Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy

Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Output XI:
Report on
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
November 12th to 14th, 2013
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Introduction and Background:
Conduct and Proceedings of the workshop
Inaugural session
Presentation by the participants
Capacity Building
Methodology for assessment of WAB in India
Methodology for Technology Assessment and selection of
appropriate technology
Policy Analysis
Experiences of implementing technology
Presentation of a live implemented Indian case
Presentation by technology supplier
Private Public Partnership (PPP) model
Presentation of project on WAB2E in Cambodia
Presentation of country papers
Sri Lanka
SACEP’s initiatives and programmes
Presentation by new Technology developer: M/s BGCT.
K.K. of Japan
Plenary Session:
The drivers to support conversion of WAB2E in the sub
Barriers hindering WAB2E in sub region
Enabling measures to overcome barriers
Vision and main elements of natural and regional strategy to
enhance WAB2E
Main action areas
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Support from organization like UNEP-IETC for greater
implementation of WAB2E in the region.
Closing of workshop:
Visit to Starlit Power Systems Limited.
Table of Pictures
Picture 2.1-a
Picture 2.1-b
Picture 2.1-c
Picture 2.1-d
Picture 2.1-e
Picture 2.2.6-a
Picture 2.2.6-b
Picture 2.2.6-c
Picture 2.2.6-d
Picture 2.2.6-e
Picture 2.2.6-f
Picture 2.2.6-g
Picture 2.2.6-h
Picture 2.3.5
Picture 5-a
Picture 5-b
Picture 5-c
Picture 5-d
Picture 5-e
Participating delegates of the workshop
Inaugural session
Plenary session
Presentation of India Project
Implemented case study
Generic flow diagram of the process
Schematic diagram of the plant
Unloading of used batteries
Internal safe handling of the used batteries
Battery breaking machine
180 T WAB gasifier to produce 450 NM3 of producer gas/hr.
Gas flame at the inlet to the rotary kiln
Rotary kiln for reduction process
Organogram of SACEP
Briefing session
Entrance to gasifier block
In side the gasifier plant
Gasifier units assembly at a glance
The process byproduct: Charcoal
Table of Tables
Table 2.2.6
Table 2.3.6
Thermal energy needs of the processes
Thermal capacity comparison between Coal and RPPWF
Table of Graphs
Graph 2.3.6
Emissions comparison between Green Coal and other conventional 52
Table of Annexures
Schedule of workshop
List of Participants
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Introduction and Background:
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), DTI-IETC, has assigned a project to
Birla Institue of Management Technology, (BIMTECH) under the project code MOD# 12-2911013, titled “Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG
Emission Reduction”
As a part of the SSFA terms, a sub regional knowledge dissemination workshop was planned to
be organized for the South Asian countries comprising India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan,
Bangladesh and SriLanka. It was felt necessary that all the members working in region should
share their experiences with undertaking similar exercises and learn from each others
A three days dissemination workshop was thus planned to be conducted , and the same was
done during the 12th to 14th November 2013, in Greater Noida, New Capital Region (NCR)
The workshop was organized for the professionals working in the area of development of
renewable energy sources, with particular emphasis on use of Waste Agricultural Biomass
(WAB) for energy. A total of 31 participants attended the workshop.
The schedule of the workshop is provided in Annexure-1.
The list of participants in the workshop is provided in Annexure-2.
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Conduct and Proceedings of the workshop
Inaugural session
During the two days of the proceedings, the delegates presented their views and findings about
the relevant works in their respective countries and organisations.
Professor K. R. Chari welcomed the gathering and provided the background to the sub regional
workshop. The major events during the workshop are listed here below.
Mr. Surendra Shrestha, Director, UNEP International Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP
IETC) started the session with the opening remarks and briefed the participants about the
objectives and activities of the UNEP-IETC-DTIE.
Dr. H. Chaturvedi, Director, Birla Institute of Management Technology, India, in his inaugural
address briefed the participants about the structure of the India project.
Mr. Surya Prakash Chandak, Senior Programme Officer, UNEP IETC spoke about the detailed
structure of the project and the expectations from the project and also from the workshop.
The following pictures 2.1-a through 2.1-e show some important events of the workshop.
Picture 2.1-a: Participating delegates of the workshop
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Picture 2.1-b: Inaugural session with Mr. Surendra Shreshtha, Director – UNEP-IETC and Dr.
H. Chaturvedi, Director BIMTECH
Picture 2.1-c: Plenary session being moderated by Mr. Surya Prakash Chandak, Senior
Programme Officer, UNEP-IETC-DTIE – Osaka- Japan
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Picture 2.1-d: Presentation of India Project by Prof. K. R. Chari Birla Institute of Management
Technology: Team Leader
Picture 2.1-e: Mr. Yogesh Gupta, Chief Executive Officer, M/s StarLit Power Systems Ltd.
presenting the implemented case study to the delegates.
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Presentation by the participants
2.2.1 Capacity Building
Prof. K. R. Chari, India Project team leader, Chief Proctor and Chairperson: Center for
Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development, BIMTECH addressed the gathering and shared
the information about the exercise of Capacity building in the project.
Coverage of the paper:
The details of the five workshops conducted during the course of the project were as below:
Workshop 1: Classification and Characterisation of WAB
Workshop 2: Technologies for conversion of biomass to energy
Workshop 3: Workshop on SAT methodology
Workshop 4: Awareness workshop on Policies for conversion of WAB2E
Workshop 5: Awareness generation workshop on Technologies for conversion of WAB2E
2.2.2 Methodology for assessment of WAB in India
Ms. Shiffia Mittal and Mr. Amit Arora, team members of India project covered the process and
methodology adopted for Assessment of waste agricultural biomass in India.
The major sources of information were the Indiastat and Ministry of New and Renewable
Energy web sites. As both of these sites are maintained by the governmental machinery and
updated information is available, it was felt authentic source.
The other major points covered were as below.
Crop residue generation in india
 Every year Crop residue generation: 500 MT( MNRE 2009)
Usage of crop residue depend on:
Cropping intensity
Crop grown in different States
State wise Crop residue generation:
o U.P (60 MT)
o Punjab (51 MT)
o Maharashtra (46 MT)
Specific crop wise generation of agricultural residues at all India level
The study did not cover and excluded Wheat & Paddy residue as they are already being used
for power generation and other applications.
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Many other minor crops with negligible share are not considered because there were no specific
technologies for the very thinly distributed residues.
However, such minor residues are always used in combination with other crops residue
Surplus biomass generation in india
The estimated total crop residue surplus in India is 84-141 Mt/yr where cereals and fibre crops
contribute 58% and 23%, respectively.
Remaining 19% is from sugarcane, pulses, oilseeds and other crops. Out of 82 Mt surplus
residues from the cereal crops, 44 Mt is from rice followed by 24.5 Mt of wheat which is
mostly burnt in fields.
In case of fiber crops (33 Mt of surplus residue) approximately 80% is cotton residue that is
subjected to burning.
Surplus biomass after conventional use
The amount of crop residue, which does not have any identifiable end use; is either left in the
fields to rot or is burnt away, is termed as Surplus Biomass.
Sometimes a very little part of such residues are used to meet household energy needs by
State wise estimation of surplus waste agriculture biomass (agro kharif data-2004)
Top performing states in terms of mtoe of biomass
The potential of using WAB is equivalent of about 25.47 (15.19 for Kharif and 10.28 for Rabi)
MTOE in India. Considering the fact that the annual oil consumption in India is of the order of
about 168 Million Tonnes, the WAB offers a scope to reduce the oil requirement by about 15%.
2.2.3 Methodology for Technology Assessment and selection of appropriate technology
Following this, Prof. K. R. Chari covered the methodology adopted by the team for Technology
Assessment and selection of appropriate technology for India project.
The case of the implemented technology is covered in the presentation by Mr. Yogesh Gupta,
CEO of M/s StarLit Power Systems Ltd. in this report.
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2.2.4 Policy Analysis
Ms. Sunayna Sehgal presented the Policy Analysis for promoting conversion of waste
agricultural biomass in India. The main points covered in the presentation are as under.
An analysis of the energy scenario in the country starting the year 1970
Energy crisis of 1970
Focus shifting on WAB2E
Success rate of WAB2E projects and initiatives.
Institutional Framework
Ministry of New & Renewable Energy
National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPC)
Analysis of Policy Development
Main Issues
The 5 major thrust areas in the policy statements
Institutional support
Shift in perspective
Market instruments
Market pull
Private sector
Analysis of Foreign Investment Policy
Provisions for Joint Ventures for financial/ technical collaboration
Automatic approval for up to 100% foreign equity participation
BOOT- Build, Own, Operate, Transfer
Set up of Liaison offices across the country
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Gaps and Inadequacies in the policy
1) Uncertain economic viability of biomass to energy projects
2) Irrational incentive schemes for biomass to energy projects
3) Preference to large size biomass to energy projects
4) Applications of same environment & land use related regulations
5) Lack of emphasis on technology research and development
6) Location of biomass to energy plants
Government policy
Defragmented nature of agricultural land
Transportation cost
Proposed National Strategy for Enhancing Conversion Of Waste Agricultural Biomass
Into Energy
Utilize at least 50% of waste agricultural biomass as a source of energy by 2025 and at least
70% by 2030 by building requisite infrastructure and development of human resources.
Target: By 2035, energy generation from waste agricultural biomass reaches 35,000 MW
Period of strategy implementation: 2014-2035.
Supports/ complements the Renewable Energy Policy and the NAPC
Elements of Strategy
1) Comprehensive data base on availability of waste agricultural biomass
Current database only up to the year 2004
2) Enable sustainable and affordable supply of waste agricultural biomass to points of
Make available WAB in urban & industrial areas
3) Technology modernisation
Ownership, management & quality
4) Price regulation of waste agricultural biomass
Biomass tariff policy
5) Fiscal Incentives
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Income tax holiday, customs/excise duty exemption etc.
