ON1 Plus Member Guide.pages

Introduction to ON1 Plus ....................................3
The ON1 Plus Blog ...............................................6
Accessing the Blog ............................................................................................................6
Navigating the Blog ..........................................................................................................6
Courses ................................................................8
Accessing the Courses ......................................................................................................8
Tracking Progress ............................................................................................................11
Downloading Courses ....................................................................................................12
Video Library .....................................................13
Your Forum Profile .........................................................................................................14
Using the Forums ............................................................................................................16
Gallery ................................................................19
Accessing the Gallery ......................................................................................................19
Uploading Photos ............................................................................................................19
Notification Center ............................................20
Events .................................................................21
Accessing the Events Calendar .......................................................................................21
Saving Event Reminders .................................................................................................21
Rewards .............................................................22
Priority Support .................................................22
Managing Your Membership ............................22
Frequently Asked Questions .......................................................................................... 23
ON1 Plus Terms & Conditions ........................................................................................24
Introduc)on to ON1 Plus
ON1 Plus is our thriving online community of ON1 users. Plus members get access to
premium content on all things photographic, from on-demand training and instruction in
ON1 apps to tips and tricks for shooting in the field.
Communicate directly with industry leading photographers and ON1 experts. Engage with a
community of members just like you. Get encouragement and be inspired. Plus means
more! Get everything you need to take your photography to the next level. Here’s a quick
note from ON1 Plus Coach, Hudson Henry.
Hello there! I’m Hudson Henry, pro photographer, photo educator and ON1 Plus coach. On
behalf of everyone at ON1, thank-you for joining us! I’d like to take a few moments to tell
you what is so unique and cool about ON1 Plus.
ON1 Plus is a community of photographers. Its like your own private photography club.
Everyone in the Plus community brings a ton of excitement about taking their photography
and editing skills to the next level. Myself and a team of other coaches are here to help you
get the most out of ON1, increase your technical skills shooting and editing, and assist you
with your creative vision. I personally enjoy helping other photographers. It's incredibly
rewarding for me, and I can’t wait to get to know you as a member of the ON1 Plus
Important Note
The most important thing to understand is—everything ON1 Plus includes is available via
the ON1 website, simply login and start enjoying all the benefits ON1 Plus offers.
To get started, login to ON1 Plus.
Premium Content
Once you login to your ON1 Plus account there are several ways to gain access to the
premium content. You will find exclusive ON1 Plus content branded or tagged throughout
the ON1 site. Plus content can be identified with the following badges.
Accessing Premium Content
To login to your ON1 Plus account, hover your cursor over the “hamburger” menu in the
main navigation of the ON1 site (pictured below).
Once logged in, you will see the ON1 Plus badge included in the main navigation to the
right of your name (pictured below). This access point links directly to the ON1 Plus Blog
from any page on the ON1 website. Any time you are logged into the ON1 site, this badge
will appear giving you a quick access point to the ON1 Plus Blog.
Account Overview Page
Once you login, you will see ON1 Plus shortcuts added to the Account Overview page as
shown below. Each of these shortcuts are for different sections of ON1 Plus. These include;
Plus Blog, Discussions (forums), Gallery, Courses, Events, Rewards, and Priority Support.
Account Overview Dropdown
You can also access most of the main areas of ON1 Plus by hovering your cursor over your
name in the top navigation, once you are logged in. Again, these menu options only appear
if you are logged in with your ON1 Plus account. These menu options for Plus include; Plus
Blog, Discussions (Forums), Forum Profile, Forum Messages, Gallery, Courses, Video
Library, and Rewards. You are also able to log out of your account from the bottom of this
The ON1 Plus Blog
The ON1 Plus Blog is where most of the daily, weekly, and monthly content is published.
The ON1 coaches regularly post new videos, articles and interactive content for members
to view and read. It’s also a great place to ask questions and give feedback to coaches by
leaving comments on posts.
Accessing the Blog
There are many different ways to access the Plus blog. 1. Simply click on the orange ON1 Plus badge in the main nav as shown previously 2. Go to the Account Overview page and under ON1 Plus Blog click View
3. Hover the cursor over your name in the main nav and choose ON1 Plus Blog
4. Go directly to the blog Naviga<ng the Blog
Once you have reached the ON1 Plus Blog, there are different ways to navigate and filter to
the exclusive ON1 Plus content. Each of the following numbers have corresponding spots
on the page.
