minutes of the friends of ranelagh egm

Friends of
Ranelagh School, Ranelagh Drive
9 July 2011 at 13:00 in the Beacon Room, Ranelagh School
Marilyn Lansley (President), Kathy Winrow (Head Teacher), Neil Goodhand (Secretary), Grant
Cunningham, Sara Howard, Keith Hunt, Louise Hodkinson, Marina Stone and Tim Walpole.
Apologies: Peter Hulbert, Jan Maish, Richard Pelly, David Price & Alan Weston.
1. President’s Introduction.
Marilyn opened by thanking the Trustees for the professional manner in which the charity is run and for giving up
their time for the benefit of the school.
She thanked Jan, who is standing down after leading the Friends for 6 years, for the outstanding job she had
done and although she will be missed she has left the Friends in good order. The Head teacher echoed her
personal thanks to Jan.
Marilyn concluded by noting that in these financially challenging times the work of the Friends is more important
than ever and thanked the Friends on behalf of the whole Governing body for the exceptional contribution they
make to the school.
2. Apologies.
See above.
3. Minutes of the last AGM.
These were signed by the President as representing an accurate record of the meeting having been proposed by
Sara Howard, seconded by Kathy Winrow and agreed by all present.
4. Matters Arising.
Mike Cole agreed to continue in the role of Independent Examiner.
5. Trustees’ Report and Accounts.
As Richard was unable to attend the AGM, Neil Goodhand presented the Trustee’s annual submission to the
Charity Commission which is comprised of 3 documents; the Trustee’s report, the Annual Accounts and the
Independent Examiners report. These documents are attached below along with Richard’s notes on the
A key observation is that 3 years of transitional relief for Charities following the reduction in the basic tax rate
from 22% to 20% ended this year. Thus, with effect from 6 April 2011 the amount of tax recovered from gift aid
donations will reduce by 10%. That equates to about £2,000 of income in a year.
Louise proposed that the submission was approved; this was seconded by Marina and unanimously accepted.
Annual Trustees
Report 2011.pdf
Accounts to 31 Mar
Treasurers report
Independent Exam Cert 2011
July 2011.pdf
6. Appointment of Independent Examiner
It was agreed that Mike Cole should be re-appointed as Independent Examiner. Richard to verify that he is
willing to continue in this role
Action: Richard
7. Chairman’s Report
As Jan was unable to attend her report was presented by Marilyn; this is attached below.
Chairmans report
8. Election of Officers and Trustees.
Louise Hodkinson, Richard Pelly and Neil Goodhand agreed to stand again as Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary
respectively and as there were no other nominations, they were elected unopposed. The nominations were as
Louise Hodkinson:
proposed by Keith Hunt, seconded by Tim Walpole.
Richard Pelly:
proposed by Keith Hunt, seconded by Tim Walpole.
Neil Goodhand:
proposed by Keith Hunt, seconded by Tim Walpole.
The following Trustees were re-elected for 3 years:
Keith Hunt:
Sara Howard:
proposed by Neil Goodhand, seconded by Grant Cunningham.
proposed by Neil Goodhand, seconded by Grant Cunningham.
All were unopposed
9. Headteacher’s Report.
Kathy started by expressing her thanks to Jan for the exemplary way she had lead the Friends for the past 6
She went on to note that the years exam results has been excellent, the best for many years and the first IB
results were good. Work was continuing with other school through various schemes and the 2 schools being
directly supported by Ranelagh were both improving.
Regarding converting to an Academy she said was convinced that this was the correct decision. This had
involved a lot of hard work by many people and this should be completed by August 1st. In terms of finance
being an Academy will not make much difference, but it will mean that the school no longer has to find 10% of
the costs of any capital projects and also the school can bid for funding of capital projects from central funds.
She ended by thanking the Friends for their continued support.
10. AOB.
Next year’s AGM will be on Saturday 7th July at 1 p.m. (to be confirmed)
The meeting closed at 13:20