6) Awareness raising
7) Capacity Building
Implementation & Delivery Mechanism
The Learnings
1) Integration of various provisions in different policies needed. At present, there is no
direct and simple link visible.
2) There are no specific and exclusive policies for WAB2E.
3) Different interpretations by different state agencies of common Centre- issued directives
2.2.5 Experiences of implementing technology
Prof. K. R. Chari shared the experience of implementing technology for converting waste
agricultural biomass into energy.
The most noteworthy of the experiences were;
o Difficulty in convincing entrepreneurs about the usefulness of WAB2E technologies.
o Difficulty in liaisoning between various central and state government ministries and
nodal agencies.
o Bridging the gap between the technology suppliers and the users.
o Too frequent needs for physical movement for logistics requirements for the project.
2.2.6 Presentation of a live implemented Indian case
Mr. Yogesh Gupta, CEO, Starlit Power Systems Ltd., Sohna, Haryana – India, shared the
success story of implementing the WAB2E technology in their company. He mentioned that the
company has implemented a Biomass gasifier in place of the existing diesel oil based heating
furnace. He also shared the details of the financial gains and technology feasibility with the
The major points of the coverage were as under.
The company undertakes Smelting of Lead Scrap and Refining of Lead using producer gas
generated from captive Biomass Gasified Plant.
M/s Starlit Power Systems Ltd., is an ISO 9001/14001 certified company, engaged in
Battery/Lead Scrap Smelting, Lead Refining & Alloying, Manufacturing of Lead Oxides and
International Trading
The company is committed to offer cost effective and quality products to service the needs of
battery and secondary power industry.
The plant is equipped with modern machinery and state-of-the-art Pollution Control equipment.
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The installed capacity of the plant for Lead Refining & Alloying is 20,000 MT/Yr
The installed capacity of Battery / Lead Scrap Smelting is 15,000 MT
The plant has an in-house testing laboratory with latest and state of art instruments for
production and quality control.
Recycling of Lead through Smelting of Rejected Lead Acid Batteries and Lead Scrap etc is
endowed with several merits such as :
Conservation of natural resources
Savings in energy and
As a solutions to waste disposal problem
However, the outlook of recycling or smelting of lead varies from country to country and this
process has gone through several technological innovations over the years.
Despite several advantages, smelting is still not free from Environmental Pollution and needs
sustained efforts to overcome not only the problems of environmental pollution but also day to
day problems being faced by the recyclers in developing countries like India:
The Scale of Operations :
Unlike developed nations, the scale of operation is quite small
Efficient Recovery of lead:
It is a major challenge as it is single most important factor which governs the commercial
Compliance of Law of the Land:
Unlike past, there are stringent laws to control the pollution and emphasis is now to adopt waste
minimisation measures and cleaner technologies
Appropriate Level of Investment:
There is need to make adequate investment to make the process environmental laws compliant,
improve recovery, reduce labour intensive operations etc.
Pictures 2.2.6-a through 2.2.6-e show the approach and stages of the used battery handling
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Picture 2.2.6-a: Generic flow diagram of the process
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Picture 2.2.6-b: Schematic diagram of the plant
Picture 2.2.6-c: Unloading of used batteries
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Picture 2.2.6-d: Internal safe handling of the used batteries
Picture 2.2.6-e: Battery breaking machine
Use of Cleaner Fuel – Producer Gas
Earlier HSDO was used as fuel in all thermal operations, though it is cleaner fuel as compared
to Furnace oil, yet replaced with producer gas
Producer gas is generated in captive Biomass gas generation plant. Pictures 2.2.6-f through
2.2.6-h show different major components of the gasifier installation.
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Picture 2.2.6-f: Installation of 180 T WAB gasifier to produce 450 NM3 of producer gas/hr.
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Picture 2.2.6-g: Gas flame at the inlet to the rotary kiln
The installed plant uses the biomass at 180 kg/hr which replace more than 45 ltrs. of HSDO per
hour. The Technology is approved by Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, Govt. of India
and TERI.
The installed gas pipe line directly feeds the rotary burner.
Picture 2.2.6-h: Rotary kiln for reduction process
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The plant has a set of four heat consuming equipment viz:
i- Melting and refining furnace,
ii- Melting and alloying furnace,
iii- Oxidation furnace and
iv- Reduction Rotary Furnace.
The thermal energy needs of the company
The heating needs of the various operations have been assessed based upon the following
practical considerations, viz:
- Thermal efficiency of the furnace as 50%
- 1,050 KCal/cubic meter of gas (1,000 to 1,100 KCal per Kg of biomass) and
- 1 Kg of biomass gives 2.5 cubic meters of gas, or 2,500 Kcal/Kg. of Biomass.
- That process would need heat energy only in any two of the processes at a time.
Table 2.2.6 provides the details of the needed thermal energy.
Table 2.2.6: Thermal energy needs of the processes
Refining furnace
Alloying furnace
Oxidation furnace
Reduction furnace
Thermal energy
requirement in
Requirement in
Ltrs./Hr *
requirement in
Kgs./Hr **
340 ***
The combinations could be any two of above four operations as per process requirement
Sizing of the gasifier plant
Based upon the above mentioned considerations, it was decided to install a 540 KWt equivalent
gasifier (approximately 180 Kgs./Hr of WAB) was installed.
The gasifier unit was commissioned during March/April 2013.
The operating constraints and issues:
Mr Gupta mentioned that the journey was not very smooth and without any problems. As is
common with any such technology, the management faced many teething troubles during the
stabilisation of the plant.
Initially, the gasifier was commissioned and operationalised with dual fuel mode diesel
generator system. The initial one month of time was spent in trying to sort out the teething
troubles, primarily in the area of stabilized electricity generation capacity and that of the tar
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removal. However, the generator set could not be operated continuously due to excessive tar in
the gas. This resulted in to very frequent stoppages and the DG Set was getting heated even at
60 % of electrical load. The management had to take a hard and painful decision of
discontinuing with the power generation options, but however, decided to continue with the
thermal energy generation route.
While still waiting to identify an appropriate WAB briquetting plant, the company started with
using waste woody biomass with shrubs trunks, saw mill leftovers and plant stem bio products.
For the process of smelting, which is a chemical reduction process, the Oxygen in the product
is removed by burning carbon in an oxygen starved reducing atmosphere.
For this purpose, the company was buying raw charcoal from the open market at an average
price of Rs. 18,000 per metric ton. However, with the induction of the gasifier, the char
produced during the gasification process was found useful. This could replace some part of the
bought out charcoal.
The production of the char is of the order of about 30% by weight of the biomass input.
With it’s production capacity, the company can generate about 40 Metric Tonnes of the char
annually (based on an average 80% capacity utilization), which is equivalent of about Rs.
720,000 per year (12,000 to 14,000 US$).
This emerged as an added bonus from the technology choice.
The company realizes that in today’s challenging and competitive environment, it is necessary
to make lead smelting more economical and environment friendly. The process of change is a
continuous activity in the company. Some measures are implemented, and they believe that a
lot more is still needed to be evolved and implemented.
2.2.7 Presentation by technology supplier
The above presentation was followed by the presentation by Mr. Arshad Rana, General
Manager, M/s Chanderpur Industries Limited, Yamunanagar, Haryana State, India. M/s
Chanderpur Industries Limited are the technology providers to M/s StarLit Power Systems Ltd.
During the presentation, Mr. Rana highlighted the need for WAB2E projects and various
projects implemented by the company.
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
The main features of the presentation were as under.
The Program is aimed at accelerated dissemination of thermal biomass gasifiers in MSME’s in
the country. Biomass Gasifiers is a viable alternative to replace the fossil fuel based products
like LPG, Furnace oil, LDO & other petro fuels or Coal.
On one side prices of Diesel / Gasoline are increasing rapidly & on another hand these are
destroying the environment & are a major cause of global warming. In the present condition a
gasifier technology has a comparatively very quick payback period of one to two years,
depending upon the present fuel being used & availability of the biomass.
Besides economical viability, use of gasifiers have other benefits such as :Environment friendlyZero Effluent, No Air Emission, No solid waste, No Noise Pollution
User friendlyGas contains Zero Sulphur, Zero Ash, No Tar, Extremely Clean Gas, so better quality product.
Simple to operate & practically almost no maintenance.
The technology is proven
These systems basically convert woody biomass /agricultural wastes like rice-husk,
coconut waste etc. into a combustible gas which can be used in a number of ways:
The generated gas can be;
Burnt like a convenient gaseous fuel through appropriate burners in case of thermal
Fed into diesel engines (C.I. Engines) to save up to 65 to 75% of the normal diesel
consumption, and,
Fed into gasoline engines (S.I. Engines) to replace 100 % natural gasoline etc.
The Technology which indeed benefits MSME, rural poor and the industrial sector has come
and it benefits on regular basis and is understood easily by every day users, whether it is a Farm
or House, industry or a Factory
Different types of gasifiers manufactured:
Updraft Gasifier---( wood or coal etc.)
Downdraft Gasifier– (solid biomass like wood/ briquette & loose biomass like rice
husk/ wheat straw
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Depending upon the peripheral equipment, the gas can be classified as Raw Gas , Clean Gas or
Extra clean Gas
The system is provided with fully automatic controls, based on PLC & SCADA to control
temperature, pressure & gas flow between gasifier & application, all operating devices &
Safety Devices.
Safety Devices
The system comprises all the needed safety measures & provides rupture disk, auto vent valve
& water seals at different points.
Free Training to Customers
In collaboration with The Energy Resources Institute (TERI), provides free training to the
customers to operate the plant smoothly & trouble free.
Free Energy Audit
The company, in collaboration with TERI provides free energy audit for the customers to aware
them regarding energy saving & make their system cost effective.
Zero Effluent
Almost Nil effluent . Total water is recycled and only makeup water is added. Excepting the
water vapour, there is no other effluent or emissions.