1. To view ONLY ON1 Plus content on the blog, make sure to have the ON1 Plus category
selected in the sub nav. If you choose any of the other items in the sub nav (Blog,
Product Training, Topics, Author) it will also have other ON1 “non-Plus” content.
2. ON1 Plus exclusive posts are marked with the Plus badge
3. Almost all ON1 Plus content can be accessed in the ON1 Plus branded sidebar The sidebar is visible on every page within the ON1 Plus Blog. It’s going to be one of the
easiest ways to filter and navigate through the Plus content. From viewing the Photo
Critiques where each member can have a monthly image critiqued by a coach to Photo
Contests & Challenges with cash and gear. The blog is where most of the fun happens in
ON1 Plus.
Accessing the Courses
There are many different ways to access the ON1 Plus Member Courses.
1. Go to the Account Overview page and under Courses click View 2. Hover the cursor over your name in the main nav and choose Courses
3. Go to the ON1 Plus Blog and choose Courses in the sidebar
4. Go directly to courses
One benefit to being an ON1 Plus member is the ability to track your course progress. Each
course in ON1 Plus has multiple lessons and this feature gives you the ability to mark your
spot or progress for each course.
On the main course index page you can get a brief description and status of each individual
course. For this example, we will go through the Landscape Workflow course. Below the
course title is a summary showing the instructor, number of lessons in the course, the
category, and number of lessons completed.
Star<ng a Course
Click on the course title to enter and view the lessons in the course. Before you begin the
course, you must click the big green button START TAKING THIS COURSE. After choosing the button, the page will load again with your course progress meter.
In almost all cases, you can watch any course in the order you choose. We strongly
encourage members to watch the videos in the order we have laid out. To view a lesson, simply click on the lesson title.
Tracking Progress
Once you reach the individual lesson page, there are three areas you need to be aware of
as you are viewing the course. Each of the following numbers have corresponding spots on
the page.
1. This button allows you to jump back and forth between lessons
2. This breadcrumb allows you to easily navigate back to the main course index page
3. Make sure to choose COMPLETE LESSON after viewing each video to mark your
progress. Each lesson marked complete will be stored, so when you come back later
you will know the lesson has already been viewed.
Once the complete lesson button has been selected, the page will refresh and show you
the lesson has been completed. You can go to the next lesson by choose NEXT LESSON in
the green bar.
Downloading Courses
For active members, courses are also available for download from their user accounts.
Choose Products from the Account Overview Page or go here.
Once you are on the Products page choose VIDEOS from the left side product filter menu.
Once you locate the course you wish to download, click on the thumbnail or title of the
Once on the course page, choose the Download Course button.
Video Library
Each video in ON1 Plus (separate from courses) is archived in the
ON1 Plus Blog. All of the incredible content. From printing, color
calibration, to keeping your sensor clean, guest coaches videos,
and much more is located in the video library. We’ve also
categorized the video content in the Plus Blog Sidebar shown here.
Simply expand the video library category to view each of the topics.
ON1 Plus Blog Sidebar
The discussion forums are a great place to meet other members of
the ON1 Plus community. Whether you want to ask a question
about where to shoot, learn more about ON1 tools, find out about
new gear and shooting techniques or ask the community to critique
your image, just about any topic can be discussed. We ask that you
always respect other ON1 community members and always play
nice. The forums are easy-to-use and include the standard features
available in most other online forums. Forum topics can only be
created by ON1 Coaches and ON1 Forum Moderators. Each topic
can then have an unlimited number of new posts. Forum posts can
be created by any ON1 Plus member.
There are many different ways to access the Plus forums. 1. Go to the Account Overview page and under Discussions click View
2. Hover the cursor over your name in the main nav and choose Discussions
3. From the ON1 Plus Blog, Choose Discussions / All Forums in the blog sidebar
4. Go directly to forums
Your Forum Profile
The Forum Profile is where to set your forum contact information, tell others about yourself,
manage your forum subscriptions, and view private messages. Access your Forum Profile
directly from the Account Overview Dropdown we mentioned before. It is also the hub of
everything you do in the ON1 Plus Forums.
Upda<ng Profile Photo
The ON1 Plus website uses Wordpress to publish content and because of this we leverage
some of the Wordpress add-ons. You can easily add a profile photo to your ON1 Plus
account by getting set up with a Gravatar account - it’s free!
