Independent Novel Assignment Outline

Independent Reading Project!
The Assignment:
● Part 1: Read the book!
● Part 2: Fill out a book review form (Located in the Student Resource Center)!
● Part 3: Choose one of the projects listed below and complete it for your book. When you
decide on your project, begin outlining and drafting it and we will discuss your options in
greater detail at our first conference.
● Part 4: Write a 1-2 page reflection of your project and why you chose to do it, and how
you represented your book through it (detailed on the project page below)
Choosing your book!
Here’s the chance for you to read something that you want to read. The goal here is to introduce
you to a variety of texts that you like and challenge your abilities. You are welcome to choose a
book from my library, the public library, home etc. as long as it meets the requirements and I
have approved it.
Your book choice only has three parameters- the rest is up to you!
1. It must be at your current reading level (or higher)
2. It must be a book you haven’t read
3. It has to be approved by me (No later than September 12)
The Reflection Paper:
After finishing your project, you will need to write a 1-2 page reflection paper. In this reflection
you will end up justifying the choices you made. For example, if you decided to make a
soundtrack, explain why you chose your songs and how together they work to create a musical
background for your book that ties into themes, characters and events.
This reflection will be Collins Writing Type 3 with an emphasis on these FCAs: sufficient,
relevant details; ideas in logical order; correct punctuation.
Dates to Remember:
Sept. 12: Book choice due
Oct. 3 Project outline due/Conference with Ms. Todd on progress
Nov. 7: Second Progress Conference (Optional)
Dec. 5: Book review, project, and 1-2 page reflection
Project Options:
1. Make a book-based Quizlet!!
● (take a look to see what other kinds of quizzes people have created)
● You’ve just finished your book- now create your own quiz (Ex: Which Harry Potter
Character are you? or What Hogwarts house would you be in??). You will need to have
at least 10 questions with 4+ possible outcomes, an answer key, and a detailed description
for each outcome.
2. Create a soundtrack or fan cast for your book!
● Sometimes when you read, you imagine what kind of songs would be played in
the background if it were a movie. Similarly, you may wonder at which
Hollywood stars would play your favorite characters. You can do either of these
● For your soundtrack, I would like you to create an actual CD soundtrack with cover art! I
can provide the blank CD if necessary.
● For the fan cast, I would like you to have a Fan Cast poster (either created on a poster or
using technology such as Word or an Infographic website) that shows how the
actor/actress fits the role (ex: do they have the right hair color, have they played similar
characters? etc.)
3. Create a Newspaper front page:
● Focusing on the central themes of your book, create the front page of a newspaper. There
must be at least on Feature article and two or three small featurettes. Include at least 5
images or graphic.
● Things to consider: social/political impacts of events in novel (ex: if a city was destroyed
or someone was hurt, what would the affect on society be?) would the climax or major
events appear in newspapers?; Are the characters trying to change something?; if this is a
nonfiction book- what could be considered Newsworthy about the topic?
4. Write an Alternate Ending.
● Sometimes stories do not end the way we want them to. Re-write an alternate ending to
the story! Make sure to stay realistic based on the boundaries of the book.
● You must have no less than 5 pages (double spaced) and no more than 10.
5. Character/Topic Alphabet Picture Book!
● For each letter of the alphabet come up with a word or phrase that ties to the
topic, themes or characters of the book you read.
● Have an illustration for each letter!
6. Create an Audiobook version of your favorite chapter of the book.
● Sometime hearing a book being read is much more meaningful than reading it on your
own because of the emotions and inflections we get to hear. Choose your favorite chapter
or chapters of the book and record yourself reading them aloud.
● You can use Garageband or any number of online tech tools to do the recording
● Here is a great how-to guide for audiobooks that someone has created to get you started:
7. Create a new Book Cover or illustrate what you feel to be the
climax of the story
● Choose what you think are pivotal moments and illustrate
them for a new cover. Remember, though, there are more
elements to a book cover than just the images. There is a
description, quotes from other authors, short snippets of
reviews from publishers, an eye catching title and maybe a
sub title, a summary on the back (without giving away too
much), and maybe a brief author bio.
8. Create a book trailer!!
● Book trailers are a great way to provide imagery for your book. There are lots of things to
consider with this project.
● Here is a great howw-to guide to reference:
● Here are a few possible websites:
9. Bitstrips! Create a short comic of your novel.
● There are many things that you can do with creating a comic. You can bring imagery to
your favorite scenes, you can create a new scene that shows an interaction that didn’t
occur in the book, but you would have like to see, etc. If you choose this option, you must
have at least 6 panels for your comic.
● If you want to do this option, please let me know! I will make sure to set it up for you so
that you can log in.
10. Create a text conversation or IM conversation between two characters
● I’ve often wondered how technology might have changed events in my favorite books
(like Harry Potter!). Create a text or IM (or Twitter or Facebook if you like)
conversation/interaction between two characters from your book. This can be for a scene
that happened, or perhaps texts that would have occurred in the background throughout
the text. This conversation should be pretty in depth!
● I have a computer template that I will provide to get the project started!