Improving Education for All Essential Psychology and SEN

Willow Tree Learning
Improving Education for All
Essential Psychology and SEN Development Network
Membership Form 2014-15
I would like to join the Essential Psychology and SEN Development Network.
School or Setting:
Email Address:
Phone Number:
I agree to pay £75 for the annual subscription fee which entitles me to attend a
half day termly meeting at a venue to be announced. (The venue(s) will be
selected to try to suit the geographical location of members, but is likely to be
in Norwich or Hethel, Kings Lynn or Swaffham or Great Yarmouth.)
On completion of this form, I will receive a ’welcome’ email from Judith Carter
confirming my membership and providing details of how to make the
subscription payment.
Please return to:
[email protected]
Or post to:
Willow Tree Learning
5 Willow Close, Tasburgh, Norwich, NR15 1NE