Air Emission
Emission is only from gas generators/ furnace exhaust, which is cleaner than CNG engines and
fulfill all the statutory requirements
No solid waste
Un-burnt material (charcoal) coming from gasifier will be sold out in market. Tar is separated
from water and can be sold in the market
Noise Pollution
All the equipment used in the plant are designed in a way that they do not cause any noise
Technology advantages over other fuels
The gas produced in the gasifier has the following salient features;
Zero Sulphur (Producer Gas is free from sulpur as biomass has no sulphur content).
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Zero Ash (Ash Emission from the system only un-burnt material (charcoal) coming
from gasifier, which itself is a fuel).
No Tar (Tar is separated from gas by using Wet ESP and can be sold in the market)
Extra Clean Gas (Use of ESP, Chiller, Fine filter & fabric filter ensures the gas is extra
clean & is suitable for gas engines).
Low cost of energy
Low operating costs
Reduces GHG emissions
Improved combustion
Shorter Payback period
Improves and provides safe working environment
Reliable, continuous delivery of cost effective energy and reduces dependence on fossil
2.2.8 Private Public Partnership (PPP) model
Mr. Ateesh Samant, Chief Executive Officer, IL&FS Energy and IREL presented the Private
Public Partnership model being adopted by Infrastructure Leasing & Financial Services – India.
IREL was promoted by IL&FS, with a mandate to develop, implement and operate
power projects in the renewable energy sector
IREL is currently associated with development and operations of projects in areas like
including mini-hydel, biomass including co-generation, waste to energy, wind energy
and solar
Wind Energy: Currently 403 MW of Wind Farms Projects are operational and an
aggregate of 625 MW is expected to be operational by end of calendar year 2013.
Aggregate capacity to reach 1000 MW in 2014
Biomass Energy: IREL currently has 105 MW of operational biomass/ bagasse based
Solar Energy: IREL is currently developing 10 MW Solar Power Plant in Tamil Nadu
IREL has been engaged in developing Biomass based Projects through greenfield
Operational Projects in Bagasse Cogeneration:
36 MW Cogeneration Project of Urjankur Shree Datta Power Company Limited
(USDPCL) was setup adjacent to Shree Datta Sethkari Sahakari Sakhar
Karkhana Ltd
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44 MW Cogeneration Project of Urjankur Shree Tatyasaheb Kore Warana Power
Company Limited (USTKWPCL) was setup adjacent to Shree Tatyasaheb Kore
Warana Sahakari Sakhar Karkhana Ltd
Operational Projects in Biomass Space:
Shendra Green Energy Ltd operates a 13 MW Biomass based power plant at Shendra
MIDC, in Aurangabad district, Maharashtra (erstwhile GAPS)
Punjab Biomass Power Limited (PBPL) operates a 12 MW Biomass based power plant
at Ghanour, in Patiala District, Punjab
The Cogeneration projects (USDPCL & USTKWPCL) were implemented with help of
Urjankur Nidhi Fund, that was established
participation of the Government of
Maharashtra (GoM) and IL&FS, under a BOOT structure
Increased efficiency achieved with introduction of high pressure and temperature boiler
configuration – 110 kg/cm2 pressure and 545 oC. Triple Extraction cum condensing
turbines were utilised and Power evacuation was at extra high voltage levels (132 kV)
which reduced the transmission losses
Modernisation of
the Sugar factory, leading to optimization of steam & power
consumption has enhanced cane crushing up to 15% - 20% as well as productivity. Part
of the gain due to this was distributed as royalty payments to the farmers based on per
ton of cane supplied
Challenges faced by IL & FS
Technical Issues:
The boiler was designed to burn cotton stalk. However initially, operations were
shifted to bagasse due to easier availability as compared to cotton stalk, which
reduced the efficiency of the boiler.
There were other problems encountered while operating the boiler (especially in
the travelling grate and combustion system) leading to frequent shutdowns
Fuel had to be cut before feeding to the boiler. Variable cost of using cutters
were high due to frequent replacement of blades. Hence manual fuel feeding
system was deployed which was less efficient
Non-perennial water source and drought effected the water supply to the power
plant thereby impacting operations
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Fuel feeding system replaced during overhaul, modification undertaken in the
boiler by increasing the economiser area and travelling grate works to improve
the overall efficiency
Water cooled condenser proposed to be replaced with an air cooled condenser
Fuel Related Challenges
Prior to acquisition, main fuel was bagasse, procured through multiple traders
Variable cost was high due to the following reasons;
Large distance from the source /agro fields
Low density of bagasse increased the transportation cost
Alternate use of bagasse increased the demand and hence the price
Cartelisation of bagasse suppliers also led to upward surge in prices
Further, there was no established supply chain management. Since bagasse collection
window was only 3- 4 months, fuel had to be procured to run the off-season thereby fuel
storage issues like availability space, degradation of the fuel during rains and self
igniting fires during summers, etc.
Calorific value of bagasse is around 2200 kcal/kg where as biomass such as cotton stalk
(on which the boiler design was optimised) is around 3000 kcal /kg. Therefore, larger
volume of bagasse was required
Strategising Fuel Procurement & Management
Region has abundant cotton stalk availability with no alternate use. Further the
farmers have to incur additional expenditure to burn the cotton stalk
Focus was shifted to make Cotton Stalk the main fuel and on collection of other
major agro residues in the area such as Maize Cob and soya husk etc. supported
by Bagasse
Supply Chain
Established a network of about 17 collection centers around 30-50 km radius
from the plant for collection of cotton stalk. Fuel was brought to the collection
Development of dedicated infrastructure at these centers for weighing and spot
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Creating awareness amongst the farmers about availability of market for cotton
stalk through radio and participation in various agricultural exhibitions
encouraging them to come directly to the collection centers
Creation of Village Level Enterprises (VLEs)
Reducing dependency on intermediary / traders by involving about 60 Village
Level Entrepreneurs (VLEs) and local NGO’s (3 Nos) in fuel collection
Supply of cotton chipping machines to the VLEs and NGOs for processing of
cotton stalk
Establishing a transparent pricing mechanism for purchase of biomass
Providing financial support and buyback guarantees to the farmers
Key Results
25,000 MT of cotton stalk collected in first season in 2011 as against 3,000 MT in 2010
from a command area of about 22,000 acres of cotton field. The total biomass collection
was more than 70,000 MT as against 40,000 MT in 2010
Increased Operating Days thereby increased PLF to 60 -65%
Revenue increased by 45%
Saving in fuel cost: 10%
Extending the Relationship with Farmers
Creation of farmer groups
This season about 25 farmer groups have been formalised mainly for supply of
cotton stalk
Fund support through banks for providing cotton stalk processing equipment in
Expected to further reduce the cost of fuel and also increase collection of
biomass, besides enable establish direct relationship with the farmers
Power contributes to the local economy by increasing the productivity and has a
spillover impact (livelihood opportunities, promote industries, cold storage facilities,
Unlike solar or wind, a biomass power plant can act as a base load power plant
Biomass Power Plants can be set up as distributed power generators, located close to
the villages, due to nature of the fuel sourced
However for Biomass Power Plants to be successful, a symbiotic relationship has to
established between the Project and farmers
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One approach to developing such a symbiotic relationship is by ensuring 24 x 7 power
supply to the command area from which fuel is procured for the Plant. This requires
developing islanding facilities
Socio Economic Benefits – Multiplier Effect
Some success in communicating the benefits of supply of cotton stalk to the Project to
the local villages about the
Self sustainability for small farmers, VLEs, Self Help Groups
Employment created for more than 4000 labours during the peak collection period
Additional revenue to cotton growing farmers that is especially helpful when cotton
prices are low
Additional support through social inclusion schemes - launched purified water supply
scheme in one of the Talukas in command area
Livelihood Generation
For a 12 MW Plant
Biomass Requirement per annum
Cultivated area cleaned up
Direct livelihood Generation per
year (@ 6 mandays required to
pluck and chip the cotton per acre)
Total income generation for the
workers in the field (6 months
period per annum @ Rs. 250 per
Additional Income to farmers (@
Rs. 1000 per MT)
25 GW capacity
(potential in India)
130,000 MT
271 Mn Tonnes
0.1 million acres
208 million acres
0.6 million mandays in a 1250 million mandays in a
period of 6 Months (i.e
period of 6 Months (i.e 7
3,333 labourers required million labourers required per
per day)
Rs 150 Mn (USD 2.4 Mn) Rs 312,500 Mn (USD 4,960
per annum
Mn) per annum
Rs 130 Mn (USD 2.1 Mn) Rs 2,70,000 Mn (USD 4300
per annum
Mn) per annum
Entrepreneurial Opportunities
The Project created multiple entrepreneurial opportunities for rural youth
through their participation in the fuel supply
Environmental benefits
Agro wastes such as cotton stalk, paddy straw, juliflora had competing use and
the farmers faced immense challenge and additional cost in uprooting these
wastes to clear the fields for next cropping season
Burning these wastes results in pollution causing environmental hazards
Effective fuel management reduced these evils
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A Biomass Power Project, instead of being looked as a Power Project, needs to be
looked as a Rural Infrastructure Project with significant multiplier benefits
2.2.9 Presentation of project on WAB2E in Cambodia
Mr. Nun Sophanna, Deputy Project Coordinator, National Cleaner Production OfficeCambodia , presented the experiences and details of a similar project undertaken in Cambodia.
The project was funded by UNEP-IETC and UNIDO and was implemented by the National
Cleaner Production Office- Cambodia
Objective: To assist national Government to promote conversion of waste agricultural biomass
into energy through awareness raising, capacity building and demonstration projects.
The major steps in the project in Cambodia were:
Awareness Raising and Capacity Building,
Assessment of WAB Potential,
Technology Assessment and Case Study,
National strategy and policy
Awareness Raising and Capacity Building
Module 1 focusing on
Assessment of generation of waste agricultural biomass and Assessment of waste agricultural
biomass management system
Module 2 focusing on
Result and characterization of waste agricultural biomass for energy applications;
Overview of technologies for converting waste agricultural biomass into energy;
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Sustainability assessment of technologies followed by group exercise on stakeholder
consultation in waste agricultural biomass project.
