
Interpreting Graphics
The figure at right shows the digestive system. In the spaces provided, label the following parts of the
digestive system: liver, throat, stomach, gallbladder, mouth, esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine.
1. _______________________mouth
2. _______________________pharynx (throat)
3. _______________________esophagus
4. _______________________stomach
5. _______________________liver
6. _______________________gall bladder
7. _______________________large intestine
8. _______________________small intestine
The table below lists information about digestive secretions. Complete the table by writing the correct term
or phrase in the space provided.
Digestive Tract
Released By
Area Released
Secretion Acts
9. Amylase
salivary glands
10. starch
cells in stomach lining
11. stomach
12. protein
13. bile
14. small intestine
fat globules
15. pancreas
16. small intestine
(insulin is produced in the
pancreas, but it’s secreted into
the blood instead of the
digestive tract)
Multiple choice.
17. The blood-filtering unit in the figure is called a(n)
a. villus.
c. urethra.
b. nephron.
d. microvillus.
18. The structure labeled A is called the
a. collecting duct.
c. renal tubule.
b. glomerulus.
d. Bowman’s capsule.
19. The structure labeled C is called the
a. collecting duct.
c. renal tubule.
b. glomerulus.
d. Bowman’s capsule.
20. Amylases in saliva begin the breakdown of carbohydrates into
a. fatty acids.
c. amino acids.
b. polypeptides.
d. simple sugars.
21. Which of the following is an example of chemical digestion?
a. chewing food
c. breaking bonds
b. peristaltic contractions
d. churning food
22. In the stomach, single protein strands are cut into smaller amino acid chains by the
digestive enzyme called
a. amylase.
c. lipase.
b. pepsin.
d. gastrin.
23. The products of digestion are absorbed into the bloodstream through the
a. villi and microvilli of the small
c. stomach and colon.
d. liver and gallbladder.
b. rectum of the large intestine.
24. Bile, which breaks fat globules into tiny fat droplets, is produced by the
a. pancreas.
c. liver.
b. gallbladder.
d. duodenum.
25. The end result of the filtration, reabsorption, and secretion processes in the nephrons is
a. water.
c. urine.
b. carbon dioxide.
d. urea.
26. Urine leaves the bladder and exits the body through a tube called the
a. urethra.
c. kidney.
b. ureter.
d. nephron.
27. Within each Bowman’s capsule is a fine network of capillaries called a
a. glomerulus.
b. collecting duct.
a. renal tubule.
c. nephron.
The figure at right shows a nephron from a kidney. In the spaces provided, label the following structures:
Bowman’s capsule, capillaries, renal tubule, collecting duct, and glomerulus.
28. ______________________ glomerulus
= Blood
29. ______________________ Bowman’s capsule
= Filtrate  Urine
30. ______________________ renal tubule
31. ______________________ capillaries
32. ______________________ collecting duct
33. ______________________ loop of Henle
34. Draw arrows showing the direction of blood
flow and of the filtrate coming from the blood.
35. Explain why there are different lengths of
the loop of Henle in these organisms.
Beaver (aquatic):
aquatic environment will decrease the need for water absorption
so the loop will be smaller.
Human (terrestrial): This is the standard being measured
from. Humans have a relatively high need to reabsorb water
considering the aridness of the environment.
c. Kangaroo rat (arid/terrestrial): kangaroo rats live in very arid environments so their
needs to reabsorb water is high. Therefore, their loop will be larger, respectively.