Bob Kuhfuss When did you start playing softball

Bob Kuhfuss
When did you start playing softball at
Robson Ranch?
I joined the first league in 2007 when we
started playing in Denton. As part of the
original board I worked with Arizona to
build our field here at Robson Ranch.
What team(s) where you on?
I played on the original team that played
in Denton City league. After that Vocal
Minority, Yellow Jackets, Hawks, Red
Hots and Reds.
What is your favorite position to play?
Have you volunteered as a manager, umpire, scoreboard operator,
scorekeeper, board member of anything else in RRSA?
I was a board member, manager and umpire.
What other sports do you follow and/or have played?
I played football and basketball in high school.
Favorite teams?
My favorite teams are the New York Yankees and New York Giants
Spouses name and # of years married:
Trish, 57 years in November
Number of Children:
2 children
Number of Grandchildren:
3 grandchildren
Year of your birth: (only if you want to!)
High School:
North Arlington High School (in New Jersey)
Are you retired?
Spent any time in Military or service organization:
Current Job or past Job:
Engineer with NYNEX
Favorite place lived:
Favorite place in Denton:
Don’t have one
Favorite Food:
Favorite TV show:
What would you like to do with your spouse/friend that you have
never done?
Cruise the Greek Aisles
What is your favorite thing to do?
Spend time with family and friends
Something Unique About Yourself:
I guess it is that I am still playing softball at 79 years old!
Anything else you might want to share!
The league was formed due to the efforts of Mark and Lana Aberbach,
who went around with a petition to request a softball league. It was then
sent to Arizona. The first year it was just one team in the Denton league.
We then formed the first board and had eight teams that played on
Denton fields. We then met with Jack Sarsam and Mark Giannonatti to
plan and start building our field. The original board was Mark Aberbach,
myself and one other couple that no longer live here at Robson.