(b) What do you mean by inertia? Name the physical - DPS-MIS

Subject: General Science
Date: 20-09-2011
Time allowed: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 90
General instructions:
i) The question paper comprises of two sections, A and B. You are to attempt both the
ii) All questions are compulsory.
iii) There is no overall choice. However internal choice has been provided in all the five
questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.
iv) All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.
v) Question numbers 1 to 3 in section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered
in one word or one sentence.
vi) Question numbers 4 to 7 are two mark questions, to be answered in about 30 words each.
vii) Question numbers 8 to 19 are three mark questions, to be answered in about 50 words
viii) Question numbers 20 to 24 are five mark questions, to be answered in about 70 words
ix) Question numbers 25 to 42 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical
skills. Each question is a one mark question. You are to choose one most appropriate
response out of the four provided to you.
x ) Please note that there are 12 printed pages
Section –A
1. Convert the temperature 470K to Celsius scale.
2. Calculate the momentum of a cricket ball of mass 120 g which is rolling
along the ground with a velocity of 2 m/s.
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3. Mention two ways by which a photosynthesizing cell is different from a cell
in your body.
4. A solution contains 30 g of solute in 270 g of solvent . Calculate the
concentration of solution in terms of mass by mass percentage of the
5. (a) What do you mean by weight?
(b) Mass of an object is 50 kg. What is its weight on the earth?
6. A. Identify the type of tissues in the following and write one important
characteristic of each type.
a. Skin
b. Bark of the tree
7. Two cells of the same type are placed in solution A and solution B. the
following observations were recorded.
Briefly explain giving reasons in each case.
8. What is evaporation? How is the rate of evaporation affected by
i. Increase of humidity ii. Wind speed?
9. ‘An alloy cannot be separated into their components by physical methods’
Why are they considered as mixture and not compound? Explain two
reasons in support of your answer.
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10.(a) State Universal law of gravitation. What is the importance of universal
law of gravitation?
(b) The gravitational force between two objects is F. If masses of both
objects are halved without changing distance between them, what is the
new gravitational force between them?
11.(a) In a high jump athletic event, athletes are made to fall on a cushioned
bed. Give reason for this.
(b) A large truck and a small compact car have a head-on collision. Which
one experiences a larger force? Explain. Which one experiences a
greater acceleration? Explain.
The following figure shows a circular race track of radius 100 m.
(a) If a race car takes 1 minute 20 seconds to complete one lap calculate its
(b) Draw the direction of velocity of the race car, which is travelling at
constant speed, when it is at point P.
(c) Is the car accelerating? Give reason for your answer.
13. (a) What do you mean by free fall?
(b) A ball is thrown straight up with a velocity of 30 m/s. How high does
it go? How long it is in the air?
14. State the law of conservation of momentum. Discuss how momentum is
conserved when a bullet is fired from a gun.
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15.A. Due to some fungal infection in a plant, a tissue got blocked and the plant
wilted. Name the tissue and give reasons to support your answer
B. Name the living component common to both the complex permanent tissues
in plants.
C.Give two structural differences and one similarity between sieve tubes and
16.a. Given below is the structure of a neuron.
b. Differentiate between areolar and adipose tissue.
17.A. What is membrane biogenesis?
B. Lysosomes are known as scavengers of the cell. Justify.
C. Where would you find more number of ribosomes – in cancer cells or
ordinary cells? Why?
18. A. Mention the two factors on which irrigation depends. State two ways by
which irrigation is beneficial.
B. How are dug wells different from tube wells?
19.A. Which is the most advantageous and prevalent fish culture system?
Explain the technique used.
B. State two advantages of the above system
20. a. Explain giving reason:
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i. Naphthalene balls disappear with time without leaving any solid.
ii. Hot tea is sipped from a saucer.
b. Suggest an activity to show that matter consist of very small particles.
a. Explain the termsi.
Latent heat of fusion
b. A crystal of copper sulphate is dropped into a beaker containing hot water
and another beaker with cold water .
What do you observe just above the solid crystal in the beaker?
Name the process involved.
iii. Does the rate of mixing changes with temperature? Explain why?
21. When we dissolve sugar, chalk powder and milk into three beakers A, B and C
containing water respectively, what do you observe?
When mixture A is passed through filter paper
When a beam of light is passed through B
Mixture C is allowed to stand for some time
a. What are the important points of difference between element and
b. How will you separate a mixture of kerosene and water? Explain with the
help of a diagram.
22. (a) Derive the equation of motion s = u t + ½ a t2 by plotting velocity
– time graph for an object in uniformly accelerated motion.
(b) The distance – time graph for the motion of a car is given below. Draw the
corresponding velocity – time graph and describe the motion of the car in
the first 6 seconds.
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(a) With the help of velocity – time graph for uniformly accelerated
motion obtain the equation v2 = u2 + 2 a s.
