board of directors application

General Information and Application Form for
KAAN: the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network
Organization Description
KAAN was founded in 1998 to build a national adoption community that seeks to understand and improve the lives of
adoptees and their families. We offer annual conferences whose attendees include adult adoptees; adoptive parents,
siblings, and spouses; birthparents; Korean-Americans; Koreans; and others. We also offer year-round support
through our website, newsletter, and other methods.
Volunteer Opportunities
KAAN is an entirely volunteer organization. Some work year-round. Technology helps to connect those from
different parts of the country. Many donate professional skills to help us further our mission and services. Though
positions are volunteer, we expect and rely upon timely completion of tasks and clear, regular communication.
Opportunities vary widely in type and commitment level. This form lists the types of needed support. If something
interests you, complete this form to see what appropriate openings are available. If you are interested in
submitting a session proposal or applying for our Advisory Council, Regional Resource Person, or Adoptee
Mentor positions, find these separate applications on our website.
 Administrative Skills: From speaker coordinator to registration, there are opportunities to contribute.
We also seek someone in south-central PA who can help with projects on an as-needed basis.
 Audio-Visual/Technology: A small team makes sure AV functions properly at each conference. We
could also use an occasional IT consultant, especially one who lives in south-central PA.
 Conference Site Planning: Hotel industry professionals can help in site selection/ negotiations.
 Finance/Accounting: We have a fiscal sponsor but still record things thoroughly. Advice in this area as
well as any potential future expansions would be appreciated.
 Fundraising/Development: The viability of our organization depends upon establishing a regular
roster of donors, corporate sponsors, and grants. Guidance and help doing the grunt work needed.
 Graphic Arts: Occasional support in the creation and review of marketing materials needed.
 Hospitality: We need greeters and others interested in welcoming conference attendees.
 Nonprofit/Law: At some point, we would like to pursue independent nonprofit status (no fiscal
sponsor). We would also like to determine if there is a reasonable way to extend our PA tax-exempt
status to the states in which each conference is held.
 Public Relations/Social Media: Help requested in expanding our publicity efforts.
 Photography: We like to capture interesting, high-resolution photos of each conference.
 Resource Development: Our website has a number of directories that need to be maintained and
expanded. Avid readers, active participants in social media venues, and/or those proficient in
Internet searches would be ideal for this.
 Sales: From selling ads in our conference magazine to books and other items onsite at our
conference, we need people committed to KAAN who like engaging the public and sharing materials.
 Videography/Film: We would like to continue to use video and our YouTube channel as a way to
share our story. Those skilled with the camera and editing are desired.
 Youth Programs: We seek caring, authentic mentors for our conference youth. A small number of
these make up the planning team; others participate onsite. We especially desire adoptees and other
Asian-American role models. Multi-year commitments would be excellent. Backgrounds in social
work/therapy and/or experience in event planning desired for at least some of these leaders.
KAAN/ Volunteer General Information Form and Application
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Application Form for
KAAN: the Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network
HOME PH. ( )
CELL PH. ( )
Why are you
interested in
serving as
volunteer for
What volunteer
experiences have
you had with
other community
areas where you
could contribute
to KAAN if
Administrative Skills
Graphic Arts
Resource Development
Conference Site Planning
Public Relations/Social Media
Youth Programs
Please share any
other comments
useful in
introducing you
and your skills to
I hereby certify that all statements made on this application are true and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Your Signature Here: _______________________________________________________________
Please submit this completed form in either written or electronic form to:
KAAN, PO Box 714, Camp Hill, PA 17001
[email protected]
Questions? Contact Stacy Schroeder at 717.574.3629. Thank you for your interest in volunteering for KAAN!
KAAN is a project of The Foundation for Enhancing Communities, fiscal sponsor. Donations are tax-deductible.
KAAN/ Volunteer General Information Form and Application
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