chapter 4 sec2

Section 2 AIM: How does Energy Flow in Ecosystem?
Why are we learning this:
The way in which energy flows through an ecosystem is critical to its ability to support
its species. By understanding the flow of energy, we can learn how to develop food
more efficiently.
The primary source of energy for an ecosystem is the sun.
Producers- are photosynthetic organisms that can produce their own food.
Consumers – are organisms that eat other organisms.
Decomposers – are organisms that break down the remains of other organisms.
Example: bacteria, fungi.
Trophic level – one of the steps in the food chain or food pyramid.
Food Chain
Food Web
The ten percent rule :
As energy is transferred from one trophic level to another only 10% of it becomes part
of another level. 90% of energy is being used up by the tropic level.