Ravensbourne TIER 4 Student Attendance Policy

Student Attendance Policy
1. Overview
2. Absence Procedure
2.1 Monitoring work placements
2.2 Authorised/Unauthorised absence
3. Taught Term
3.1 Definition
3.2 Responsibility of academic staff
3.3 Enrolment/Re-enrolment
3.4 Actions taken due to non-attendance
3.4.1 Failure to enroll
3.4.2 Presumed withdrawals
3.4.3 Withdrawals due to unsatisfactory student progress
3.5 Exceptions
3.5.1 Visiting Students
3.6 Work Placements
3.7 Research overtime writing-up period
3.7.1 Students on their research term awaiting examination
3.7.2 Extensions and referrals
3.8 Pre-sessional English programme
4. Actions for Non-Attendance
4.1 Failure to Enroll
4.2 Withdrawals due to unsatisfactory students’ procedure
4.3 Exceptions
5. Useful Sources
6.1 Useful Web-links
6.2 Ravensbourne Services
6. Appendix
As a Highly Trusted Sponsor of students on a Tier 4 (General) student visa under the Points Based
System, Ravensbourne is required to adhere to the United Kingdom Visas and Immigration (UKVI)
requirements on attendance monitoring.
According to Tier 4 of the Points Based System Guidance for Sponsors Document 3: Sponsors Duties
and Compliance (“the Guidance”), institutions have a duty to inform UKVI if students are absent
without permission for a significant period (as defined in 2.2) which means Ravensbourne will no
longer sponsor them. In addition, we have a duty to act honestly in any dealings we have with UKVI.
For example, we must not make false statements and we must ensure we disclose all essential
information when applying for a sponsor licence or issuing a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies
The Tier 4 Guidance for Sponsors - Appendix D – Keeping Documents specifies that a record of the
migrant’s absence/attendance must be kept either electronically or manually which must be made
available when asked for by UKVI.
1.1 Attendance Monitoring and Requirements
Attendance at timetabled sessions is an integral part of a student’s programme of study and
students are expected to be regular and punctual in their attendance. All students must attend at
least 100% of their scheduled contact points.
According to Ravensbourne’s assessment regulations as detailed in the Attendance Monitoring and
Requirements section of the Ravensbourne intranet:
“Attendance will be monitored selectively, and any student found to be absent without permission
will be required to meet her/his tutor to explain the absence.
"Persistent absence without good cause will lead to an interview with the Subject Leader and may
lead to a decision that the student has dropped out of the course and should be withdrawn by
All higher education institutions are required by UKVI to monitor the attendance of students who
are studying at that institution on a Tier 4 (General) student visa. We will therefore notify UKVI, if a
Tier 4 student misses two or more consecutive contact points (as defined in 1.2).
Efficient monitoring of attendance is important in establishing and maintaining good tutor/student
relations as well as helping to raise awareness of any problems students may be experiencing that
could have a negative impact on their studies. Monitoring of attendance is also an important factor
in increasing student retention, particularly in the first year of study for students undertaking multiyear courses.
This document is intended to provide clear guidance on how Ravensbourne adheres to and
implements the UKVI expectations with regards attendance monitoring and the reporting duties of
the institution.
The procedure for capturing and recording the actual attendance information.
1.2 Institutional Process
The attendance of all Tier 4 General students must be monitored by the Tier 4 Compliance Officer
each month during the students’ course of studies. The records maintained by Ravensbourne should
highlight absence rather than attendance.
The Tier 4 Compliance Officer follows a set procedure for contacting students who have failed to attend
a monitored attendance session without prior authorisation or where there is a pattern of absence
that is negatively impacting the student’s work and/or causes concern for the student’s wellbeing.
This procedure involves the Registrar, the Head of International Development and the Tier 4
Compliance Officer, as appropriate.
Failure to attend two consecutive (monitored attendance) contact points without prior authorisation
will be considered unsatisfactory and will result in the commencement of the Unsatisfactory
Students Procedure.
Examples of expected contacts include:
 Attending formal academic or pastoral care activities including:
o Any timetabled session;
o A test or examination;
o A meeting with a supervisor or personal tutor;
o A research-method or research-panel meeting, writing-up seminars or doctoral
o An oral examination (viva); or
o An appointment with a welfare adviser or international student adviser
 Submitting;
o Assessed or unassessed coursework; or
o An interim dissertation, coursework or report; and
 Registration (for enrolment or matriculation).
