Concussion Protocol - High School of Dundee

Concussion Protocol
The High School of Dundee is committed to promoting an active involvement in sport for
all of its pupils in a safe and supportive environment. Recent international research and
studies into the diagnosis, effect and management of concussion have led medical and
sporting bodies to provide updated guidelines on concussion (see Appendix 1). Based
on this advice and discussions with suitably qualified and experienced practitioners the
following protocol lays out the measures that the school will put in place to manage
concussion in terms of advice, education and communication.
Advice and Education
Staff and volunteers involved in sport at HSD
All teachers, coaches, referees and first aiders involved in sport will be issued with this
protocol and should be confident to apply the advice given in “If In Doubt, Sit Them Out.”
Information sessions will be provided annually (Dr Niall Elliot from SportScotland
presented in October 2015 and September 2016) however if any staff or volunteers
would like further training and/or advice they should contact their line manager so this
can be arranged.
Posters regarding “If In Doubt, Sit Them Out” are on display in Mayfield. All pupils will be
issued with an “If In Doubt, Sit Them Out” pocket card following assemblies on
concussion and the protocol annually. Pupils will be encouraged to look for signs of
concussion in their peers and report this asap to a member of staff.
A letter covering advice and protocol on concussion will be sent to all parents annually.
An invitation to ask further questions will be included and an information meeting might
be arranged. Information regarding concussion and the protocols will be available on the
Parents Area of the website for future reference. Parents are also asked to inform the
school of any diagnosed concussions from injuries occurring out of school. Any
such communication coming to the School Office must be forwarded to the Head of
Rugby to communicate to relevant parties.
Teaching Staff
Following a confirmed diagnosis of concussion teachers will be informed by the Head of
Rugby and asked to be vigilant for any symptoms e.g. headaches, visual problems or
dizziness. If any symptoms present the pupil should be taken to the medical room
immediately. In the first 2 weeks after a confirmed concussion teaching staff should be
sympathetic in terms of “brain rest” and adapt lessons accordingly e.g. if the pupil is
struggling reading from screens then provide large font printed notes or postpone an
assessment until after the 2 weeks etc.
Guidance Staff
Registered Scottish Charity
No. SC 011522
Managed by Deputy Head Co-curriculum
Concussion Protocol
September 2016
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Following an email confirming a diagnosis of concussion, Guidance teachers should
meet with the pupil and/or contact home to discuss their rehabilitation and communicate
any relevant information and support with their class teachers and the Head of Rugby.
Protocol and communication
Serious Head Injury Requiring Immediate Hospitalisation by Ambulance
If an accident occurs during any sporting event that requires immediate referral to
hospital by ambulance for a head injury the following should happen;
The pupil must be accompanied to hospital. If a parent is unavailable then a
member of staff or adult nominated by the parent must accompany the pupil,
make contact with a parent and then remain with the pupil until a parent arrives
at hospital.
The member of staff present at the time of the accident or the Volunteer Health
Care Professional should complete an HSD accident report form. Copy to
parent, author and 2 copies for HSD (one for PE department and one for Health
and Safety Officer).
On the first school day after the accident the Head of Rugby will call home for
an update on their condition and then share relevant information with relevant
parties from; school nurse, guidance teacher, SMT, teachers, coaches.
Guidance teachers will then contact home to discuss relevant information,
establish a support plan and share this with relevant teachers.
HoDs PE, Rugby and Hockey should manage return to play as per “If In Doubt,
Sit Them Out”
Registered Scottish Charity
No. SC 011522
Managed by Deputy Head Co-curriculum
Concussion Protocol
September 2016
Page 2 of 5
Head Injury – suspected concussion or concussion not suspected
If a pupil is involved in any accident witnessed by, or brought to the attention of; a referee,
member of staff, volunteer or first aider where a concussion is suspected, that pupil
MUST be removed from play and a concussion pitch side assessment carried out. The
pupil MUST sit out of the remaining activity and be monitored by a first aider/parent.
C2.a. Concussion suspected on pitch side assessment
If a pupil shows any symptoms of concussion or fails any of the
suggested cognitive assessments they MUST sit out of the remaining
activity and be monitored by a first aider.
