Chemistry Study Guide

Chemistry Study Guide
1. Look at the diagram and identify protons, neutrons, electrons, energy levels, and the nucleus.
2. Do any of the atom diagrams below represent atoms of the same element?
a. No, they are all different elements
b. Yes, A and B are the same
c. Yes, they are all the same element
d. Yes, A and C are the same element
Temp in C
Time in Minutes
3. Look at the graph showing the heating of a substance. What happens in the first five
minutes? From 5 to 10 minutes? From 10 to 15 minutes? 15 to 20 minutes? 20 to 25
minutes? How many phases are shown? Why does the temperature stay the same for
awhile on two different occasions?
4. The periodic table notation for nitrogen (N) is shown below. What is the atomic number for
nitrogen? How many protons, neutrons and electrons does it have? What is the atomic mass?
Does this show how many stable isotopes of nitrogen there are?
5. Know the name of the chemical compounds:
a. CO2
b. NH3
c. H2O
d. NaCl
e. H2O2
6. Balancing Chemical Equations
1. H2O  H2 + O2
a. 2 H2O  2 H2 + 2 O2
b. H2O  2 H2 + 2 O2
c. 2 H2O  2 H2 + O2
d. Balanced
2. CuO + C  Cu + CO2
a. 2CuO + C  2Cu + CO2
b. 2 CuO + C  2Cu + CO2
c. 2 CuO + 2C  Cu + CO2
d. Balanced
3. Fe2O3 + HCl  FeCl3 + H2O
a. Fe2O3 + 6 HCl  2 FeCl3 +3 H2O
b. 2 Fe2O3 + 6 HCl  2FeCl3 + 3H2O
c. 2 Fe2O3 + 6 HCl  FeCl3 + 3 H2O
d. Balanced
4. H2CO3  H2O + CO2
a. 2 H2CO3  3 H2O + 3 CO2
b. 3 H2CO3  2 H2O + CO2
c. 2 H2CO3  H2O + 2 CO2
d. Balanced
5. Identify the following as chemical or physical change:
Ice scrapped of a windshield, hydrogen and oxygen combining to make water, melting
ice, rust,…
6. Which of the above represents the atomic model of the following scientists:
Bohr, Chadwick, Dalton, Thomson, and Schrödinger
7. What are the location, charge and mass of the three subatomic particles?
8. Use a periodic table to find the number of protons, neutrons and electrons of an element.
9. Know the following scientists: Democritus, Dalton, Rutherford, Mendeleev, Bohr, Avogadro,
Chadwick, Thomson, Schrödinger,
10. Know the following terms: atom, element, compound, molecule, matter, neutral atom, ion,
isotope, energy level, nucleus, stable atom, noble (inert) gases, valence electrons, chemical bond,
11. Who said “equal volumes of all gasses contain an equal number of molecules.”
12. What part of the atom contains most of the mass? What is most of the volume of an
13. How do you compute the formula mass for a molecule?
14. How are element symbols written?
15. Why are some element symbols like Fe for iron odd?
16. How many valence electrons are in the first three energy levels?
17. What is the difference between a chemical symbol, formula and equation?
18. When balancing a chemical equation, what is always the first question?
19. When is a chemical equation balanced?
20. What can and cannot be changed when balancing a chemical equation?
21. Compare a subscript and a coefficient in a chemical equation.
22. What is an amu and what is it used for?
23. Compare and give examples of a chemical and physical change.
24. Who developed and published the first Atomic Theory?
25. What is a chemical reaction?
26. What is the octet rule?
27. What are three things atoms can do with electrons?
28. Compare ionic and covalent bonds.
29. What are Lewis Dot Diagrams and what do they show?
30. Compare atoms and compounds.
31. Where do we get our energy?
32. What are and what are examples of acids and bases?
33. What is the pH scale?
34. How did we test substances for pH?
35. What are acid-base indicators and how do they indicate pH?
36. What is Avogadro’s number?
37. What are diatomic molecules? (4 examples)
38. What are reactants (inputs) and products (outputs)?
39. Where are groups and families found on the periodic table? Why are they important?
40. What is the law of conservation of mass?
41. How can you know how many valence electrons an atom of an element has from a periodic
42. How do the masses of protons and neutrons compare to electrons?
43. What is an ion?
44. What is an isotope?
45. Use the appropriate periodic table to determine stable isotopes of an element.
46. Which element are the noble gases and why are they “non-reactive?”
47. Chemical reactions involve what part of the atom? (388)
48. Nuclear reactions involve what part of the atom?(388)