As specified in the Guidance, we do not have to report if:
a) We have given a student permission to miss a contact point. It is up to Ravensbourne to
decide whether we are prepared to support an absence and if necessary provide evidence to
verify this decision to the UKVI’s Compliance Officers; or
b) We have decided not to withdraw sponsorship even though a student has missed 10
consecutive contacts. This should be very rare and we must keep evidence of our decision as
the UKVI’s Compliance Officers will monitor these exceptions; or
c) The student was given permission to come to the UK on the basis of a visa letter.
1.3 Procedure for recording attendance
Please refer to the Tier 4 Attendance Monitoring Procedure for full guidance on Ravensbourne’s
procedure for recording attendance.
2.1 Monitoring work placements
Work placements are regarded as an authorised absence from the main campus.
The Tier 4 Compliance Officer is required to report all Tier 4 students who undertake work
placements as a mandatory part of their course to UKVI in a timely manner via the Student
Management System prior to the start of the work placement.
In the event a contact point falls within the work placement period of a student’s course, the
following actions are required in order to document successful attendance as an ongoing part of the
a) Emails and phone calls to and from the personal tutor/work placement coordinator; and
b) Electronic submission of work.
2.2 Authorised/Unauthorised Absence
For an absence of less than five days, the student is required to give an explanation of the reason(s)
for and date(s) of his/her absence to the Tier 4 Compliance Officer and provide a completed
Notification of Absence Form signed and dated by their tutor. For absences of more than five days
(excluding Bank Holiday/Saturday/Sunday), the student will also need to provide a medical
certificate from his/her doctor. In these instances, the absence will be deemed authorised. If the
student fails to present any of the documentation mentioned above, their absence will be deemed
If the student knows in advance that he/she is to be absent, he/she should email a notification of
absence form (available on the intranet and sent to all students prior to the course start date) to
[email protected].
Authorised Absence
Acceptable reasons for absence include health problems, bereavement and serious personal
difficulties. In these circumstances absence will usually be authorised.
Unauthorised Absence
Absence is normally regarded as unauthorised in the following circumstances; traffic delays, attending
family celebrations, paid employment and extra-curricular sports activities. This list is not intended
to be exhaustive, other reasons for absence may be judged to be unauthorised.
Attendance monitoring is an integral part of the Tier 4 Compliance Officer’s role in establishing a
routine approach and encouraging a better understanding of the issues resulting from unsatisfactory
When a student has failed to be in attendance for four weeks or more without good reason, and the
Tier 4 Compliance Officer has tried to contact the student on at least two separate occasions, either
by telephone or e-mail, with no response, a notification of withdrawal or presumed withdrawal must
be made and the student must be reported to the Home Office on the Student Management System.
3.1 Definition
Taught term indicates a term where students are assessed on class-based teaching sessions and
work placements, i.e. lessons, lectures, tutorials or seminars. This excludes any Research term
where students conduct research and attend research seminars in order to write their dissertation.
3.2 Responsibilities of Academic Staff
The points below are intended to provide Associate Deans, Course Leaders and Lecturers with
guidance on Tier 4 attendance monitoring and absence reporting for all enrolled Tier 4 students.
In addition to the Tier 4 Attendance Monitoring Procedure, Tier 4 students’ attendance must be
monitored across all levels of study and a standard, fair and auditable approach taken to ensure all
parties are treated equally. Students are entitled to see the information held in relation to their
absence record on request.
If a Tier 4 student fails to attend a scheduled class, the tutor is responsible for notifying the Tier 4
Compliance Officer by e-mail of the student’s absence as soon as is convenient.
Depending on the level of study, the guidance is different for further education, undergraduate and
postgraduate attendance monitoring system.
3.3 Enrolment/Re-enrolment
All new students issued a CAS by Ravensbourne and all returning students with a Tier 4 (General)
student visa are required to enrol at Ravensbourne within two weeks of the course start date.
3.4 Actions taken due to non-attendance
If a student fails to present themselves at the required contact point, they will automatically be sent
a warning letter from the Attendance Catalyst Module on the International Admissions Portal
directly to their e-mail address. Please see Tier 4 Attendance Monitoring Procedure for template
warning letters.
