The Puzzle of Unusually Red L Dwarfs

Spots and White Light Flares
in an L dwarf
John Gizis
Department of Physics and Astronomy
University of Delaware
May 24, 2013
@Brown Dwarfs Come of Age
Collaborators and Facilities
Adam Burgasser
Edo Berger
Peter K. G. Williams
Fred Vrba and the USNO Flagstaff Infrared Parallax Team
Kelle Cruz
Stan Metchev
NASA award No. NNX13AC18G.
WISE, 2MASS, SDSS, IRTF, Kepler, VLA, Gemini, MMT, Keck
WISEP J190648.47+401106.8
The L1 dwarf W1906+40 is bright
enough to be measured by Kepler.
W1906+40 Properties
Ordinary L1 dwarf in both optical and near-infrared.
SDSS g=22.4, r=20.0, i=17.4. 2MASS J=13.08 Ks=11.77
USNO preliminary trigonometric parallax gives 16.35 +/- 0.35 pc.
U,V,W = -6, -12, -41 km/s
Luminosity is 10-3.67 solar.
W1906+40 is magnetically active.
Quiscent radio emission of 23 mJy.
u Lu = (4.5 +/- 0.9) x 1022 erg/s
Quiescent but variable Ha emission of 1-10 Angstroms Equivalent Width
Rotational velocity v sin i = 11.2 +/- 2.2 km/s
This L dwarf may be modeled by a single dark
spot with P=8.9 hours, or some more
complicated pattern
Dark spot not unlike those seen in Kepler M dwarfs (GO 030021)
Five Quarters of
The phase and amplitude are
largely consistent for 1.25
Previous I-band studies
reported non-periodic
variations on short timescales,
and inconsistencies between
observing runs.
W1906+40 is much different
than the late-L/T “weather”
Evidence of Flares (30 minute cadence)
The Kepler filter is sensitive to blue light,
enhancing flare sensitivity
Gemini spectra 29 July 2012
Kepler 1-minute photometry and Emission
White Light traces heated
photosphere, to ~8000K
Longer Lived Heated
Chromospheric Lines
Flare Light Curves (1 minute cadence)
Flare Frequencies
One 1032 erg flare in three months
1031 erg flare every
~300 hours
Long Cadence data ~3 times
less frequent. Sensitivity or
Summary Remarks
This L1 dwarf shows quiescent H alpha and radio emission
For the first time, we have seen white light flares in an L dwarf (although
similar flares have been seen in M7-M9 dwarfs.)
These flares require heating of both the chromosphere and the
photosphere, to >6000K. Very similar to dMe flares.
The frequency of these flares is much less than in M dwarfs with similar
rotation period, but are as frequent as in the Sun.
Large magnetic starspots(s) seem likely. The cloud variations seen in lateL/T-dwarfs don’t stay consistent for very long.