From the Gravatar website:
“A Gravatar is a Globally Recognized Avatar. You upload it and create your profile just once,
and then when you participate in any Gravatar-enabled site, your Gravatar image will
automatically follow you there.
Gravatar is a free service for site owners, developers, and users. It is automatically included
in every WordPress.com account.”
Topics Started
Allows you to view a list of every topic/post you have created across all forums in one
Replies Created
Allows you to view a list of every reply/post you have created across all forums in one
Allows you to view a list of every topic/post you have favorited across all forums in one
Allows you to view a list of every topic/post you have subscribed to across all forums in one
Allows you to view all of your private messages. Read on for instructions on using private
Edit Profile
Under Edit Profile you can update and change certain
information including; Name, Nickname, Display Name,
Biographical Info, and Email Digest Preferences. Any
time you make an update to your profile, be sure to
choose the Update Profile button at the bottom before
leaving the page.
bbPress Digest Emails
Included in the Edit Profile options is a way for members to set preferences with how they
want to be notified by email of what’s happening in the ON1 Plus Forums. Think of this as a
daily email of activity you want to keep track of in the forums. You can choose the time the
email be sent and which forums you want to stay in tune with over email. It’s a great way to
view a summary of activity in forums that most interest you.
Using the Forums
Crea<ng a Post
1. Choose the forum topic you wish to create a post in. For this example, we will choose
the ON1 Apps Topic.
2. Once in the ON1 Apps Topic, you can subscribe to any post by choosing the Subscribe
button near the top. You can also mark all posts as read in this same area. Subscribing
to posts keeps you updated on the post activity. For example, it allows you to receive
notifications when someone replies or each time a post is updated.
3. Most forum topics are divided into smaller topics to keep discussions on track. Once
you are in one of the main topics (ON1 Apps), you can choose a sub topic. For this
example, we choose General ON1 Questions.
4. To create a post in General ON1 Questions, scroll to the bottom of the page to begin
creating your post.
5. Click Submit
Responding to Posts
1. Click through to the topic you wish to respond to
2. You have the option to respond to each individual within the thread by choosing REPLY
within the other users post (see below)
Using Private Messages
You will also notice under each individuals name within a forum thread is a Send Message
button (left side of post). This is for sending a private message to other ON1 Plus members.
Private messages can be sent between Plus members only. Only the persons sending and
receiving the private messages are able to access and read them. Once you have selected
Send Message, you will then be taken to a page to fill out the private message to the user.
Fill out the message field and choose send. The user will then receive the message and be
able to respond directly. When you receive new private messages you can see message
notifications in the Account Overview dropdown menu or by going
directly to your Forum Profile. The blue bubble in each of the locations
below will indicate the number of unread private messages in your
The ON1 Plus Gallery is a private gallery and great place to share photos. We encourage all
members to upload their favorite photos to share with the community. It’s also a great
chance for you to comment on other members photos.
Accessing the Gallery
There are many different ways to access the ON1 Plus Member Gallery. 1. Go to the Account Overview page and under Gallery click View 2. Hover the cursor over your name in the main nav and choose Gallery
3. Go to the ON1 Plus Blog and choose Gallery in the sidebar
4. Go directly to the gallery
Uploading Photos
Choose the Upload Photo Here button near the top of the page. The Photo Requirements must be met in order for your photo to appear in the gallery.
1. JPEG format (must have .jpg extension)
2. Size: 1024 pixels on the longest edge
3. Quality: 7 (or medium)
You can give your photo a Caption or Title and add some keywords if you wish. Neither of
these fields are required. Once you have prepared your photo and met the requirements, simply drag and drop your
photo in the drop zone (inside the dotted lines below). You can also click within the drop
zone to bring up an upload dialogue. Once your photo appears on the screen, choose the
Upload Photo button to complete.
No)fica)on Center
The notification center is another way of staying up-to-date with important news and
announcements in ON1 Plus. Once you login to the ON1 website, you may notice a blue
bubble with a number in it appearing next to your name in the main nav. This indicates there
are new or unread messages in your account.
Viewing No<fica<ons
You can hover the cursor over the blue bubble to preview the
most recent unread messages and edit your settings. You can
also get to your notification center by clicking on any area of the
blue bubble OR any spot on the preview area. Once you are in
the notification center, you can mark messages as read and
delete messages. Please note that once a message is deleted
there is currently no way to restore the message.