3.4.1 Failure to enroll
Admissions will continue to incorporate already established enrolment procedures. Tier 4 students
are required to enroll within two weeks of the course start date.
Failure to enroll within these two weeks without prior notification will lead to the student being
permanently withdrawn from the institution. The student’s withdrawal will be notified to UKVI via
the Home Office Sponsor Management System (SMS) within 10 working days of the latest course
start date as expressed on the student’s CAS.
3.4.2 Presumed withdrawals
There are currently two scenarios in which a student may be presumed permanently withdrawn:
1. The student is currently enrolled but the student has failed to be in attendance for four
consecutive attendance points without contact or explanation. In this situation the Tier 4
Compliance Officer must have attempted to contact the student concerned on at least two
occasions in writing before instigating the withdrawal process. In this case, the internal
system must be updated to reflect that the student has now been permanently withdrawn
from the institution with immediate effect. The information must also be reported to UKVI
via the SMS and communicated to the student concerned via e-mail and telephone.
2. The student was on temporary leave but has failed to return by his/her expected return date.
In this case, the Tier 4 Compliance Officer will run a bi-weekly report listing students
expected to return each month. The Tier 4 Compliance Officer is then given a deadline
within which they must contact the student, a maximum of five working days after the
student’s expected return date. Failure to respond will result in the student being
permanently withdrawn from the institution. This information must then be communicated to
the student concerned via e-mail, telephone and letter.
3.4.3 Withdrawals due to unsatisfactory student progress
This procedure will be applied to students whose work, progress or attendance is deemed
unsatisfactory. It does not apply to academic failure, which is managed by Registry as part of the
application of Assessment Regulations.
The standard attendance process applies to all Tier 4 General students in respect of failure to register,
leavers, presumed withdrawals and sanctions under the unsatisfactory student procedure. In respect
of Tier 4 General students who will then fall into one of these categories, the following final
verification will be carried out prior to notifying absence to the UKVI.
Once the period from final notification has ended, the institution has ten days to notify UKVI that the
student has failed to comply with their visa conditions via the SMS. As a final check before doing this:
a) The Tier 4 Compliance Officer will contact the Associate Dean/tutor and to confirm that the
student has not been in contact with any Ravensbourne staff members.
b) A sign off sheet will be submitted to the Registrar by day three, with a supporting statement
confirming that all the various checks have been done.
c) Once the contact checks have been completed, the Registrar will inform the Head of
International Development to give the Tier 4 Compliance Officer permission to report the
student to UKVI.
d) The Tier 4 Compliance Officer will notify the UKVI of the presumed withdrawn student using
the SMS.
Any student whose work (including failure to submit work on time), attendance or progress is
deemed to be unsatisfactory will be warned of this at an early stage by the Tier 4 Compliance Officer.
Initially the warning may be informal but if there is no immediate improvement or satisfactory
explanation from the student the Tier 4 Compliance Officer may apply the following procedure:
a) Where the Tier 4 Compliance Officer judges the case to be sufficiently serious they will issue
the first formal written warning (see Tier 4 Attendance Monitoring Procedure). This will be
copied to the Head of International Development, the relevant academic tutor and the
b) If there is no improvement in the student’s work/attendance/progress and the student has
not made a serious attempt to rectify the situation, the Tier 4 Compliance Officer will issue a
final formal written warning. This will be copied to the Head of International Development,
the relevant academic tutor and the Registrar.
Where the Tier 4 Compliance Officer recommends that the student should be excluded from the
institution due to non-attendance, the student is to be notified by the Registrar and invited to submit
a plea against this recommendation. The student must be interviewed by the Registrar and the Tier
4 Compliance Officer.
The next step will be decided on the basis of the interview and any information provided by the
student. The two following outcomes are the most likely:
a) The Registrar gives the Tier 4 Compliance Officer permission to act in excluding the student
permanently from the institution; or
b) The final formal warning is enforced with a final warning that if the student does not make a
serious attempt to recover the position, the Tier 4 Compliance Officer will precede the case
for exclusion.
Where the case proceeds to the Registrar, the decision of the Registrar is final.