Business Opportunities for using Waste Agricultural Biomass as Source of Energy
Industrial Energy Efficiency by using technologies for converting waste agricultural
biomass into energy
Energy Use In the Country
Cambodia Power Sector Overview
Electricity demand growth 16%
Annual energy consumption per capita 190 kWh
Electrification 35% in 2011
Capacity supply 635 MW
National total Electricity supply: 2,675 GWh
Wood residue in Cambodia
Potential of energy from WAB in Cambodia based on data in 2011
Total of WAB potential in Cambodia is about 5.83 MTOe which the combination of crop
residue and wood residues.
Technology Assessment and Case Study of implemented technology at M/s Ly Ly Food
Industry Co., Ltd
SAT Methodology
Operational Level Assessment
Operational Level Assessment
Case study in
Company’s Products
In 2012-2013 the company was selected as a demonstration unit to implement and demonstrate
use of WAB to replace Diesel Oil in the production processes.
Technical support provided by project team and international energy experts.
The company has implemented 2 techno-economically viable options having good potential of
 Captive Power Generation using WAB, and
 Thermal energy for production centers viz:
o Replace D.O burner with biomass based one for all three Crisper Machines
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o Replace D.O deep fryers with biomass based one
The above steps have resulted in conservation of Reduction in cost of Energy & GHG
Potential of energy from WAB in Cambodia based on data in 2011
Total of WAB potential in Cambodia is estimated at about 5.83 MTOe.
In 2011, Cambodia imported 1.6 MTOe into the country to meet the energy demand which is
27% of available WAB in the country.
The country’s own power generation is depending mainly on imported Heavy Fuel Oil (93%).
Hydropower and coal contribute with a bit more than 3% each, while biomass contributes less
than 1% to power generation.
Analysis of policies that influence conversion of waste agricultural biomass into energy
Towards this, the team had analysed the various provisions and details in the following
documents, viz:
o Agricultural sector strategic development plan 2006-10
o National Climate Change Policy in Cambodia
o National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS) for Cambodia
o National Policy on Green Growth
o National policy, strategy and action plan on energy efficiency in Cambodia
Proposed National Strategy for Enhancing Conversion of Waste Agricultural Biomass
Utilize at least 50% of waste agricultural biomass as a source of energy by 2025 and at least
70% by 2030 by building requisite infrastructure and development of human resources.
Establishment of efficient collection and transportation system for WAB
Development, promotion and wide-scale implementation of technologies to either convert
WAB directly into energy easily usable fuel
Raising awareness among all energy and fuel users to switch over from fossil fuels to fuels
derived from WAB
Building capacity.
o To convert at least:
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o 4 million tons of agricultural residues,
o 0.7 million m3 of timber residues and
o 2.2 million tons of rubber wood residues into thermal or electrical energy.
Lesson Learnt from Project
There is need to strengthen the structure and capacity of NCPO-C.
WAB can play an important role in energy supply in Cambodia
Gap in existing policies could be identified that needed to be filled to enhance the WAB2E in
The demonstration project has helped in show casing the practicality of WAB2E technologies
and proved the benefits of WAB2E technology, which will encourage the replication and the
desired multiplier effect.
Presentation of country papers
The country papers were presented by five countries as detailed below.
2.3.1 Bangladesh:
Dr Abu Saleh Mostafa Kamal, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, presented
the country paper.
In his presentation, Dr. Kamal covered;
o Status of generation of Waste Agricultural Biomass (WAB) in the country
o Types and Quantities of different WABs in various regions in Bangladesh
o Current practices of utilization of WAB in the country
o Estimates of surplus WAB and current practices of disposal
o Technologies for converting Waste Agricultural Biomass into energy that are available
and being used in the country
o Assessment of technology needs
o Analysis of relevant policies, barriers for conversion of WAB into energy, Identification
of different existence provisions and suggested strategy.
Lessons learnt from previous projects on WAB in the country
Support needed from international organizations like UNEP
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Status of generation of waste agricultural biomass in the country;
Generation of Waste Agricultural Biomass (WAB):
Bangladesh is a tropical country and around 30 million tons of agricultural wastes are produced
per annum.
These plenty of waste agricultural biomass available in the rural areas are greatly used in
producing biogas to be used for cooking and lighting.
Though the elements used in biogas production conventionally are plenty in rural areas, the
energy consumption is very high in the urban areas.
Types and sources of WAB:
The major source of rural energy in Bangladesh is the biomass source which provides rice
straws, husks, saw dust, coconut shell, dung, twigs and leaves, sugarcane-bagasse, jute-sticks,
fire wood etc.
It is estimated that biomass fuel combustion in open air releases about 189.5 Gg methane gas,
2339.9 Gg of carbon monoxide gas, 2.38 Gg of N2O and 85.94 Gg of NOx gas.
The emission from agricultural residues contributed to about 59% of total emissions from
biomass energy combustion.
However, emission from biomass energy combustion has not been considered for carbon
dioxide emissions as these biomasses are fully regenerated through sequestration in the
Main Regions of WAB:
Bangladesh is an agricultural country with a total area of 147570 km2. There are 7
administrative divisions which divided into 30 agricultural zones. It can be considered as main
regions of Bangladesh.
Rice cultivation is the major agricultural activity in Bangladesh. Out of 14.4 million hectares
(Mha) of total land area, 58.2% is used for crop production while forest land occupies about
18% and about 2% is fallow.
The two categories constitute the total land area currently devoted to crops. Out of the total of
14.08 Mha harvested area (BBS, 1992) about 72% (i.e., about 10.2 Mha) is used for rice
cultivation in three distinct crop growing seasons in Bangladesh.
It should be mentioned here that all refuses are not waste as because of one stage may be taken
into other stages as main goods for use.
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An estimated 0.44 Mm of other varieties of woods are also used/consumed in the country. In
addition to these forest, an estimated 18.143 Mm3 of bamboo biomass is consumed annually
Current practices of utilization of WAB in the Country
A common agricultural practice in rural areas of Bangladesh is, the WAB left in the fields after
each harvest. A fraction (there is no definite assessment of its quantitative significance) of the
biomass is mulched during the field preparation for the next crop and in some areas farmers
amass the dry biomass to make a small heap and set them afire, and spread the ash in the field
to maintain top soil fertility.
A portion of the above ground biomass used for making compost manure and kitchen-fuel
specially in the rural areas in all over the country.
Remain portions are used as the substrate for cultivating mushrooms, vermin-culture and biogas production.
Estimates of surplus WAB and how it is disposed.
There is no estimated authentic data on surplus WAB of Bangladesh. This is to be noted here
that in case of Bangladesh the standard dumping methods are not practiced. In all cases
agricultural solid wastes (rotten fruits ,vegetables and its strips, saw dust, coconut shell, leaves
and branches, paper, cotton, cloths), including refuses from slaughter house, animal etcetera,
poultry drops and other organic substances are dumped in open air which inhibits anaerobic
decomposition of organic matters.
As regards the estimate of degradable organic compound (DOC), Dhaka City Corporation
(DCC) Bangladesh, reported a relatively high percentage (70%). The reason of this could be
that when data was collected with a long time- gap between waste collections and landfilling,
most of the recyclable materials like plastics, metals and other inorganics were picked up by
groups of Tokais (waste-pickers), who make a living out of such waste recycling. As a result,
the relative percentage of DOC was reported to be higher.
Hence, reference has been drawn, at this stage, from a pioneering work done in this direction by
a multi-disciplinary team of experts (published in July 1994 by German Cultural Centre,
Dhaka) entitled "Aspects of Solid Waste Management" specially with respect to the fraction of
DOC. This reference reports an average figure of 23% degradable organic carbon through a
somewhat more detailed chemical analysis of the refuse generated in Dhaka city (Ahmed, F.;
The literature revealed that the overall energy situation of Bangladesh in1990 (recommended
base year for the study) amounted to 763 PJ (PetaJoules). Of this, 264 PJ was supplied from
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commercial or fossil fuel sources (natural gas, petroleum, coal and hydropower), the balance
499 PJ coming from biomass or traditional energy sources; agricultural residues, tree residues,
firewood and dung.
Technologies for converting WAB2E in the country.
In a word, Bangladesh has no modern technologies for converting WAB into energy, although
Bangladesh is has of biomass which has been used for extracting energy by burning directly or
used for producing biogas.
Animal excretion, mainly dung, available in the rural areas, is primarily used in producing
biogas to be used for cooking and lighting. Though the elements used in biogas production
conventionally are plenty in rural areas, the energy consumption is very high in the urban areas.
A few organizations are coming up with public private community approach in Bangladesh in
the recent time to take care of community problems. For an example, an NGO has initiated to
mediate with DCC and other public agencies as well as private sector players to provide land
and logistical support for implementation of the program and marketing of the recyclables and
the compost.
Assessment of technology needs.
The problem of WAB in Bangladesh is extremely alarming from the viewpoints of environment
and public health. It is well recognized that the WABs are fully biodegradable, Bangladesh is
lucky enough for producing more than 85 per cent organic biodegradable waste of total
municipal wastes.
Municipal waste with biodegradable properties is suitable for composting, biogas generation
and disposal in properly designed sanitary landfills. It gets absorbed in soil without causing
effect on the environment, provided it does not contain hazardous substances. In the long run it
achieves the same properties of soil and thus keeps producing flora and fauna on the top.
Moisture content in the waste is an important factor among the factors for the management and
treatment issues. The WAB of Bangladesh contains as high as 65 per cent moisture.
While adequate moisture in waste helps quicker fermentation and decomposition in the
composting process, higher moisture is not good for incineration as it takes more heat and
thermal energy to evaporate the inherent moisture.
The high moisture content factor is considered to be a decision making factor for choosing or
selecting appropriate technology. However, the carbon content and favorable calorific value is a
plus point for producing electrical energy from WAB during the course of incineration.
