Equality Impact Assessment Template

Budget number/ Name
Cabinet meeting date
13 May 2014
Service area responsible
Transport & Highways
Name of completing officer
Debbie Taylor-Bond
Date EqIA created
12 March 2014
Approved by Director / Assistant
David Farquhar
Date of approval
The Equality Act 2010 places a ‘General Duty’ on all public bodies to have ‘Due regard’ to:
- Eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation
- Advancing equality of opportunity
- Fostering good relations
As a local authority Northamptonshire County Council also has a ‘Specific Duty’ to publish information about people affected by our policies and
All assessments must be published on the NCC equalities web pages. All Cabinet papers MUST include a link to the web page where
this assessment will be published.
This Equality Impact Assessment provides evidence for meeting the responsibilities outlined above, for more information about the Councils
commitment to equality, please visit the County Council Equalities webpage.
Description of proposal
Highway Services Contract – Review of existing highway service delivery for a potential extension of the contract period beyond March 2016
Generic data used in this Equality Impact Assessment
Data Source (include link where published)
The highways service is provided for all highway users
What does this data include?
Service data used in this Equality Impact Assessment
Data Source (include link where published)
Service data does not identify any adverse equalities issues.
The highways service supports all highway users.
National highway design standards include for the assessment of
infrastructure to deliver safe mobility access facilities for the community.
Highway services do not create adverse impacts to any ‘protected
characteristics’ under the Equality Act 2010.
Tick the relevant box for each
line by using a capital ‘P’ to make
Gender Reassignment
Race & Ethnicity
Sexual Orientation
Religion or Belief (or No Belief)
Pregnancy & Maternity
Human Rights (Please see
articles in toolkit)
Other Groups (rural isolation
What does this data include?
Based on the above information, what impact will this proposal have on the following groups?
Initial Impact analysis
No impacts identified
The highways service provides for maintenance of highway
infrastructure. Improvement schemes can also bring positive impacts
where mobility issues are involved – this could be regarded as positive
for the elderly, people with disabilities including temporary mobility
issues during pregnancy and maternity. These improvements are
however assessed as Neutral for the purpose of this EqIA.
Consultation and follow up data from actions set above
Data Source (include link where published)
No change in service delivery is proposed
Actions to mitigate, advance equality or fill gaps in information
No specific actions are identified.
It is `business as usual` for the highways service to introduce mobility
and safety improvements where identified as necessary and also as
part of new scheme improvement works.
What does this data include?
Final impact analysis
The proposal is a continuation of current arrangements and does not include any changes to policy, budgets, services or delivery.
There are no impacts for a proposal to continue existing service delivery.
The proposal will apply to everyone who uses the public highway or receives services under the Highway Services Contract.
This Equality Impact Assessment supports a proposal to extend the term of the current Highway Services Contract beyond March 2016.
Equality Impact Assessment Review Log
Review approved by Director / Assistant Director
Date of review
Review approved by Director / Assistant Director
Date of review
Review approved by Director / Assistant Director
Date of review
March 2016