“RRRoll Up the Rim to Win” Lenten Initiative

“RRRoll Up the Rim to
Win” Lenten Initiative
The Lenten season is upon us, and with that
comes a reminder to us all of how we are called
to love and serve as people of faith living out
God’s plan. As a means to encourage our students to give alms as they prepare for
Easter, we would like to kindly ask for your support for a social justice activity
being coordinated by the Faith in Action Team.
To support our Focus on Faith themes, we are asking the Lumen Christi
community to consider donating winning coffee tabs from the “Roll Up the Rim to
Win” contest from themselves and their family members during the season of Lent.
It is our intention to send these winning tabs to St. Louis Roman Catholic Church
in Waterloo, ON to support the Out of the Cold Program that the church
participates in. The winning tabs are provided to homeless members of the
community so that they might be able to experience the dignity of being able sit
and enjoy a coffee or muffin; things that we all might take for granted each day.
Through this initiative it is our hope that our students are able to reflect on the
blessings that God has provided each of them. Although it is exciting to win a coffee
or a muffin, the majority of us don’t really need that extra indulgence. More
importantly, this initiative will also help our school community to impart on our
students the importance of social responsibility and that God calls each and every
one of us to seek justice in our world in whatever way we can.
We sincerely appreciate your support for this initiative and the continued faith
development of your child. We kindly ask that you take a moment to discuss with
your child how they might be able to actively participate with their classmates.
Should you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the school.