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Composting of WAB is done in Bangladesh, though on a very limited scale. Experts find
favorable conditions in Bangladesh for the expansion of composting plants.
Bangladesh is also favorable for generating more biogas from landfills. Collection of gas for
producing energy from sanitary landfills in Bangladesh may be economically profitable if its
potentiality is harnessed with the aid of modern technology and management.
Bangladesh being a developing country, is working on applying any type of advanced
technology mainly due to complexities of waste and scarcity of suitable landfills; but is not in a
position to build, operate and maintain them. Although the modern incineration and plasma
technologies generate energy and heat during the process; which claims to compensate cost of
operation to a great extent, it is not economically affordable for Bangladesh,.
Analysis of relevant policies
The existing and current policies were analysed with a view to identify provisions which
Accordingly, some suggestions in the strategy have been made to enhance greater use of WAB
into energy. Policies and provisions are the legal instruments which play vital role in bringing
about changes in behavioral attitude of people in a democratic society.
About 24 statutory and strategy provisions are in place in Bangladesh, to directly or indirectly
deal with the matters. Of them the following laws are found related with the issues of WAB in
o The Penal Code, 1860
o The Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898
o The Bengal Municipal Act, 1932
o The Factories Act, 1965
o The Shops and Establishment, 1965
o The Ordinance of City Corporation; The Paurashava Ordinance
o The National Environmental Policy, 1992
o The Industrial Act, 1932 and 1992
o Bangladesh Environmental Conservation Act, 1995 amended on 2010.
o EIA guide lines for Industries, 1997
o The Environment Court Act,2000, and
o National land use policy, agricultural policy and a few other minor acts.
One of many reasons that the municipal system of Bangladesh can very seldom apply legal
authority on violation of the existing laws on waste management is its weak foundation.
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Bangladesh needs to amend and update the old policies, provisions, ordinances, acts and rules
to make it appropriate with new problems in relation to WAB.
Lessons learnt from previous projects on WAB in the country.
Dhaka city corporation (DCC) with financial and technical support of of JICA has launched
sanitary landfills at Matuail dumping ground, Dhaka for the first time in Bangladesh. With the
project we have learnt that the authority should have acquired expertise to keep the plant
This kind of new economic activity in Bangladesh, however, requires government support for
selling the energy to the national grid or to other consumers at a reasonable price to help
survive the private investor.
Support needed from international organizations like UNEP
Bangladesh does not have any sanitary landfill or other modern machineries for hygienically
disposing waste. The ground treatment, design and engineering works are the preconditions to
carry out WAB disposal under sanitary landfills methods.
Sanitary landfills thus needs initial capital investment. Unfortunately no city corporation or
municipality authority in Bangladesh is financially capable to invest money from its own
source for any capital intensive program not to speak of sanitary landfills.
In such circumstance, UNEP may extend its unconditional or easy monetary support to
establish disposal machineries as deemed to be appropriate for Bangladesh.
UNEP can also arrange training for capacity building and create a notion for research, which
will ultimately give a motion to achieve the goal.
2.3.2 Bhutan:
The country paper of Bhutan was presented by Mr. Ugyen, National Project Manager, Planning
and Coordination Division, Department of Renewable Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Government of Bhutan
The main coverage of the presentation is given as below.
Department of Renewable Energy: Bhutan
Provision of diverse forms of green and renewable energy solutions and energy efficiency
options aimed at enhancing energy security and sustainable development of the country.
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To promote all forms of available and viable renewable energy resources and technologies from
supply side of energy chain through applied research, development, capacity building,
demonstration projects, and devising appropriate incentive schemes while actively embracing
energy conservation and efficiency measures from demand side of energy chain.
Biomass Resources
Agricultural waste:
o 8% of the country’s land is arable
o 70% of country’s population depend on agriculture in rural Bhutan,
o 18.5% of country’s GDP
Livestock Sector
o Estimated energy potential = 203 Million Joules/yr
o Theoretical Biogas production potential = 8.86 MNm3
o Forest Biomass
o More than 72% of the country’s land under forest cover,
o 527.5 million cubic meters of total growing forest stock
o 3.91 million tons or 849,437 cubic meters of annual sustainable forest yield
Current utilization of biomass
Animal Dung
o Generally used for preparation of organic manure,
o For cooking in higher altitudes where there is scarcity of firewood,
o 1600 family sized biogas initiatives underway under Bhutan Biogas Project funded by
Forest residues:
o Firewood for heating, cooking and in some instances – lighting,
o Dried leaves used for animal bedding,
o Briquettes/pellets as fuel for heating and lighting purposes in urban areas
o Biomass technologies in use
o Biogas technology for biogas production using animal dung,
o Wood briquetting technology,
o Improved cook stoves (Austrian technology)
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o Biomass gasification – under study
Policy review
Alternative Renewable Energy Policy (AREP) was endorsed by the Government in 2013.
Clause 9.7 of AREP 2013 states that ‘use of waste as energy source for other process and
conversion of waste to energy will be evaluated.
Policy targets by 2025 for biomass:
o 5 MW of electricity generation,
o 3 MW equivalent of thermal energy generation
Lessons learnt
o Policy will play an instrumental role in shaping the future of renewable energy
o Awareness and education programmes are very important to initiate any renewable
energy projects,
o Knowledge sharing and capacity building is necessary and should be stressed upon
o Consistent evaluation and monitoring of the programmes is necessary,
o Gender mainstreaming should be the stress area
o Areas of collaboration need to be identified
o Assessment of WAB resources should be carried out at national level
o Master plan for biomass resources need to be prepared
o Capacity building exercise should be initiated at the national level
o Knowledge and information should be disseminated through workshops, seminars and
training programmes
o Pilot and demonstration projects should be carried out
2.3.3 Nepal
The country paper of Nepal was presented by Mr. Amar B. Manandhar, Executive Director,
Society for Environment and Economic Development Nepal (SEED Nepal)
The major points presented are as under.
Nepal has an area 147,181 sq. km. The administration is governed through 5 Development
regions, 14 zones, 75 districts and many Municipalities
The country is mainly comprising of Mountains, Hills and Terai areas in the ratio of 35%, 42%
& 23% respectively, with a population of about 26.5 million (2011 sensus)
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SEED Nepal and Madhyapur Thimi Municipality in the Bhaktapur District of Kathmandu
Valley implemented CWABR project for Converting WAB to Resources under the support of
UNEP/DTIE/ IETC during 2009 – 2010
The paper shared details of;
o WAB use in Nepal,
o Generation of WAB by regions,
o WAB Generation by Crops
o Energy from WAB in Nepal
o Energy Potential from WAB in Nepal and
o WAB Generation in
During the project, a total of 300 households surveyed, and Farmers, Agro-industries and
vegetable markets were studied.
Present use of WAB
Rice Straw, Wheat Straw and Maize Stalks are currently and mainly used as fuel in boilers,
furnaces, and cooking stoves
Rice Husk is primarily used in Boilers; in Gasifier to produce producer gas,in cook stoves; in
furnace; for briquetting and the briquettes are used again for heating.
Vegetable wastes are mostly discarded; A minor portion is used in anaerobic digesters to
produce biogas and compost fertilizer
Research at NAST
The research and development activities at the Nepal Academy of Science and Technology
(NAST) are primarily in the following areas.
o Brequetting and Gasifiers
o Research at Kathmandu University
o Biogas plant at Nandi High School using vegetable wastes
o Product development at Foundation for Sustainable Technologies (FoST)
Assessment of Technology Need
The assessment of WAB2E technologies has been carried out on a systematic basis, with the
following considerations.
o Stakeholders and issues of concern
o It must not be polluting - must be environment friendly
o It should be financially viable (profitable)
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o It should be able to utilize domestic agro-waste
o It should also utilize forest wastes
o Compost fertilizer must be available to farmers
o Bio-methanation will be the best choice followed by briquetting
o Occupy minimal space as the price of land is escalating
o The technology should be community based
o The operation of technology must be simple and operator must be trained easily
Assessment and Case study
The presentation covered the case of a WAB Briquette plant, and said that the WAB gasifiers
are still in research stage.
Analysis of Relevant Policies
The main points covered in this parts are;
o Rural Energy Policy, 2006 emphasises on installing improved biomass technologies to
meet cooking and other heating energy needs.
o Goal is to to reduce dependency on traditional energy and conserve environment by
increasing access to clean and cost effective energy
o Emphasis will be given on research, development and dissemination of community and
institutional biogas plants
o Solid Waste Management Act 2011
o Local body Municipalities & VDCs responsible for managing solid waste
o Requirement for the use of biodegradable or organic waste
o Segregation of solid waste
o Local body take necessary steps for 3R and enforce directives
o Local bodies may impose and collect service fees
Lessons learnt
o Municipality the best partner as it is main responsible body
o Some stakeholders desire to increase the waste as reduction of waste is taken as threat
for their job
o Dissemination of the availability and types of waste opens up the eyes of the animal
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o Frequent changes in the Municipality Chief and absence of elected person as the head of
the municipality hindering
o Weak enforcement of the legislations – hinders replication
o The duration of the support from the Project needs to be extended for at least two years
after the establishment of the technology with at least one replication
Support needed form Organizations like UNEP
o Formulation of Policies to support the utilization of WAB in all the countries
o R&D for the development of new technologies and improvement in the existing
technology for use of WAB
o Dissemination of new technology developed around the globe in the subject
o Transfer of new improved technology
o Demonstration projects for the introduction of new technology
o Provide exposure of all the important actors
o Form a network of the experts involved
2.3.4 Sri Lanka
The country paper was presented by Mr. Sena Peiris, Director, National Cleaner Production
Centre – Sri Lanka
The presentation covered the following points.
