Section 3 demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge

Teacher standards and links to
curriculum and assessment
National context
EYFS new framework September 2012
New National Curriculum 2014
Teacher assessment / moderation
Focus on early reading and phonics
New National Curriculum – Key messages for
school leadership
New National Curriculum is significantly different,
and it has huge implications for you and your school
Not just what you have to teach (National
Curriculum), but what you need and want to teach
(basic and local) to meet the needs of your children
and the local community.
Effective links between these 3 elements are key to
the successful outcomes for your children
Radical changes to the assessment system –
implications for the language of progress
National timeline
Jan 2011: Review Launched
 Jan – April 14 2011 Call for Evidence
 Spring 2012 – call for evidence stage 2
 September 2012 New Draft Programmes of
Study for English, maths, science and PE
available to schools
 September 2014 Implementation of all
subjects in new national curriculum*
What do Ofsted think?
Inspectors must consider whether the schools
 Provides a broad and balanced curriculum that
meets the needs of all pupils;
 Ensures the curriculum meets the needs,
aptitudes and interest of pupils
 Promotes a successful progression to the next
stage of education, training or employment
What do Ofsted think?
The school’s curriculum provides highly positive ,
memorable experiences and rich opportunities for
high quality learning.
Well organised imaginative and effective
opportunities for learning for all groups.
Promotes positive behaviour.
Provides a broad range of experiences that
contribute well to pupils’ achievement.
Contributes well to pupils spiritual, moral, social and
cultural development.
Key developments in Assessment
Y1 phonics screening check
 Teacher assessment of writing at Y6 2012
 Y6 Grammar and spelling for 2013
Questions to consider:
How prepared are all of your staff to:
 ‘Contribute to the design and provision of an engaging
curriculum’… especially in the light of the proposals for a
slimmed national curriculum and with increased local choice
of curriculum content? (Section 4 Plan and teach well
structured lessons)
 Make
accurate and productive use of assessment ( section 5)…
ensuring assessments are manageable, purposeful and
formative, especially in the light of an increased focus on
teacher assessment following Lord Bew’s review of
statutory assessment in the Primary years and existing focus
in KS3?
Questions to consider:
Demonstrate an understanding of and take responsibility for
promoting high standards of literacy, articulacy and the correct use
of standard English, whatever the teacher’s specialist subject’? (
Section 3 demonstrate good subject and curriculum knowledge)
If teaching early reading, demonstrate a clear understanding of
systematic synthetic phonics ( section 3)
The questions above are directly quoted from the new standards… how will
you consider and prioritise the other statements and ensure your staff
understand and can apply the standards?
Questions to consider:
If you have already developed a teaching and learning policyhow well does this reflect the new standards?
In order to ‘promote good progress and outcomes by pupils’(
section 2) how will you develop teachers understanding of
what good and outstanding progress looks like in short,
medium and longer term time frames?
Making links to the Ofsted Framework for the Quality of
Teaching – to what extent do teachers understand and use
the criteria to self- reflect and offer professional advice to
Questions to consider:
Have all staff agreed what is meant by key components of
effective teaching and learning such as progress, pace and
depth of learning? What evidence could teachers use to
exemplify these aspects?
In order to ‘keep their knowledge and skills as teachers up-todate and are self-critical’ how does the leadership use the
performance management process to foster a learning ethos
and support staff to evaluate the impact of any CPD?
For NQT’s
New standards replace the existing core
 Decision based on ‘what should reasonably be
expected of an NQT’ ( page 3)
 Judgement to reflect ‘consolidation of training,
and demonstration of ability to meet
standards consistently over a sustained period’
Thank you
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