that every child has the same
educational opportunities regardless of gender, ethnic background and culture,
religion, disability or disadvantage. This is in line with Cumbria’s stated policy.
Inclusion - Special Educational Needs
All children, including those with Special Educational Needs have the right to a
high quality education in a safe, secure and supportive school. At Pennington
we do not limit or promote access for any child including those with or without a
statement of Special Educational Need. For our full Special Educational Needs
Policy please ask Mr Gaydon our SENCO.
Inclusion / Exclusion
It is the right of every child to receive a high quality education in a safe, secure
and supportive school. If a child, through their extreme behaviour, persistently
denies this right to other children then they may be excluded from school. This
only happens rarely and is a last resort and the school does not wish to
undertake this process with any child.
School Governors
What do Governors do?
The Governing Body is a group of people who are involved in making decisions and
planning the future of the school. Our Governing Body consists of people who
represent parents and children at the school (parent governors), teachers
(teacher governors), other staff at the school (staff governors), and the Local
Authority (LA governors) and Community Governors.
Governors work on a voluntary basis, i.e. Governors are not paid for their duties.
Governors attend training sessions to prepare them for their role. Governing Bodies
have many responsibilities and they need to make decisions about how these should be
carried out. Some of the work requires governors to specialise in certain topics,
such as Literacy, Numeracy, Special Needs and ICT. It is often necessary to spend
more time than we have at the Full Governing Body meetings to discuss policies,
budgets or reports. This work is delegated to committees. The committees in place at
Pennington CE Primary School are:
The Curriculum Committee
This committee reviews and monitors the curriculum and the learning and
progress that children make. They review and develop policies linked to teaching
and learning that have been drafted by the teaching staff and the Head
The Finance Committee
This committee makes decisions about the school budget, and monitors the
spending in the school. This committee also deals with staffing issues within the
school, including reviewing job descriptions and recruiting new staff.
The Community Committee
This committee reviews all the extended services we offer to children and
families through school. The committee makes sure that we meet the needs of our
community in the most effective ways. The committee also reviews the school
buildings and grounds and is responsible for ensuring the school site is safe and that
it presents an exciting and pleasant learning environment.
Contacting a School Governor
There are several ways you can contact a governor:
 Drop a note in the school office or suggestion box and staff will hand it to a
 Speak directly to the Acting Chair, Mrs Finney - she can be contacted through
School Office;
 Speak to other Governors in the playground when they are bringing or
collecting their children.
If you are interested in becoming a governor then please do let us know. Either
contact Mrs Pett, the Acting Head teacher or one of the parent governors.
A full list of the governing body is provided as an appendix to this booklet.
Come and see us in action!
We hope that this booklet has given you enough information to help you to form
a picture of life at “Pennington CE Primary School”. As you will know, all schools
have their own distinct ‘feel’ which makes each one unique. We believe that the
special feeling about Pennington has to do with its friendly and caring
atmosphere. It’s not always easy to communicate this in a prospectus which also
contains a lot of information and some legal requirements. The best way to find
out about Pennington School is to come and visit us so you can really see the school
and experience it in action. A telephone call is all that is needed to arrange this.
How to contact the school
We are always happy to speak to parents and visitors regarding any queries they
may have about the school or their child. The school office is open from 8am to
5pm Monday to Friday during term time. In weekends and holidays there is an
answering machine to leave messages. Mrs Pett is always happy to show people
around the school and to discuss issues that may arise. If possible, please book
an appointment but at Pennington CE Primary School we try to ensure that concerns
are dealt with as quickly as is possible.
The following details will ensure you can contact the school:
Acting Headteacher: Mrs G Pett
School Secretary: Mrs. C Parker
Postal Address: Pennington CE Primary School, Pennington, Ulverston, Cumbria LA12
0RR, Tel: 01229 587253 / Office
Fax: 01229 588346
Appendix 1
Teaching Staff
Mrs Gill Pett
Acting Head Teacher
Mrs Alison Fairclough
Deputy Head Teacher/Year 1
Mrs Betsy Hockaday
Mrs Tracey Solloway
Year 2
Mrs Kate Kitts
Year 3
Mrs Annie Barton
And Miss Bethany Cassley
Year 4
Mr Neil Davies
Year 5
Mr Richard Murgatroyd
Year 6
Admimistrative Staff
Mrs Cath Parker
Mrs Elizabeth Fitzgerald
Teaching Assistants
Miss Sandra Weeks
Miss Kay Farren
Mrs Leanne Wright
Mrs Penny Clayton
Mrs Julie Gallivan
Miss Mandy Exley
Mrs Angela Nevinson
Mrs Siobhan Winder
Mrs Vanessa Aspinwall
Mrs Elaine Asbury – Drama teacher
Cleaning Staff
Ms Kirsty Mullinger
Mrs Alison Leake
Mr Derrick Milby
Senior Mid-day Supervisor
Mrs Vanessa Aspinwall
Mid-day Supervisors
Mrs Ann Wood
Mrs Kirsty Kelly
Mrs Jane Tuck
Mrs Luli Johnson
Mrs Sandy Turner (Relief)
Mrs Kath Day (Relief)
Cleaner in Charge
Appendix 2
Session Times
Reception Class (Foundation Stage) & Infants (Key Stage 1)
8.45 am – 12.00 noon
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Juniors (Key Stage 2)
8.45 am to 12.00 pm
1.00 pm – 3.00 pm
Including a daily act of worship and a 15 minute break in the morning.
School Term 2014-2015
Autumn Term 2014
Term begins
Wednesday 3 September
Half term
Monday 27 October
Friday 31 October
Term ends
Spring Term 2015
Term begins
Thursday 18 December
Half term
Monday 16 February
Friday 20 February
Term ends
Summer Term 2015
Term begins
Friday 27 March
May Day
Monday 4 May
Tuesday 6 January
Monday 13 April
Half Term
Monday 25 May
Friday 29 May
Term Ends
Friday 17 July
Appendix 3
The Governing Body oversees the policies and general running of the school,
delegating responsibilities to the Head Teacher.
Acting Chairman
Mrs S Finney
Parent Governors
Staff Governors
Mrs G Pett
Miss S Weeks
LA Governors
Mr C Gibson
Community Governors
Mrs D Fell
Foundation Governors
Mr J Dawes
Mrs Janet Caine
Rev G Tubbs
Clerk to the Governors
Mrs L Pilton
A Tizard
B Bolton
S Finney
K Preston
S Yeadon