National energy scenario
o Primary Energy Supply by Source
o Gross Electricity Generation by Type of Source
o Sectoral Energy Consumption by Source in 2011
WAB availability
o Paddy Husk
o Paddy Straw
o Saw Dust/Wood Chips
o Market Wastes
o Panicum maximum/Gini Grass
Paddy Husk
o Generated in all provinces
o Used in many applications (paddy processing, brick kilns, cooking, poultry farms etc)
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o Commercially used by cement industries
o Available quantity 330 million kgs
Paddy Straw
o Available in Large Quantities
o Presently Burned or buried
o Guideline to use in Fields for fertilizer subsidy
o Difficult to Collect
o There are other uses also
o Excess Quantity available 3308 million kgs
Saw Dust/ Wood Chips
o Available in areas closer to river banks
o More than 7000 saw mills
o Used in tea factories and other uses
o Quantity available for energy generation is170 million kgs
o Pilot Project coordinated by NCPC / UNEP
Factors Affecting Availability
o Seasonal Variation of Crops
o Yala season/Maha Season
o Constraints in availability of resources
o National Policy stating that Paddy straw must be reused in paddy fields.
o Drought conditions that affect paddy production
o Socio-economic factors
o Income levels
o Alternative uses and users for biomass waste
o Collectors of waste paddy husk can be affected if the resource is unavailable them in
o Cultural and Social practices
o Open burning of straw and husk
o Use of husk as fuel in small scale brick kilns
o Used in homes as fuel for cooking
Information needed for the project
o Geographical, Administrative and Land Use maps for Monaragala District
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o Number and extent of Fields being harvested Records for 5 to 10 years to develop a
pattern of growth in paddy sector
o Distribution of fields within the areas chosen
o Number of rice mills and size of mills in operation – Records for 5 to 10 years to
develop a pattern for growth in paddy sector
o Potential for growth / regression of paddy sector in Monaragala
o Selection of Areas, partners and consultants
o Mapping of WAB in the selected region
o Current Management Practices
o Quantification and Characterization
o Review of Policies, Laws and regulations
o Stakeholder concerns and selection of beneficiaries
o Technology Assessment and development
o Fabrication of Plant and Machinery
o Installation and Commissioning
o Lime drying technology at Monaragala using Waste Agricultural Biomass
o Pilot Project using paddy husk as the fuel for lime fruit drying
o Pilot project on Bio gas using market wastes
o Reports on WAB Mapping, Policy framework, stakeholders concerns
o Technology Compendium
o Strategy Paper on WAB for Sri Lanka
o Training Package for Training of trainers
Stakeholders in the WAB project
o Sri Lanka Sustainable Energy Authority
o National Engineering Research and Development Centre
o University of Moratuwa
o NCPC Sri Lanka
o Regional Chambers
o Private Technology developers
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Future Plans
o Development of an integrated national policy and strategy on solid waste
o Review laws and regulations on WAB and make necessary amendments for sound
management of WAB
o A National level Resource Mapping of WAB
o Compilation of a compendium of locally used technologies
o Encourage research on technologies specially on stoves
o Replication of the successful pilot projects for regional industry development (SMEs)
2.3.5 SACEP’s initiatives and programmes:
Ms. Priyankari Chamina Alexander, Programme Officer, Technical Department, South Asia CoOperative Environment Programme (SACEP) presented an overview of the activities of the
SACEP’S initiatives, programmes and contribution to energy challenge in the region
SACEP is an inter-governmental organization of 8 member states viz: Afghanistan, Bangladesh,
Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Established in 1982 it is mandated to
promote and support protection, management and enhancement of the environment in South
SACEP activities:
The primary function of SACEP is to work with its eight member countries
o To promote cooperative activities in priority areas of environment of mutual
o To ensure that these activities are beneficial individually and collectively to the
member states of the region;
o To extend support as needed through exchange of knowledge and expertise available
among the member countries;
o To provide local resources towards implementation of projects and activities; and
o To maximize the impact of support received from donor countries and other sources.
Organization Structure of SACEP
The Governing Council (GC)
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GC is the principal review and deliberative body that is responsible for determining policy and
programmes . It is represented at the ministerial level and periodically meets to take decisions
of strategic significance.
The Consultative Committee (CC)
The CC is responsible for facilitating the implementation of policies, strategies and
programmes approved by the GC and provides guidance to the Secretariat in its activities.
Picture 2.3.5 shows the organogram of SACEP.
Picture 2.3.5: Organogram of SACEP
Consists of representatives of diplomatic missions of member countries residing in
National Focal Points
National Focal Points facilitate the work at country levels and function as the main
communication link between the Secretariat and the respective country. Secretaries of the
ministries of environment are the designated national focal points of SACEP in the member
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Subject Area Focal Points (SAFP)
Co-operate with the secretariat in project identification, formulation, implementation and
The Secretariat
Consists of the Director General and professional, administrative and supporting staff. It is
based in Colombo, Sri Lanka and is under the patronage of the Government of Sri Lanka.
SACEP Partnership Programmes
o Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia – UNEP RRC.AP
o South Asian Seas Programme( SASP) –under the umbrella of UNEP Regional Seas
Prgramme, It covers five maritime SACEP countries - Bangladesh, India, Maldives,
Pakistan and Sri Lanka
o Capacity building for the Clearing-House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological
Diversity in South Asia – CBD and Royal Belgian National Focal Point for the CHM
o Inception and Training Workshop on Establishment of Environmental Data and
Information Management System for South Asia- UNEP-ROAP
o Partnership for Cleaner Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV) - UNEP
o Establishment of a South Asia Regional Initiative for the conservation and wise use of
wetlands – Ramsar Convention Secretariat
o The South Asia Wildlife Enforcement Network (SAWEN) - initiated by SACEP to
combat illegal trade of Wildlife in the Region -TRAFFIC International/ WWF
o Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) - UNCRD
o International
Partnership for Expanding Waste Management Services of Local
Authorities (IPLA) – UNCRD
Current Priority Subject Areas of SACEP
The 10th Governing Council approved the following broad areas as priority subject areas
Waste Management
Data Information Management
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Activities of SACEP related to waste management in South Asia
A scoping Exercise on E-Waste Management in South Asia “ was conducted in New Delhi,
India in 2007 in collaboration with the Development Alternative (DA)
The main objective was to establish contacts with stakeholders, including governments
private sector in the region and to finalize the position paper which included the
ongoing practices and status of the initiatives at various levels (regional, national and local)
under taken by the different agencies and to develop project proposals in consultation with
stakeholders for the consideration of funding agencies,
o Organized the “South Asian Games Waste Management Programme” at the South Asian
Games held in Colombo, Sri Lanka in 2006.
o Disseminated the message of
waste management in the region through widely
publicized event
o SACEP supported UNCRD in organizing the first National 3R Workshop for South
Asia held in Dhaka, Bangladesh 2007.
o Prepared the “Frame work for Marine Litter Management in South Asia “
o International coastal Cleanup Day
Since 2008 SACEP has been organizing many activities to commemorate International
Coastal cleanup Day. (in 2008 and 2009, SACEP and Indian Coast Guards jointly organized
events in Chennai, India.
In 2010 in collaboration with US Embassy in Colombo and Ministry of Environment of Sri
Lanka, SACEP organized the beach clean-up programme in Negombo, Sri Lanka and more
than 500 school children and people from hotel Industry participated.
International Coastal Cleanup day -2010
Global Energy Scenario
 The prime sources of energy in the world are oil, coal and natural gas.
 It is already anticipated that within the next 40-50 years these sources of energy will
 Climate change, population growth, and fossil fuel depletion mean that renewable
energy sources will need to play a bigger role in the future than they do today.
 All the renewable energy sources have lower carbon emissions, compared to
conventional energy sources.
 Biomass is one of the earliest ever discovered sources and utilizing biomass offers many
economical, social and environmental benefits.
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Energy Challenge in South Asia
 South Asia spans in an area of about 4,771,220 sq km
 Population is about 1.6 Billion or 1/5th of the world population
 By 2050, South Asia’s population is likely to exceed 2.2 billion
 We have 22.2 % of the total world population and occupy 4.8% of the global surface
 According to the World Bank’s most recent poverty estimates , about 571 million people
in the region survive on less than $1.25 a day, and they make up more than 44% of the
developing world’s poor
 Over the period of time SA has experienced a long period of robust economic growth,
averaging 6% a year over the past 20 years and this has made the region important to
world energy markets
In 2003, South Asia accounted for approximately 5.9% of world commercial energy
consumption, (at the same time we have also accounted for 4.7 percent of global carbon
dioxide emissions.)
 Utilization of renewable sources of energy for power generation could help address the
problems of depleting resources and emission of greenhouse gases…….
However there are significant variations within the region.
 Bangladesh energy mix is dominated by natural gas (69 per cent),
 India is heavily dependent on coal (55 per cent).
Sri Lanka relies primarily on petroleum (76 per cent)
 Maldives is fully dependent on petroleum (100 per cent).
 Pakistan relies mostly on oil (43 per cent) and natural gas (38 per cent).
 Nepal and Bhutan have overwhelmingly high share of petroleum and hydropower
(around 90 per cent).
Opportunities , Prospects and Challengers
Energy security is an important issue for South Asia due to its heavy dependence on imports
of fossil fuels.
To improve the situation, it will be essential to explore and utilize indigenous energy
sources and to apply advanced technologies for energy savings.
Benefits of using WAB
 The waste biomass that is left over the months, gets rotten and generates methane;
creates GHG emissions.
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 By converting these waste biomass into an energy source,
GHG emissions could be avoided
Farmers can derive huge benefits from biomass based
power generation
Sale of surplus biomass, which is otherwise wasted will provide additional
income to farmers and poorer sections of society, helping in poverty alleviation.
Issues and challenges common in the Region
 Lack of National Bioenergy Policy.
 Lack of Institutional coordination among the relevant agencies .
 Lack of Financial support schemes to private.
 Limited Technology knowhow Conclusion
 For countries in south Asia use of WAB has a large potential, both in terms of available
renewable resources and providing clean and reliable energy, to curtail the import of
costly fossil fuels, create employment opportunities, preserve the local environment,
and improve the quality of life.
