Year 6 medium term plan Harry Potter completed DOCX File

Medium Term Plan – Year 5 – Autumn- Harry Potter
Drivers – Literacy/Media
Power of Reading Big Question – Where do I belong?
Genres – Fantasy Narrative - / Diary – Harry’s diary from under the stairs
Newspaper Report - /Comparison of film/text – arrival at Hogwarts
Poetry – Charles Causley- modern ballads with strong rhythm (POR)
Core Author to read aloud – J K Rowling
Electricity: investigating circuits – linked to DT. Make plans to light up the
Hogwarts Great Hall. Plan the circuits using symbols for electrical components,
making a circuit diagram. Look at ways to make the Hall Brighter/dimmervarying components ie more /less batteries. More less bulbs/ devices. Designs
series circuits where devices can be turned on and off with switches and where
motors (a lift or door opener) and buzzers (burglar alarm) can be used in their
Create a Hogwarts School Crest which is lit with circuits
Light and Shadows : the eye – Light and Shadows linked to magic at Hogwartslook at rainbows, soap bubble colours. Make a magic show where objects are
distorted in water
Make Periscopes for Harry Potter to help during parts of his adventure.
Literacy Link- Shadow puppet theatre eg rewrite a scene etc. Look at ways to
make shadows larger and smaller in the adventure.
Linked to maths – data collection for Shadow size / record in tables and graphs.
Make a Hogwarts Sundial
Working Scientifically
(See Curriculum)
Use sketchbooks to collect, record and evaluate ideas - Costume design linked
to characterisation in literacy – collecting fabrics samples/ magazine
clippings/computer images
Improve mastery of techniques such as drawing and painting – costume mood
boards with drawn and painted images.
Character portraits with key images in background
Construct scenes from the book – papercraft
Design Technology
Modern Foreign Languages
British Values/Global Links
Textiles character board – linked to trip to Harry Potter World
N/A this term
N/A this term
Use 4/6 figure grid references on maps – locations of creatures in woods near
Name and locate cities/ regions and features of the UK – London and major train
stations – link to grid references
Music Express –
Improvise and compose using dimensions of music – film music linked to
characters and settings / creating different moods in film – looking at and
listening to different scenes from HP and related movies.
Play competitive games applying basic principles - Quidditch
Compare performances to achieve personal best – video analysis
Develop flexibility and control on dance – Harry Potter dance linked to train
journey to Hogwarts using film score
Christianity and Judaism – Is religion what you say or what you do?
Look at Bar Mitzah and Baptism
Looking at the 2 religions in our community
What in my world is given to me?
What belongs to me and what should people share?
How our beliefs impact on others
Responsibility in the wider community
Toute le Monde (Pearson Education level 3)
Listen & Engage
Engage in conversations, expressing opinions
Speak in simple language and be understood.
Develop appropriate pronunciation
Espresso Coding Scheme
Understand the use of networks – Barefoot resources
Evaluate digital content and e safety – thinkuknow/ drama/ leaflets
Cambs scheme of work unit: Myself and My Relationships 14 - Beginning and
Exploring how it feels to be new – changes in year 6.
Myself and My Relationships 15 - My Emotions
Exploring and recognising feelings and emotions – coping strategies. Explore
assertiveness – how and when to be assertive (Link to Harry’s character
development in the story).
Programme of Study Core theme: Relationships
SEAL: New Beginnings - Belonging; Good to be me
British Values: Individual liberty – Harry living in the cupboard under the stairs –
was he free?
Spiritural – How would you feel if you were the person in the story?
-Appreciating the beauty of the language
Moral – The consequences of right and wrong behaviour
Social – Supporting conceptual and language development through an
understanding of and debates about social issues
Cultural / British Values- Examine the British class system – Harry & Hermione are
considered a lower class because there are of mixed blood. Does this happen in
other countries? Benefits of differences and diversity.
Trips/Visits – Harry Potter World Studio Tour
Trips/Impact days/Visitors
Visit to Harry Potter World