(b) The velocity vs. time graph of a truck is plotted below. Calculate:
(i) deceleration of the truck (ii) the total displacement of the truck.
(a) State and derive Newton’s Second law of motion.
(b) A 10 kg box is placed on a table. A horizontal force of 32 N is applied
to the box. A frictional force of 7 N is present between the surface and
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the box. Calculate the acceleration of the box.
(a) State Newton’s first law of motion.
(b) What do you mean by inertia? Name the physical quantity which
determines the inertia of an object.
(c) Why do you fall in the forward direction when a moving bus brakes to a
stop and fall backwards when it accelerates from rest?
24. . The use of manure is better than the use of fertilizers. Mention two points
in support of this statement.
B. A farmer has practiced mixed cropping. How would you convince the
advantages of intercropping method over this method?
C. What is crop rotation? State the factors that decide the crops for crop
A. What are weeds? How do they affect the growth of crops?
Enlist two ways to control weeds.
B. What are the advantages of organic farming?
Section-B (MCQ)
25. Which of the following is the correct statement?
a. FeS is soluble in CS2
b. Fe is soluble in CS2 and S is insoluble in CS2
c . Both Fe and S are soluble in CS2
d. Fe is insoluble in CS2 and S is soluble in CS2
26. Which of the following constitutes the heterogeneous mixture?
a. sodium chloride and water
c. alum and water
b. copper sulphate and water
d. sulphur and water
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27. What type of solution will be formed when starch is added to hot water?
a. true solution
b. suspension
c. colloidal sol
d. non-aqueous solution
28. Which of the following diagram is correct in case of filtration of true solution?
29. Which of the following mixtures can be separated using the given experimental
set up?
a. common salt and sugar
b. common salt and ammonium chloride
c. acetone and water
d. iron and sulphur
30. When dilute sulphuric acid is added to zinc granules, you will observe that:
a. a precipitate is formed
b. the reaction mixture turns yellow
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c. The container becomes hot
d. Bubbles start coming out from the surface of zinc granules
31. In the chemical reaction shown below, which of the following is an incorrect
a. It is a decomposition reaction.
b. white coloured magnesium oxide is formed.
c. Mg ribbon burns with a dazzling white flame.
d. It is an exothermic reaction.
32. What type of chemical reaction takes place when iron is added to an aqueous
solution of copper sulphate?
a. displacement reaction
b. double displacement reaction
c. combination reaction
d. thermal decomposition reaction
33. When a mixture of iron fillings and sulphur powder is heated , it is seen that :
a. iron fillings start melting first
b. sulphur starts melting first
c.both iron fillings and sulphur melt together
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d.nothing happens initially and after sometime the mixture becomes red hot
34. Balu was given a mixture of sand , common salt and ammonium chloride. The
correct sequence he should follow to separate this mixture is.
a. dissolution, distillation, decantation and filtration.
b. filtration, sublimation, decantation and evaporation.
c. sublimation, dissolution, filtration and evaporation.
d. filtration, dissolution, evaporation and sublimation.
35. A student set up the following apparatus for studying Newton’s third law of
motion. He placed a weight of 0.1 N on the pan. What will be the reading
shown by the spring balances?
0.1 N in both the balances.
0.1 N in balance 2 and 0.2 N in balance 1
0.1 N in balance 2 and 0 N in balance 1.
Data insufficient.
36. According to the third law of motion, action and reaction
a) Always act on the same body
b) Always act on different bodies in opposite directions
c) Have same magnitude and directions
d) Act on either body at normal to each other
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37. To observe squamous epithelium, the sample of the tissue is taken from
a. Skin
b. Inner lining of the cheek
c. Onion peel
d. All the above
38. A student identified the following diagram as that of voluntary muscle
The identification was indicated by the presence of
a. Fluid matrix
c. Tall pillar like cells
b. Many nuclei in the periphery
d. Many cells fused together
39. On adding a solution of ‘X’ to corn flour extract, the colour changed to
bluish black. Identify the solution ‘X’
a. Bromine solution
b. Benedict’s solution
c. Iodine solution
d. Hydrochloric acid
40. Given below is the diagram showing the structure of a parenchyma cell
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Which parts are not labeled correctly?
a. Cell wall and cell membrane
c. Inter cellular space and cytoplasm
b. Nucleus and cell wall
d. Nucleus and cell membrane
41. A student observed that water added to arhar dal became yellow in colour.
A sample of this yellow water turned pink when a few drops of HCl was added.
Identify the adulterant added to the dal.
a. Turmeric
c. Yellow dye
b. Potassium dichromate
d. Metanil yellow
42. The cellular component not seen while observing the slide of an onion peel
under a compound microscope is
a. Ribosomes
c. Cell wall
b. Nucleus
d. Cytoplasm.
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