3.5 Exceptions
3.5.1 Visiting Students
Visiting students who intend to study at the institution for under six months do not come under the
requirements of the Points Based System but should be monitored as part of Ravensbourne’s general
pastoral responsibilities.
The above policy is intended as guidance and will not cover all circumstances. It may need to be
adapted according to the student’s mode of study. The following guidance is provided in relation to
these exceptions.
3.6 Work placements
All Tier 4 students who undertake work placements as part of their course are required to provide
their work contact information and regular updates of their progress to the Employability Team. The
Industry Liaison Coordinator will be the liaison for all Tier 4 students and the International
Development team, notably the Tier 4 Compliance Officer.
All Tier 4 students on work placements as part of their course will be reported to UKVI as they will
not be present at Ravensbourne for that allotted time period.
3.7 Research overtime writing-up period
Tier 4 General students must remain in the UK only if they hold a Tier 4 General student Visa. Their
whereabouts will be of interest to the UKVI. They must not travel outside the UK without permission
from the Tier 4 Compliance Officer.
All Tier 4 General students who are conducting research for dissertations or writing up dissertations outside of the
taught term must keep in contact through their presentation at the agreed attendance points in the
Tier 4 Contact Points Calendar.
3.7.1 Students on their research term awaiting examination
Those students who have submitted their thesis and are preparing for their viva may still have
contact with their supervisor. For Tier 4 General students in the UK on a Tier 4 student visa, they must
still keep in contact through their presentation at the agreed attendance points in the Tier 4 Contact
Points Calendar.
3.7.2 Extensions and referrals
If an extension is granted to a student it normally occurs at the end of the dissertation period.
Referred candidates are entitled to six supervision meetings a year and to receive comments from
the supervisor upon the revised thesis (the student has to initiate these meetings and provide redrafts). For Tier 4 General students in the UK on a Tier 4 student visa, they must still keep in contact
through their presentation at the agreed attendance points in the Tier 4 Contact Points Calendar.
3.8 Pre-sessional English programme
Any student enrolled on the Pre-sessional English programme will be bound by the rules and
regulations as set out in the Ravensbourne Attendance Policy and the Ravensbourne Attendance
Monitoring Procedure. In addition, all students will also be required to adhere to Westminster
Kingsway College’s attendance policy for the duration of the programme.
4.1 Failure to enroll
Research Tier 4 General students should register within two weeks of their start date. However, if they
do not register/ enroll they will be withdrawn and reported to the UKVI via the SMS.
4.2 Withdrawals due to unsatisfactory students’ procedure
Tier 4 General students who are identified as a withdrawal by the Tier 4 Compliance Officer due to
absence, a withdrawal form should be completed by the student and returned immediately to the Tier
4 Compliance Officer with the student’s ID card. The form will be authorised by the Registrar and a
report will be submitted to the UKVI by the Tier 4 Compliance Officer.
The standard attendance process will be applied to all students in light of failure to register and nonattendance. In respect of Tier 4 General students who come into one of these categories, the
following final verification will be carried out prior to notifying absence to the UKVI.
Once the period from final notification has ended, the institution has ten days to report the student
to the UKVI as a presumed leaver etc. Before doing this, the following steps must be taken:
a) The Tier 4 Compliance Officer will contact the Registrar and postgraduate research tutor/research
supervisor asking for confirmation that the student has not been in contact and they are unaware of
any reason for not reporting the student to UKVI.
b) A sign off sheet will be submitted to the Registrar by day five; with a supporting statement
confirming all contact checking has been done.
c) The Registrar will sign off to authorise report to UKVI.
d) T i e r 4 Compliance Officer will notify UKVI of the presumed leaver using the SMS.
4.3 Exceptions
In some instances, the above policy may need to be adapted according to the student’s mode of
study. A separate guidance is needed in relation to these ‘exceptions’ where and when it is required.
5.1 Useful web links
UCKISA website
UKVI website
5.2 Ravensbourne services
International Development Department
International students (in the UK with permission as a student) are advised to contact the
International Admissions Office for immigration advice to their visa status and/or attendance related
The International Development Department can be contacted on +44 (0)20 3040 3667 or Email:
[email protected]
Tier 4 of the Points Based System Guidance for Sponsors Document 3: Sponsors Duties and
Tier 4 Guidance for Sponsors – Appendix D – Keeping Documents