
Name: _____________________________
Pretest Score: _____/54
Posttest score: _____/54
Ch 9 Pretest: Cell respiration
1. _____ Product of anaerobic respiration
A. cell respiration
with fermentation
B. anaerobic respiration
2. _____ First step of cellular respiration,
C. aerobic respiration
takes place in the cytoplasm
D. glycolysis
3. _____ Respiration that can only take
E. fermentation
place in the presence of oxygen
F. lactic acid
4. _____ The space inside the “folds” in the
G. alcohol
H. matrix
5. _____ Process of making chemical energy
I. cristae
(food) into ATP
J. pyruvic acid
6. _____ Series of proteins that pass electrons
K. Krebs cycle
and gain the most energy in
L. Electron Transport Chain
cellular respiration
7. _____ Second stage of cellular respiration; happens in the matrix of the
8. _____ Processes where cells get energy without the use of oxygen
9. _____ Product of glycolysis, a 3 carbon compound
10. _____ “Folds” inside the mitochondria where the electron transport chain takes
11. _____ Process that will happen after glycolysis if there is not enough oxygen
12. _____ This product will form in our cells if there is not enough oxygen for the
Krebs Cycle
13. – 16. Write the balanced equation for cellular respiration (4 pts.)
17. – 19. Cellular respiration is often described as the opposite of photosynthesis. Do
you agree or disagree? Support your answer. (3 pts.)
20. – 22. The Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain can only occur in the
presence of oxygen. Describe what happens if there is not enough oxygen for
the cell. Include the amount of ATP created, waste products and any other
benefits. (3 pts.)
Use the letters below to label the diagram. The structure you are seeing is a
mitochondrion, not a cell. Letters may be used once, more than once or not at all.
A. 1
D. glycolysis
G. oxygen
J. pyruvic acid
M. water
O. glucose
B. 2
E. cytoplasm
H. matrix
K. Krebs cycle
N. carbon dioxide
C. 32
I. cristae
L. Electron transport
23. _____
28. _____ (waste product)
33. _____ (process)
24. _____ (process)
29. _____ (process)
34. _____ (location)
25. _____ (cell location)
30. _____ (location)
35. _____
26. _____ (# ATP)
31. _____ (# ATP)
36. _____ (waste product)
27. _____
32. _____
37. _____ (# ATP)
Fill in the blank:
In glycolysis 38.___________________ is converted into
39. _____________________. This produces 40. ________ ATP and happens in the
41. _______________________ of the cell. Energy is carried by 42. _______________ to the
Electron Transport Chain (ETC). The other steps of cellular respiration only take
place in the presence of 43. ______________________. If there isn’t enough (43.) then
44. ______________________ will take place instead, producing either
45. _________________________ or 46. _________________________.
(39.) is converted to 47. ______________________ and it enters the Krebs Cycle,
which takes place in the 48. __________________________ of the mitochondria and
produces 49. ____________ ATP. Energy is carried by (42.) and 50. _________________ to
the ETC. 51. ______________________ is a waste product.
The final stage of cellular respiration is the Electron Transport Chain (ETC),
which takes place in the 52. ________________________ of the mitochondria. (43.) is
required for this to happen, as well as the energy carriers (42.) and (50).
53. _______ ATP is created and 54. ______________________ is given off as a waste
Answer Key__
Name: __
Period: _____ Date: _________________________
Ch 9 Pretest: Cell respiration
G__ Product of anaerobic respiration
1. __
with fermentation
D__ First step of cellular respiration,
2. __
takes place in the cytoplasm
C__ Respiration that can only take
3. __
place in the presence of oxygen
H__ The space inside the “folds” in the
4. __
A__ Process of making chemical energy
5. __
(food) into ATP
L__ Series of proteins that pass electrons
6. __
and gain the most energy in
cellular respiration
A. cell respiration
B. anaerobic respiration
C. aerobic respiration
D. glycolysis
E. fermentation
F. lactic acid
G. alcohol
H. matrix
I. cristae
J. pyruvic acid
K. Krebs cycle
L. Electron transport chain
K__ Second stage of cellular respiration; happens in the matrix of the
7. __
B__ Processes where cells get energy without the use of oxygen
8. __
J__ Product of glycolysis, a 3 carbon compound
9. __
10. __ __ “Folds” inside the mitochondria where the electron transport chain takes
E__ Process that will happen after glycolysis if there is not enough oxygen
11. __
F__ This product will form in our cells if there is not enough oxygen for the
12. __
Krebs Cycle
13. – 16. Write the balanced equation for cellular respiration (4 pts.)
C6H12O6 + 6 O2  energy (ATP) + 6 H2O + 6 CO2
17. – 19. Cellular respiration is often described as the opposite of photosynthesis. Do
you agree or disagree? Support your answer. (3 pts.)
agree…if you reverse the arrow in the equation
above, you pretty much have photosynthesis
(although technically photosynthesis does not
make glucose (so you might disagree), but cell
respiration definitely starts with glucose.)
20. – 22. The Krebs cycle and Electron Transport Chain can only occur in the
presence of oxygen. Describe what happens if there is not enough oxygen for
the cell. Include the amount of ATP created, waste products and any other
benefits. (3 pts.)
fermentation … lactic acid or alcohol is made
No ATP is created, but NAD+ is recycled so
glycolysis can happen again and 2 ATP made by
Use the letters below to label the diagram. The structure you are seeing is a
mitochondria, not a cell. Letters may be used once, more than once or not at all.
A. 1
D. glycolysis
G. oxygen
J. pyruvic acid
M. water
O. glucose
B. 2
E. cytoplasm
H. matrix
K. Krebs cycle
N. carbon dioxide
C. 32
I. cristae
L. Electron transport
28. __
N__ (waste product)
33. __
D__ (process)
29. __
K__ (process)
34. __ __ (location)
E__ (cell location)
30. __
H__ (location)
35. __
B__ (# ATP)
31. __
B__ (# ATP)
36. _
32. __
37. __
23. __
24. __
25. __
26. __
27. ___
L__ (process)
M_ (waste product)
C__ (# ATP)
Fill in the blank:
glucose_ is converted into
In glycolysis 38._
pyruvic acid_. This produces 40. _2_ ATP and happens in the
39. _
cytoplasm_ of the cell. Energy is carried by 42. _NADH_ to the
41. _
Electron Transport Chain (ETC). The other steps of cellular respiration only take
place in the presence of 43. __
oxygen__. If there isn’t enough (43.) then 44.
fermentation_ will take place instead, producing either
alcohol_ or 46. _lactic acid__.
45. _
(39.) is converted to 47. _
which takes place in the 48. _
Acetyl CoA_ and it enters the Krebs Cycle,
matrix_ of the mitochondria and produces 49.
2_ ATP. Energy is carried by (42.) and 50. _FADH2_ to the ETC.
carbon dioxide_ is a waste product.
51. __
The final stage of cellular respiration is the Electron Transport Chain (ETC),
which takes place in the 52. _
cristae_ of the mitochondria. (43.) is required for
this to happen, as well as the energy carriers (42.) and (50).
32_ ATP is created and 54. _water__ is given off as a waste product.
53. _
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