File - Koonya Garlic Festival
Koonya Garlic Festival - Stall Application Form
Saturday 25 February 2017
Open to the public from 10am to 3.30pm.
Stall owners can set up from 8am until 9.30am sharp and pack-up from
Koonya Hall, Koonya, Tasman Peninsula, Tasmania, 7187, Australia
Stall applications close 20 November 2016.
Stall registrations will not be considered after this date.
Stall owners must complete this form and email or post it to the Koonya Garlic Festival Stallholder Coordinators and receive confirmation from them before proceeding with arrangements for their stall.
Confirmation of stalls will occur by 15 December 2016.
(NOTE: The Koonya Garlic Festival is primarily oriented towards garlic and garlic associated produce,
products and information, precedence will be given to these. The Koonya Garlic Festival supports
locally grown produce and Tasmanian food or beverages.)
Trading Name:
Contact Name:
Home/Work Phone:
Where does most of your food production take place?
Property name:
Local council area:
Please tick which method/s of payment are you able to accept at the KGF from customers?
☐ Credit Card
☐ Eftpos
☐ Bank Transfers
☐ Cash
Have you had a stall at the KGF before?
☐ YES, what year/s ............................... ☐ NO
What do you like best about the KGF, and why do you want to be involved?
To help promote the KGF, would you be interested in featuring your story, product or
business on the KGF website or Facebook Page?
☐ YES ☐ NO
Do you have a Facebook page that you will promote the KGF on?
☐ YES ☐ NO
Are you interested in sponsoring* this 2017 event?
(* Sponsorship ranges from as little as $100 upwards)
☐ YES ☐ NO
Please complete the table below with the relevant information for your produce or products
(please attach a separate page if you more space is required):
Eg. Tasmanian Purple Garlic
Estimate of Tasmanian ingredients or elements
Eg. 100% grown in Koonya. Organic certified.
Number of Stalls & Requirements
Stalls fees are:
$35 for 3m x 3m site – bring your own gazebo (early-bird pay by 31 DEC 16)
$55 for 6m x 3m site – bring your own gazebo or food van (early-bird pay by 31 DEC 16)
$50 for 3m x 3m site – bring your own gazebo (for payments after 1 JAN 17)
$80 for 6m x 3m site – bring your own gazebo or food van (for payments after 1 JAN 17)
Tent Hire 3m x 3m - $25
Tent Hire 6m x 3m - $40
Food Permit - $10
Electricity - $10
For those who need a food permit, the KGF will apply for a food license on your behalf to the Tasman
Council at an additional fee of $10.
Additional details on tent size and availability will be confirmed in January. The majority of tents are
3m x 3m. There are limited powered sites available. Please advise what equipment you require this
to run.
☐ Space required: e.g 3m x 3m or 6m x 3m or Van
☐ Tent required
☐ Electricity required
☐ Food Permit required
TOTAL COST $ ..............
At the time of the festival, will you hold current Stall Holder Insurance?
☐ YES ☐ NO
Will require your stall to be covered under insurance secured by the KGF?
☐ YES ☐ NO
Fee Payment
All Koonya Garlic Festival stall owners are required to pay their non-refundable fees prior to the
Festival. The appropriate stall fees should be paid to the KGF bank account by EFT prior to the
Festival and details will be provided upon acceptance of your application. A discount applies to
early payments received by 31 December 2016.
Stall Requirements:
With the exception of tents booked and confirmed above, stall owners are responsible for supplying
their own tent, van or stall, tables, gas bottles, BBQ, cooking facilities, refrigeration and shade cover
and ensuring these are securely and safely installed.
To maximise space for stalls and patrons, stallholders will have a separate reserved car-parking area
away from the festival stall space. For safety, cars will not be allowed in the main festival from
9.30am until 3.30pm for pack up.
To help with planning, how many vehicles will you need to park as a stall holder? ...............
Health Regulations and Hygiene Requirement
All food and beverage stall owners must comply with the Tasman Council’s regulations in relation to
the safe handling of food. This information is attached. All food must be prepared, packed, displayed
and sold as far as is practicable in accordance with the requirements of the Food Act 2003.
Yes I have a current Food Business Registration with the Tasman Council – attach a copy of
No I don’t, but I have a Mobile Food Business Registration (specifically for food with vans)
with……………………………………Council. My completed Tasman Council form is attached.
I will need a temporary food permit for the sale of prepared or cooked food – my completed
Tasman Council form is attached.
Please confirm you have read the regulations for temporary food licenses as outlined by the Tasman
Council and will adhere to these regulations
I will adhere to the regulations
Environmental Awareness
As the Koonya Garlic Festival team value our environment and are positively moving to be a
sustainable festival in the future, in line with other Tasmanian food festivals, it is a requirement that
all food containers, cutlery and cups be compostable. The KGF will be providing specific rubbish bins
for this purpose. For those selling foods and hot drinks, that may not currently be using compostable
packaging, please contact us so that we can provide you with a resource list of suppliers and
I agree to providing compostable containers, cutlery, cups and lids to customers (For food
and hot drink sales)
More positive news.... As we recognise that plastic water bottles have a negative impact on our
environment, our wildlife and our waterways, the Koonya Garlic Festival will be encouraging patrons
to bring their own water bottles and we will have a water van providing free of charge water from Tas
Name: ......................................... Signature: ........................................Dated: ..................
POST or EMAIL your Application including stall floor plan council food permit forms if required in
full by 20 November 2016 to:
Tanya Dalton - Koonya Garlic Festival
PO Box 299
North Hobart TAS 7002
Email: [email protected]