The Events calendar is also a great way to stay up-to-date with everything upcoming in
ON1 Plus. We will keep the calendar updated and add new items and dates all the time. Accessing the Events Calendar
There are many different ways to access the ON1 Plus Member Events Calendar. 1. Go to the Account Overview page and under Events click View
2. Go to the ON1 Plus Blog and choose Events in the sidebar
3. Go directly to Events
Saving Event Reminders
It’s simple to save event reminders using Google Calendar or iCal. Simply click on the day
the event is scheduled from the main calendar. This takes you to the individual event page
with the options to add the events to the supported calendars.
We have some great gifts for our loyal users! Plus bonuses are reserved just for Plus
Members and Plus members receive double the number of Loyalty rewards each month. There are a couple of different ways to access the Plus Rewards.
1. Go to the Account Overview page and under Rewards click View
2. Hover the cursor over your name in the main nav and choose Rewards
3. Go to the ON1 Plus Blog and choose Rewards in the sidebar
Priority Support
Plus members also get priority support. This means when they submit a ticket it
automatically gets bumped to the front of the line. There are a couple different ways to
submit support tickets for Plus members
1. Go to the Account Overview page and under ON1 PLUS PRIORITY SUPPORT click
2. Go to the ON1 Plus Blog and choose Plus Priority Support in the sidebar
Managing Your Membership
Managing your membership allows you to check the current status of your membership,
check your membership plan, update your payment information, cancel your membership,
or print your receipts. You can access your Manage Memberships directly from the Account
Overview page.
Frequently Asked Ques<ons
What's the difference between ON1 Plus Pro and ON1 Plus Basic?
ON1 Plus Pro memberships include the ON1 apps as part of the membership. ON1 Plus
Basic memberships include everything in ON1 Plus Pro except for ON1 apps.
How does ON1 Plus work?
ON1 Plus requires a user account. The user account is where you'll access ON1 Plus
Premium Content and other benefits. From the ON1 user account, members can view the
ON1 Plus benefits, browse exclusive content, view streamed videos on demand, manage
memberships, and view order history. At the end of the membership term you are billed for
the following year to remain as an active ON1 Plus and continue enjoying your benefits.
For ON1 Plus Pro users, the software is registered to your user account and remains
available there - FOREVER. You own the software - RENT FREE.
How do photo cri<ques work?
Each month all members have the opportunity to submit one photo to be critiqued by one
of the coaches. Every single photo provided gets personally critiqued. How it works is, a
dedicated Gallery is made available on the first Tuesday of each month to submit for a week
long period. The Gallery is then closed to give the coaches time to record their critiques. A
few days later the videos are published and viewable to all Plus members on the blog. We
make it easy to find your personal critique by alphabetically listing the names along with a
link to the relevant video. Photo critiques are a great learning exercise and way to improve
your photography. The coaches give their professional, constructive critique in a positive
How do challenges and contests work?
Contests and Challenges get presented to the community in all sorts of fashions. Each one
is different from the last, and there is no precise definition for them, but the intention is
always the same; to sharpen your photographic skills, stretch your creative process, and
have fun! The only thing you need to know is that these events are community driven,
participation is voluntary, and they often include cash prizes.
What if I decide to cancel my ON1 Plus membership?
ON1 Plus memberships are billed every 12 months. You may cancel your Plus membership
any time through your user account. If you cancel, your access to Plus Premium content on
the website will be revoked. (including access to video library, forums, and any other
member benefit). Any software licenses and apps acquired during your membership will
remain valid.
How does private coaching work?
ON1 Plus photography coaching is a personal, and fun way to improve your photography.
It's unlike anything else. Online video training offers convenience. You get to watch what
you want when you want it. Even binge watch it. Download the courses or view them
online. Seminars and workshops are great for inspiration and can be personal if you need a
question answered. But they're not very convenient and can be very costly. Personal
coaching from ON1 closes that gap. Our team of industry leading coaches offer you the
foundation needed with video training on core topics (ON1, Lightroom, Photoshop and
Capturing Photos right now). Then we give you private member-only access to ask
questions to coaches, get photo critiques, submit photos to be edited by our coaches,
participate in live Q&A "ask anything" sessions, and even get a plan of attack on which
videos you should watch to get the skills and results you want.
ON1 Plus Terms & Condi<ons