Before the pupil can leave at the end of the activity the member of
staff responsible for the pupil or the Volunteer Health Care
Professional must complete a “Concussion Incident Form” (Appendix
2) and give a copy to the parent or accompanying adult (the pupil must
not go home unaccompanied). The Incident Form advises if the parent
is to seek medical attention for the pupil from a Medical Practitioner
(GP, A&E or NHS 24) who should then advise on diagnosis, treatment
and return to school.
The further 3 copies of the “Concussion Incident” form should be given
to author, Head of Rugby and Health and Safety Officer.
On the first school day after the suspected concussion the Head of
Rugby will call home for an update on their condition and any
confirmation of a diagnosis and then share relevant information with
relevant parties from; school nurse, guidance teacher, SMT,
teachers, coaches.
Guidance teachers will then contact home to discuss relevant
information, establish a support plan and share this with relevant
HoDs PE, Rugby and Hockey should manage return to play as per
“If In Doubt, Sit Them Out” unless Medical Practitioner advises that
concussion was not diagnosed.
C2.b. Concussion NOT suspected by pitch side assessment
Even if a pupil shows NO symptoms of concussion and PASSES all
of the suggested cognitive assessments they MUST sit out of the
remaining activity and be monitored by a first aider.
Before the pupil can leave at the end of the activity the member of
staff responsible for the pupil or the Volunteer Health Care
Professional must complete a “Concussion Incident Form” (Appendix
2) and give this to the parent or, if unavailable, to the pupil. The
Incident Form must advise the parent that their child has had a knock
to the head but that at the time displayed no symptoms of concussion.
The form should ask the parent to monitor their child for 48 hours and
seek medical attention for the pupil from a Medical Practitioner (GP,
A&E or NHS 24) if any symptoms occur.
If any symptoms subsequently present parents must contact the
Head of Rugby to advise him of the symptoms and any confirmed
diagnosis. Head of Rugby will then contact relevant parties from;
school nurse, guidance teacher, SMT, teachers, coaches.
Registered Scottish Charity
No. SC 011522
Managed by Deputy Head Co-curriculum
Concussion Protocol
September 2016
Page 3 of 5
Appendix 1
Guidance teachers will then contact home to discuss relevant
information, establish a support plan and share this with relevant
HoDs PE, Rugby and Hockey should manage return to play as per
“If In Doubt, Sit Them Out” only if there have been subsequent
symptoms and a diagnosis from a Medical Practitioner.
Guidelines consulted
“If In Doubt, Sit Them Out”
Scottish Guidelines published by SportScotland. Comprehensive guidance endorsed by
Scottish Government, Universities and Sports Associations such as the SFA and SRU.
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool – 3rd Edition (for medical professionals), published
by the Concussion in Sport Group and endorsed by Sports Associations such as FIFA,
iRB and IOC.
“World Rugby Concussion Management”
Registered Scottish Charity
No. SC 011522
Managed by Deputy Head Co-curriculum
Concussion Protocol
September 2016
Page 4 of 5
Accident Report
Injured Person
Pupil Name:
Class or Form if pupil
Details of Injury
Where the Injury Happened:
Brief Description of Injury:
How the Injury Happened:
A pitch side concussion assessment has been carried out with the following findings;
Concussion was SUSPECTED due to the presence of the following symptoms
Loss of consciousness
Visual problems
Headache/“pressure in head”
Lying motionless
Sensitivity to light or noise
Failed cognitive assessment (SCAT3)
Uncharacteristic mood/behaviour
Other symptoms:
Advice/Diagnosis from Medical Practitioner:
If no advice/diagnosis given above from a Medical Practitioner please seek medical attention today for
your child from a GP, A&E or NHS 24 for advice on DIAGNOSIS, treatment and return to school. On the
first school day after the concussion the Head of Rugby will call home for an update on their condition.
Concussion NOT SUSPECTED at pitch side assessment.
Please monitor your child for at least 36 hours and seek medical attention for them from a Medical
Practitioner (GP, A&E or NHS 24) if you notice any change in behaviour, vomiting, dizziness, worsening
headache, double vision, excessive drowsiness or any other symptoms. If any symptoms present or a
diagnosis is confirmed, the Parent must contact the Head of Rugby at school.
Report Completed by
Copy to the Parent/adult monitoring the pupil, author and 2 copies HSD
H&S Officer Review
Registered Scottish Charity
No. SC 011522
Investigation Required
Managed by Deputy Head Co-curriculum
Concussion Protocol
September 2016
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