What SACEP can do to promote Utilization of WAB in the Region
Form a network of experts in the region and also provide technical assistance to
national initiatives.
Share best practices among member counties
Assist in technology transfer among member countries.
Conduct awareness and capacity development Programmes
SACEP could act as a conducive policy platform to support the utilization of WAB in the
Region of South Asia.
2.3.6 Presentation by new Technology developer
M/s BGCT. K.K. of Japan have been associated with the project ever since it’s inception. Mr.
Hajime Miyata, Dy. Secy. of the company presented the salient features of their technology.
The features of the BGCT technology are;
Very high Calorific Value of the Green Coal produced by the technology. The technology uses
waste plastics along with the WAB, to the tune of about 15%. The plastic content in the raw
material gives the advantage of higher CV of fuel.
The technology is also known for it’s lower requirement of electric power as compared to the
contemporary technologies. The plant requires only about 30 HP of electric power for all the
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
equipment put together, as compared to other technologies that require about 50 HP of installed
During the presentation, Mr. Miyata made a reference to the upcoming project in India, in
collaboration of JICA and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan.
RPPWF™/GREEN COAL™ is a class 4 solid fuel prepared from non-hazardous , nonrecyclable papers, plastics / plants and woods waste satisfying the requirements laid down in
CEN 343.
o ISO 14001,ISO 9001 Certified.
o The instrumentation provided with the plant is capable of measuring up to 96 elements
and can also detect a radioactive material.
The plant and process can use any one or more or any combination of the following
Municipal solid waste (After segregation), Bio-Plastics, Agricultural biomass, Bagasse, Palm
Oil waste, Wooden Furniture after use, Bamboo, Papers, Non-edible plants, Corn , etc.
The green coal produced by the technology compares very favourably with other conventional
fuels, as is indicated in the Table 2.3.6 and Graph 2.3.6 below.
Alternative to Coal Copyright (c) BGCTK.K. 2012 All rights reserved
Calorific Value
19 – 22 MJ / Kg
30 – 35 %
0.5- 10 %
~ 26 MJ / Kg
10 %
Table 2.3.6: Thermal capacity comparison between Coal and RPPWF
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Graph 2.3.6: Emissions comparison between Green Coal and other conventional fuels
MOU with the State of Gujarat in 2009
Public-Private-Project (PPP) in Gujarat is in progress as our Flagship Project
Enhanced MOU with the State of Gujarat in 2011 in wider scope of
Salient features of Gujrat project
PPP Project at Gyaspur, Ahmedabad Municipality in Gujarat state
The plant is spread in about 25 acres land, leased by AMC for 35 years.
The plant would be processing about an estimated 800 tons/day (committed by AMC) MSW
The plant is designed to process about 6 tons/h (Average), with an annual capacity of about
The main user of the green coal produced in the plant will be the Power Company
(Infrastructure : Electricity, Water/Drainage are provided by AMC)
The company has also;
o Received EOI from the Key State Governments
o Signed an MOU with the Ahmedabad-City in January 2009 By RPPWF (Non Patented)
Project in under a PPP model in the city of Ahmedabad
o Has enlarged the scope of the MOU with the State of Gujarat in January 2011 with a
wider scope of RPPWF™ (Patented) and diffusion of low carbon technology
o Signed an agreement with the state of Meghalaya for RppwF™ (Patented) Project
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Plenary Session:
A plenary session was organized on the second day of the workshop. In this session, all the
delegates shared their views and concerns about various elements that affect the use of WAB
for power generation.
Mr. Surya Prakash Chandak moderated the Plenary discussions on strategies to enhance
conversion of waste agricultural biomass into energy and developing an action plan to enhance
conversion of waste agricultural biomass into energy.
The group identified six broad areas under which the issues can be and should be considered.
These areas were;
What are the drivers to support conversion of waste agricultural biomass into energy
(WAB2E) in the sub-region
What are the barriers hindering or limiting WAB2E in the sub-region
What enabling measures will help overcome the barriers
What could be the vision and main elements of a national/regional strategy to enhance
What could be the main action areas
How can an organization like UNEP-IETC support greater WAB2E in the region
The major factors determining the effectiveness of any scheme to use WAB as a source of
energy, under each of these areas, were identified by the group, as below.
The drivers to support conversion of WAB2E in the sub region
3.1.1 An agricultural policy, which specifies that energy generated by using WAB be treated
as exportable product.
3.1.2 A strictly administered and monitored ban on deforestation of any kind.
3.1.3 In agrarian countries, scope and availability of WAB will always be having an
increasing trend, and thereby an assured source of perennial supply.
3.1.4 Awareness creation amongst majority population about usefulness of WAB2E
3.1.5 Removal of subsidy on fossil fuels, or a similar provision made for the WABs.
3.1.6 Rubber tree was earlier used as biomass. However, the wood of rubber tree is now being
used as commercial and furniture timber. This of course is a positive and value added
use. However, such trends change the scene and shift the usage of such biomass. Energy
plantation schemes to be accelerated.
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
3.1.7 Determination to light every house hold through rural electrification through
decentralised generation and distribution of electricity. This will need creating and
earmarking enough budgetary provisions for the same.
3.1.8 Considering the ever growing shortage of power, an appropriate and rational power
pricing policy designed to promote WAB2E projects.
3.1.9 Under the new law relating to the Ministry of corporate governance and the inclusion of
CSR, government may include WAB2E as one of the options for treating it as at
predetermined prices for a long period.
3.1.10 Devising schemes for removing the price sensitivity for WABs and assuring the
availability to the users Industries face problem of raw material and cost –
3.1.11 Making appropriate and a reliable technology available for using biomass
3.1.12 Offering special subsidy incentives for WAB2E projects
3.1.13 Recognising and pushing the feel that WAB offers a Low carbon growth.
3.1.14 Making electricity distribution companies to necessarily purchase from WAB2E
3.1.15 Power from WAB2E projects specifically mentioned in power purchase agreement
3.1.16 More restriction on use of forest based WAB
3.1.17 Develop International buyers and special export subsidy and duty exemptions for
exporting WAB: Creating supply chain pressures
3.1.18 Recognition of the fact that WAB2E is an attractive alternative for waste disposal
3.1.19 Problems in disposal of vegetable market’s waste.
Barriers hindering WAB2E in sub region
3.2.1 Technical, economic, political and institutional
3.2.2 Bitter experience from low cost, low quality technology.
3.2.3 Lack of recognition and proper understanding of different policies
3.2.4 Thinly distributed biomass over a large geographical area
3.2.5 Low density and high transportation and logistics cost
3.2.6 Large space required for storing and handling WAB, because of it’s low bulk density.
3.2.7 Seasonal availability
3.2.8 Highly volatile prices of WAB and Price sensitivity
3.2.9 High ash content in WAB
3.2.10 Technical implications, considering the lower educational and skill sets of user
3.2.11 Lack of knowledge of technology for WAB conversion
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3.2.12 Adverse and non supportive policies
3.2.13 Misconception that WAB gives foul smell
3.2.14 Lack of policy framework
3.2.15 Cost of technology – availability of technology suited for local conditions.
3.2.16 WAB2E being either not, or a lower priority area of financial institutions
3.2.17 Improper and insufficient storage space in rainy season.
3.2.18 Non availability of Technology suppliers in individual countries and dependence on
imports of technology and equipment.
3.2.19 Involvement of multiple governmental agencies in implementation and complex
3.2.20 Lack of coordination between stakeholder institutions.
3.2.21 Limited dissemination (mechanism) for sharing success and failures stories.
3.2.22 Supply chain shortfalls like non availability of direct purchaser. This brings in mediators
and middlemen, thereby denying a fair price to the producer of the WAB.
Enabling measures to overcome barriers
The group was of the impression that all the factors as stated in barriers above, if taken in to
consideration and appropriate measures devised to over come them, will enable much larger
implementation of the WAB2E projects. However, the group identified some specific measures
needing urgent attention. They are listed here below.
3.3.1 Develop checklist for important performance measurement parameters of each
technology, set appropriate performance indices.
3.3.2 Recognition and wide spread announcement of related policies
3.3.3 Guidelines by a credible institution
3.3.4 Incentive scheme to promote diversification
3.3.5 Develop new uses of ash
3.3.6 Developing of mobile technologies
3.3.7 Research and development
3.3.8 Tax concessions
3.3.9 Power purchase agreements/ biomass at par with other energy sources
3.3.10 Ensure supply of biomass against competitive uses- handle conflicts
3.3.11 Design to take care of providing flexibility in usage of different WABs as per seasonal
3.3.12 Establishing and using existing cooperatives at local levels
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3.3.13 Preprocessing of WAB for supply to the users. This will help in improving the
efficiency of conversion of existing biomass to energy.
Vision and main elements of natural and regional strategy to enhance
3.4.1 Elements: knowledge sharing of best practises, e-libraries and n/w of experts
3.4.2 Setting targets for Capacity building in WAB2E areas.
3.4.3 Development of regionally applicable guidelines
3.4.4 Performance assessment and enhancement of individual technologies for WAB2E. This
might also include financial support for technology transfer and R&D.
3.4.5 Identification of supporting provisions
3.4.6 Prepare policy brief
3.4.7 Identify policy related events
Main action areas
3.5.1 The governments should establish collection and distribution centers for WAB.
3.5.2 Appropriate provisions and incentives to be designed for project financing, special tax
exemptions, Notional Carbon Credits, Incentives for WAB2E projects and customs duty
exemptions for WAB2E related projects.
3.5.3 A detailed study of the latest and current WAB related Policies to be undertaken with a
view to identify weak areas and gaps and recommend additional provisions on a case to
case and country specific basis.
3.5.4 In case of areas of WAB generation, forestry has been identified as a major source.
Target groups in respective ministries of forest and environment need to be identified
and specific areas of operation be prioritised and awareness :
3.5.5 WAB related programs on mass communication media like the radio, TV and others be
designed and broadcast.
