Huntingdonshire Labour Council Candidates

Huntingdonshire Labour Council Candidates 2016 for Hunts Post April 25th 2016
St Neots Eaton Socon Eynesbury
Nik Johnson
Originally from Northumberland, at 18 years old I left home to train to be a doctor in London.
Huntingdonshire has been my family home for almost 10 years, and as well as my place of
work, it is also the focus of my day to day life. I believe passionately in the idea of public
service. As a local children’s doctor at Hinchingbrooke hospital, I am privileged to have a job
which places me right at the heart of the local community, allowing me to meet, help and
support people from all walks of life.
In District and County elections as a resident of the St Neots area I felt motivated to stand as
a Labour party candidate to combat the cuts to council services and fight for a fair deal for
the people of Eynesbury and Eaton Socon.
District, Parish/Town (* = both)
Brampton *
Rob Gardiner
I served as a nurse in our NHS for 40 years, also then working as a shop steward for
Unison. In both roles I acted as an advocate for individuals and families experiencing crises
in their lives.
Since retiring I have worked as a volunteer in various settings: in a Food Bank; as patient
representative in a local surgery; as a member of a group helping with transport to hospital
Why Labour? To oppose privatisation of the NHS. To say No to academisation. To defend
access to social housing and affordable homes. To support people confronting cuts in social
care and benefits.
Huntingdon North
Patrick Kadewere
Before I was elected, community complaints in Oxmoor were not taken seriously. The issues
included dangerous footpaths, bad lighting, potholes, badly-maintained bridges, anti-social
behaviour including speeding, and drugs. I believe I have succeeded in getting things done
about all these problems on behalf of the community.
I listen, involve people in making decisions and always report back. I continually fight for a
fair deal from the District Council for people living in Huntingdon North. I campaign against
cuts that make any reductions in police coverage. The strong community ties I have helped
to foster in the area with “Unity in the Community” should be continued and strengthened to
include all residents of the North Ward.
Huntingdon East
Marion Kadewere
I have been a health care worker from 2012 and am originally from Scotland. I am
an activist for the Unison Union and Labour Party. I have lived in Huntingdon East for ten
years. I have stood for Labour over the last four years in County, District and Town Council
elections, and have worked at Four Seasons Health Care and other health care providers in
Huntingdon since 2002. I am married to District and Town Councillor Patrick Kadewere
Little Paxton *
Nick Kumbula
St Ives East *
Angela Richards
I have lived in St. Ives for over 20 years. I work for an Intellectual Property law firm and
commute daily to Cambridge on the Guided Bus. I believe public transport and continued
investment in public transport infrastructure are amongst the areas which should be
defended if St Ives is to continue to prosper. We also need to maintain our public spaces
and limit the impact of the Government’s cuts on health and social care.
St Ives South *
John Watson
I have lived in the Huntingdonshire and St. Ives area since moving from London in 1980. In
Cambridge I worked for a well-known academic publisher and printer until retiring in 2009.
St. Ives is a delightful town and, I would, if elected hope to both maintain and improve
council Services and facilities. This government is shackled to austerity policies and the
damage caused to front line is on-going. We need further investment in the area to improve
life for all.
St Ives West *
Richard Allen
Long-time resident of St Ives, standing in every election since 2008, I am here to fight for
equal access to the diminishing services offered by Huntingdonshire to its residents to
reverse the cuts where possible. Some of Cambridgeshire's most deprived areas are in this
district, as well as some surprisingly isolated rural communities. Rather than investing your
money in much-needed services, the Tory administration's priority has been to hold down
Council Tax rises to unrealistic levels in order to gain electoral advantage. There is a
desperate need for housing in this area. Labour councillors get people involved in the
policies of the council to get voters to take part and influence what their councillors actually
Samuel Sweek
I am standing as councillor for Godmanchester because, since moving here with my young
family last year, I have found that it is a town with a kind and welcoming community. I want
to address the issues that matter most to the people of the town.
I believe that unity and team work are two of the greatest attributes we can possess as a
community and as councillor I will work toward building the strongest and most equitable
society, particularly in these times and with Godmanchester's expanding population. I want
to be a fresh face on the council and I believe I can be part of a change to make this a
stronger community.
St Neots Eaton Ford
Anna Hayward
I have lived in Eaton Socon for almost 16 years. My children attended local schools and I
have been involved with many local groups, including the Eatons Community Association
and our May Day Celebration. I am Vice Chair for a GP practice’s Patient Participation
St Neots has a strong sense of community, with good-hearted people who genuinely care.
As a councillor, I would do my best to represent everybody, especially those of us who are
vulnerable or struggling, such as children, the elderly, the disabled and their carers, all of
whom have borne the brunt of government and council cuts.
St Neots Eaton Socon
Patricia Anne Nicholls
St Neots Eynesbury
Tony McNeill
I moved to Eynesbury as a four year old and have lived in Eynesbury for over forty years.
For about the last 15 years I was the chair of the Huntingdonshire Trades Council. I have
been involved in many campaigning bodies and wish to improve council services and resist
further cuts planned to severely affect the Eynesbury community. I am an active member of
the Hands Off Hinchingbrooke campaign group. With the proposed merger with
Peterborough hospital the campaign is more important now than it's ever been.
I feel I am well qualified to use my experience to listen and work for a better future for all
residents of Eynesbury - the area I live, work and love as my home.
Nik Johnson (also county)
I am a children's doctor at Hinchingbrooke hospital. Last year I stood as the Labour Party
candidate in the General Election. Twelve months later, I am proud to be standing and
campaigning with local resident and good friend Tony McNeill in the local Council elections
covering both Eynesbury and Eaton Socon.
As Labour Party candidates we hope our combination of local knowledge and practical
experience, living and working at the heart of the community will mean that on this occasion
the people of Eynesbury and Eaton Socon will be willing to lend us their support and elect
strong and principled representatives for the whole of the community.
The Hemingfords *
Rob Leach
Ten years resident of Hilton, I stood for the district council in Fenstanton last year and
secured second place for Labour for the first time in many years. I believe in supporting all
the residents of the Hemingfords in securing affordable homes, decent services, transport
and health care and resisting the increasingly negative effects of austerity policies on
everyday life.
Having brought up three children in Cambridgeshire and engaged with education, health and
other services I am keen to improve street lighting, roads and public spaces while increasing
police and other contributors to community security, which is why I am also campaigning for
Dave Baigent to be Cambridgeshire Police and Crime Commissioner.