102 KB Freedom of Information Policy 2016

Pope Paul Catholic Primary School
‘Learning in the Light of Christ’
Mission Prayer
We believe that we are all God’s work of art.
We strive to respect and care for each other
and to use our talents to do our best.
By doing this, we are:
‘Learning in the Light of Christ.’
Freedom of Information Policy
Freedom Of Information Policy
June 2016
Pope Paul Catholic School
‘Learning in the Light of Christ’
Validation grid
Freedom of Information Policy
Liz Heymoz
Associate Author/s
Target Audience
All stakeholders
Stake holders
All staff & Governors
Curriculum / non
Associated PoliciesSaS
AAll All policies
New Policy or Review
of existing policy.
Date of Submission
May 2016
Date for Review
May 2019
Date ratified by
Signed ……………………………………………… L Heymoz
Signed……………………………………………… M Morrissey
Freedom Of Information Policy
June 2016
From 1 January 2005 when the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA) came
into force, it became a legal right for any person to ask a school for access to
information held by that school. Schools are under a duty to provide advice and
assistance to anyone requesting information.
Enquirers do not have to say why they want the information and the request
does not have to mention FOIA.
This policy sets out how Pope Paul School proposes to deal with requests
for information.
Persons Responsible:
The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring the school complies with the
Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
The Head teacher is responsible for the day-to-day implementation of the FOIA
policy and for the provision of advice, guidance, publicity and interpretation of
the school’s policy.
The head teacher deals with a request for information.
The enquirer is entitled to be told whether the school holds the information
(the duty to confirm or deny) except where certain exemptions apply.
A well managed records and management information system is essential to
help schools meet requests.
Requests will be dealt with within 20 days excluding school holidays.
Willfully concealing, damaging or destroying information in order to avoid
answering an enquiry is an offence.
A valid FOI request should be in writing, state the enquirer’s name and
correspondence address and describe the information requested.
Straightforward requests will be supplied for free but there will be a charge
where significant costs are incurred. The person will be informed of any charge
Freedom Of Information Policy
June 2016
before the information is supplied.
A record will be kept of requests for information any refusals and reasons for
refusals and appeals.
Schools are under a duty to provide advice and assistance to anyone requesting
information. If we are unable to provide the information we try to advise you as
to how you might obtain the information elsewhere or in a different way to keep
the cost down.
The School will seek advice from the Local Authority’s Information Governance
Manager as necessary to clarify any points or to help resolve any disputes over
information requests.
In some circumstances the information you have requested may be withheld
under one of the exemptions applicable under the legislation.
If you do not accept the reason(s) for declining to disclose the information
requested you should write to the Chair of Governors at the school in the first
instance. Expressions of dissatisfaction are handled through the school’s
existing complaints procedure.
If you are not happy with their response, you may wish to contact the
Information Commissioner at:
The Information Commissioners Office
Wycliffe House, Water Lane
Cheshire SK9 5AF
Telephone 01625 545700 – Helpline is open from 9am to 5pm, Monday to
Fax 01625 524510
Email [email protected]
Checklist for Action on Receipt of a request for information:
Decide whether the request is a request under Data Protection Act
(DPA), Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) or Freedom of
Information Act (FOI)
Decide whether the school holds the information or whether the
request should be transferred to another body if the information is
held by them
Provide the information if it has already been made public
Inform the enquirer if the information is not held
Freedom Of Information Policy
June 2016
Consider whether a third party’s interests might be affected by disclosure
and if so consult them
Consider whether any exemptions apply and whether they are absolute or
Carry out a public interest test to decide if applying the qualified
exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information
Decide whether the estimated cost of complying with the
request will exceed the appropriate limit (around £450)
If a request is made for a document that contains exempt personal
information ensure that the personal information is removed by applying
the redaction procedure
Consider whether the request is vexatious or repeated
Need advice?
Call our helpline on 0303 123 1113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer
to use a national rate number. Our helpline is open Monday to Friday, 9am to
Or email: [email protected] (please include your telephone number).
Freedom Of Information Policy
June 2016