Multimodal Transportation Capabilities - NSPA

■■Door-to-Door by Road/Sea/Road
■■Door-to-SPOD by Road/Sea
■■Door-to-Door by Road/Train
■■Door-to-Door by Road/Train/Sea
■■Door-to-Door by Road/Train/Road
■■RPOE-to-RPOD by Train
Accessorial Services
■■Provision of Material Handling
Equipment and personnel at all loading/
unloading and transfer points
■■Provision of Contractor’s own containers
■■Provision of manpower for loading/
unloading containers
■■Provision of manpower for packaging, labeling
and certification of Dangerous Goods
■■Exterior and Interior Washing
■■Exterior Cargo Rinsing
■■Cargo Concealment
■■Provision/Application of aircraft flight, landing and
NSPA Points of Contact
■■Daren L. ADAMS
Chief, Transportation Branch
Transportation & Warehousing Division
Transportation Branch
Tel: (+352) 3063 6301 Fax: (+352) 3063 4843
E-mail: [email protected]
Transportation Officer
Chief, Outbound Operations Section
Transportation & Warehousing Division
Transportation Branch
Tel: (+352) 3063 6219 Fax: (+352) 3063 4843
E-mail: [email protected]
■■Patrick BURGER
Chief, Contract Administration Section
Transportation & Warehousing Division
Transportation Branch
Tel: (+352) 3063 6302 Fax: (+352) 3063 4302
E-mail: [email protected]
Chief, Strategic Lift Section
SALIS Partnership Secretary
Transportation & Warehousing Division
Tel: (+352) 3063 6988 Fax: (+ 352) 3063 4988
E-mail: [email protected]
parking permissions including diplomatic clearances
■■Compliance with all export, transit and
import customs clearance regulations
■■In-transit visibility and enhanced in-transit visibility
■■Convoy security
Transportation Services
■■Door-to-Door by Road/Air/Sea/Road
■■Door-to-SPOD by Road/Air/Sea
NATO Support and Procurement Agency
Agence OTAN de soutien et d’acquisition
11 rue de la Gare, L-8325 Capellen - Luxembourg
Tel. + 352 3063-1 | |
NATO Support and
Procurement Agency’s
(NSPA) Message:
As of 1 April 2013, NSPA has
implemented a new Multimodal
Contract designed to support
ISAF Troop Contributing Nations‘
(TCN) re-deployment Operations
(post 2014 and beyond). NSPA has
the capability to provide TCN with
a reliable and risk free retrograde
transport solution, through the
application of its Contractors’
experience, expertise and extensive
global transport infrastructure.
The NSPA Transportation Branch
(LS-T) understands smart defense
and how to effectively leverage and
connect all of the partners that play a
key role in Smart Support.
ISAF re-deploying TCN can obtain
support from NSPA’s flexible, robust
and already in place support network
designed to offer a Nation specific
transport solution. The NSPA
Multimodal Contracts will provide
assured and cost effective service that
will meet the following critical factors:
■■Full understanding and
management of all risk factors
■■Complete set of established
assets and resources
■■A global transport network to
deliver cargo to any NATO nation
■■Full visibility and assurance at
every stage of the process
NSPA’s Contractors will provide and
assume responsibility for door-todoor (DTD) and door-to-point of entry
(DTPOE) multi-modal transportation services by
road, air, rail and sea from the respective pick-up
locations (e.g. Forward Operating Bases (FOB),
Camps, etc.) in Afghanistan to the TCN’s home
bases, via distinct shipping scenarios:
Road-Air-Sea Scenario, either via Dubai (United Arab
Emirates) or Aqaba (Jordan), includes the pre-carriage
from the pick-up location to a designated airport
of embarkation (APOE), either directly or
through staging areas, the airlift from APOE
to a designated seaport of embarkation (SPOE),
the sealift from SPOE to a designated seaport of
disembarkation (SPOD), and eventually the delivery
from SPOD to the home base, if and as required.
Road-Sea Scenario, via Karachi (Pakistan),
includes the pre-carriage from the pick-up location
to Karachi SPOE, either directly or through staging
areas, the sealift from SPOE to a designated SPOD, and
eventually the delivery from SPOD to the home base, if
and as required.
Train Scenario, NSPA’s Contractor will provide and
assume responsibility for rail transport, including multimodal pre- and post-carriage, if and where required, for
the movement of cargo in both directions between Europe
and Afghanistan, based upon the following
■Between designated rail ports
of embarkation (RPOE) and rail
ports of debarkation (RPOD).
■On a door-to-door basis, using
multi-modal transportation means
and modes, by picking-up cargo
at specified points of origin and
transferring it to RPOE, thereafter
moving by rail to RPOD and ultimately
delivering to final destination.
NSPA’s Contractor will use the currently
available rail Northern Lines of
Communication (NLOC) routes. If deemed
necessary, NSPA’s Contractor will be in a
position to depart from any RPOE and use
any routing that may become available and
is covered by a NATO established multinational rail transit agreements (MNRTA), or
by national bi-lateral agreements (e.g. the
Central Lines of Communication (CLOC)).
NSPA’s Contractors will provide all
personnel, supervision, equipment,
airport and seaport ground handling, flight
clearances, landing and parking permits
as well as customs clearance that will be
required for the effective performance of the
contracted transportation services.