3.5.6 Mass awareness at national levels that the ever increasing need of energy is heavily
dependent on fossil fuels and ever depleting natural resources. The nation can not afford
it and hence renewable sources, in particular WAB based technologies need to be used.
3.5.7 Designing appropriate and tailor made and case specific PPP models
3.5.8 Establishing a system of linking the producer and user linkages.
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Support from organization like UNEP-IETC for greater implementation of
WAB2E in the region.
3.6.1 Interaction with organisation like SAARC, SACEP and the likes to promote regional
WAB2E fund.
3.6.2 UNEP also could initiate a study of various overlapping and common provisions to
WAB in the international organisations, with a view to identify some areas where
mutual collaboration can be established and a multiplier effect could be seen.
3.6.3 UNEP may sponsor some awareness generation training and awareness programmes to
be conducted by the renewable energy development agencies in the respective countries.
Closing of workshop:
The workshop closed on 13th November 2013 by the feedback of participants represented by
Mr. Amar B. Manandhar, Executive Director, Society for Environment and Economic
Development Nepal (SEED Nepal) and the closing remarks by Prof. K. R. Chari and Mr. Surya
Prakash Chandak.
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Visit to Starlit Power Systems Limited.
On the third day of the workshop, all the participants visited Ms. Starlit Power Systems Ltd. in
Sohna village of Haryana State. The technology adopted by the company was explained by the
Vice President Marketing of the company and supported by Mr. Arshad Rana, General
Managerof M/s Chanderpur Indistries Ltd. who are the technology providers.
Picture 5-a: Initial briefing session by Prof. K. R. Chari and Mr. Surya Prakash Chandak
Picture 5-b: At the entrance to gasifier block
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Picture 5-c: Members in the gasifier plant
Picture 5-d: Gasifier units assembly at a glance
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Picture 5-e: The process byproduct: Charcoal
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Schedule of workshop
In collaboration with Birla Institute of Management Technology (BIMTEC)
Sub-regional Dissemination Workshop on
Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass into Energy
South Asia
12-14 November 2013 - Delhi, India
12 November 2013 - Day 1 (Session 1):
Prof. K. R. Chari,
Opening Address
Mr. Surendra
Inaugural Address
Dr. H. Chaturvedi
Project Team Leader, Professor, (OM),
Chairperson Center for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship Development and Chief
Proctor, Birla Institute of Management
Director, UNEP International
Environmental Technology Centre (UNEP
Director, Birla Institute of Management
Technology, India
Self Introduction by participants
Group Photo and Tea Break
Presentation of Project
About the projectMr. Surya Prakash
Senior Programme Officer, UNEP IETC
Prof. K. R. Chari
Capacity building in the project
Ms. Shiffia Mittal and Assessment of waste agricultural biomass in
Mr. Amit Arora
Prof. K. R. Chari
Technology Assessment and selection
Ms. Sunayna Sehgal
Policy Analysis for promoting conversion of
and Ms. Sakshi
waste agricultural biomass in India
Prof. K. R. Chari,
Experience of implementing technology for
converting waste agricultural biomass into
Mr. Yogesh Gupta,
CEO, Starlit Power Systems Ltd., Sohna,
Haryana - India
Mr. Ateesh Samant
Chief Executive Officer, IL&FS Energy and
Mr. Nun Sophanna,
Presentation of Project IN CAMBODIA
Discussions, questions and answers
12 November 2013 - Day 1 (Session 2): Country Presentations
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Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction
Mr. Rajiv Garg,
The Climate Technology Centres Network Programme Officer,
Catalyzing Action on implementation of
Technologies for GHG emission reduction
Country Paper Presentation
Sri Lanka
Discussions, questions and answers
Welcome Reception: 19:30 hrs to 21:30 hrs.
13 November 2013 - Day 2 (Session 3): Country Presentations (contd.)
SACEP’s initiatives and programmes
Mr. Michhiro Kiyama, The experience of a Japanese technology
President, Mr. Hajime supplier associated with the Project
Miyata, Dy. Secy.,
Tea Break
13 November 2013 - Day 2 (Session 4): Strategy Making
Plenary discussions on strategies to enhance conversion of waste
agricultural biomass into energy
13 November 2013 - Day 2 (Session 5): Closing Session
Developing an action plan to enhance conversion of waste
agricultural biomass into energy
Closing Remarks
Representative of participants
Prof. K. R. Chari
Mr. Surya Prakash Chandak
14 November 2013 - Day 3: Field Visit
Visit to Starlit Power Systems Ltd.
end of workshop
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“Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction”
List of Participants
UNEP Sub-regional Dissemination Workshop on
Converting Waste Agricultural Biomass into Energy
12-14 November, 2013 India
Dr Abu Saleh
Mostafa Kamal
Deputy Secretary,
Ms. Dorji Dema
Assistant Environment
Mr. Thinley
Chief Environment
Mr. Ugyen
National Project
Mr. Sophanna
Deputy Project
K. R. Chari
Professor (Operations
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Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock,
DHAKA-1000; Bangladesh
Environment Services Division
National Environment Commission
Bhutan- Trimphu, Bhutan - Post Code:
Compliance Monitoring Division
National Environment Commission
Trimphu, Bhutan - Post Code: 466
Planning and Coordination Division
Department of Renewable Energy
Ministry of Economic Affairs
Government of Bhutan
PO Box No. 256, Thimpu - Bhutan
National Cleaner Production OfficeCambodia - R504, IOC building, #254
Monivong Blvd., - Phnom Penh Cambodia
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Contact Nos.
+975 2323384
+975 2323385
+975 2323384
+975 2323385
+975 2 329831
+855 23 222 076
to 10: Extn-422
“Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction”
Amit Arora
Research team member
Shiffia Mittal
Research team member
Sunayna Sehgal
Research team member
Githin Thomas
Research team member
Mohit Anand
Research team member
Research team member
Sakshi Kukreja
Research team member
Yogesh Gupta
Director and CEO
Senior Advisor
Shitij Chandra
Arsh Rana
General Manager
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
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Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
[email protected].
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
[email protected]
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Birla Institute of Management
Technology, Plot # 5, Greater Noida –
Uttar Pradesh – India - 201306
Starlit Power Systems, Ltd.
A-1/20 LGF, Safdarjamg Enclave, New
Delhi, India - 110029
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH
M/s Chanderpur Industries,
Yamunanagar, Haryana- India
M/s Chanderpur Industries,
[email protected]
011-2610 3680.
4602 79270
[email protected]
“Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction”
Yamunanagar, Haryana- India
Prasad Modak
Executive President
Ateesh Samant
Mr. Surendra
Mr. Michihiro
Ms. Yoshie
Manager, Tokyo Office
Mr. Minoru Uda
Mr. Hajime
Manager, Tokyo Office
Mr. Surya
Senior Programme
Mr. Hajime
First Secretary
Chief Executive Officer,
Adviser, Tokyo Office
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
Page 64
Environmental Management Centre
A-60 and C-29, Royal Industrial Estate,
Naigaon X Road, Wadala West
IL&FS Energy and IREL
The IL&FS Financial Centre
Plot C22, G Block, Bandra Kurla
Complex-Bandra East - Mumbai 400 051
Post Box No. 8145
UNEP International Environmental
Technology Centre
2-110 Ryokuchikoen, Tsurumi-ku,
Osaka 538-0036 - Japan
10F, NIPPON Bldg, 2-6-2 Otemachi,
Tokyo 100-0004 Japan
UNEP International Environmental
Technology Centre
2-110 Ryokuchikoen, Tsurumi-ku,
Osaka 538-0036 - Japan
Embassy of Japan in India
+91 98201 26074,
+91 22 24108255
+91 22 24147481
+ 9122 2653 3333
/ 3232
+ 9122 2653 3038
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
“Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction”
50-G Shantipath, Chanakyapuri
New Delhi 110021 India
Society for Environment and Economic
Development Nepal (SEED Nepal)
Mr. Amar B.
Executive Director,
39, Siddhartha Marg, Anamnagar,
Ward No. 32, Kathmandu,
Nepal - P. O. Box 8973 NPC 410
National Cleaner Production Centre – Sri
Sri Lanka
Mr. Sena Peiris Director
251/30 Kirula Road, Narahenpita
Colombo 05, Sri Lanka
Post code: 00500
Policy and Planning Division
Ms. Korale
Ministry of Environment and Renewable
Sri Lanka
Management Officer
Sampathpaya No. 82, Rajamalwatta Road
- Battaramulla,
Sri Lanka - Post Code: 10120
Technical Department
South Asia Co-Operative Environment
Ms. Chamina
Programme (SACEP),
Sri Lanka
Programme Officer
#10 Anderson Rd, Off Dickman’s Road,
Colombo 05 - Sri Lanka.
Post code: 00500
+UNEP Regional Office for Asia and the
Programme OfficerPacific, UN Building, 2nd Floor, Block
Mr. Rajiv Garg
Climate Change
B, Room 0246
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok
10200, Thailand
List of members sponsored by UNEP to participate, but who could not get their Visas due to procedural delays.
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
Page 65
+977 1 4228 555
+977 1 4239338
Tel./Fax: +94
94 (0) 11 250 4708
94 (0) 11 258 9369
[email protected]
+66 -2 -288-2621
+66 -2- 288-3041
“Waste Agricultural Biomass for Energy: Resource conservation and GHG Emission Reduction”
Mr./Dr. Rasool
Bux Mahar,
Mr./Dr. Basharat
Professor & Co-Director,
Institute of
Engineering and
Director General
International Sub Regional Workshop- South Asia
Page 66
Mehran University of Engineering and
Technology, Jamshoro Sind, Pakistan Post Code: 76062
+92 22 2772250-72 rbm_mahar@Y
: Ext.7303(O)
Power Projects, Alternative Energy
Development Board
Government of Pakistan
3, Street # 8, F-8/3, Islamabad
Post Code: 44000
+92 51-9262954
+92 51-9262977