Salient GradTrack™ increases sales coverage and delivers growth

GradTrack™ Case Study
Salient GradTrack™ increases sales
coverage and delivers growth for Fast
50 Technology Company.
RITEQ needed to take advantage of its position as one of
Australia’s leading Workforce Management Solution Providers
and with aggressive growth targets in place for 2011 they
needed to increase sales coverage. Their mid-market focus
demanded that sales staff focus on the business issues and
not product features. In the past this had resulted in hiring
senior sales staff at considerable expense and so RITEQ
needed to find a more cost effective approach to exploiting the
growth opportunity. Salient proposed GradTrack™ whereby
‘right fit’ graduates would be given foundation business and
sales training so that they would be successful selling in
RITEQ’s industry sector. Early success has already resulted
in a GradTrack™ Sales Professional being promoted to a full
quota carrying sales representative.
Rapid growth and aggressive sales targets at Australia’s
leading workforce management solution provider required
greater sales coverage
RITEQ assist companies in managing their workforce through TimeTEQ,
their scalable and modular Workforce Management Solution, designed to
control costs, reduce compliance risk, and improve efficiencies. They were
placed on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Companies list in 2010 for the
second year in a row indicating just how much their business was growing.
With aggressive growth targets in place for 2011 they needed to increase
sales coverage.
With a focus on the mid-market a high level of business acumen and
business empathy is required to connect with potential customers.
Mid-market business owners and decision makers are less concerned with
product features, they want to know you can solve their business issues. In
the past this had resulted in hiring senior sales staff at a considerable cost
to the business. RITEQ needed to find a more cost effective approach to
exploiting the growth opportunity.
Salient proposes GradTrack™ as a cost effective solution
Salient proposed GradTrack™ as a solution to increasing the salesforce
whilst keeping costs down. The program was specifically designed to
create successful IT sales professionals, whereby graduates are taught to
sell consultatively and can reach profitability within set time frames.
Salient GradTrack™ delivers
early success for RITEQ
• RITEQ management time
freed up
• GradTrack™ Sales
Professionals trained in
solution selling for RITEQ’s
specific sector
• GradTrack™ Sales
Professional promoted to a full
quota-carrying sales rep and is
successfully tracking against a
$1m target.
Creating high achieving sales
graduates in your sector
Junior sales people often lack business
acumen, and when it comes to selling
software they have a tendency
to lead with the features rather
than the benefits. Salient provides
comprehensive business training so
that graduates progress to solution
selling, learning how to connect with
prospects by understanding the
business issues customers are facing
and how their product or solution can
solve them.
Rigorous GradTrack™ assessment ensures ‘right fit’ sales
candidates for RITEQ’s sector
After a thorough assessment by Salient, a clear outline (Success Profile)
was developed as to the type of candidate required for GradTrack™ at
Sales Performance Accelerated
GradTrack™ Case Study
RITEQ. Salient put forward a selection of profiled candidates, sourced
through proprietary channels and then rigorously assessed and matched
to specific sales competencies identified as being critical to RITEQ.
Candidates understood what a career in professional selling would
involve, they wanted to be in software, and they wanted to work for a
company like RITEQ.
GradTrack™ foundation training ensures selling skills go
beyond product selling
Once the candidate had been placed, a thorough business and sales
training program was provided by Salient to ensure that selling skills
were developed beyond mere product selling. By providing this extensive
and ongoing training Salient were able to free the time of the RITEQ
management and progress the GradTrack™ Sales Professionals
to genuine solution selling. This was done by teaching them how to
connect with prospects, how to achieve high conversion ratios on calls to
appointments, and how to successfully close opportunities.
Additionally, Salient works with the client to create a unique engagement
and retention model to manage the GradTrack™ Sales Professionals
through the ‘ups and downs’ of their first job in sales. Ongoing coaching
ensures any weaknesses are addressed very early on.
GradTrack™ Sales Professional already promoted to full
quota carrying sales representative
GradTrack™ has been an immediate success. RITEQ have already
promoted a GradTrack™ Sales Professional to a full quota-carrying sales
rep in the field who is successfully tracking against a $1m target.
About Salient
Salient accelerates sales performance, offering organisations a dedicated
service that builds high performing sales teams, making it easier to deliver
on the sales plan. Contact Salient on 02 9258 1945 for more information
on Salient’s offerings: T.A.P.™, GradTrack™, The Academy™, Cultivate™.
About GradTrack™
GradTrack™ creates graduates that are successful at selling in specific
industry sectors. We proactively source and influence the very best
graduates; apply a rigorous assessment methodology to ensure best fit;
provide executive training in business and sales, personal development
and self-awareness; and then put in place a coaching program to
ensure the proper implementation of this training. This is how a graduate
salesforce with a faster time to contribution and longer retention is created.
About Riteq
RITEQ, Australia’s leading Workforce Management Solution provider,
assist companies manage their workforce through TimeTEQ, their
scalable and modular Workforce Management Solution designed to
control costs, reduce compliance risk, and improve efficiencies.
They are also one of the fastest growing companies in the sector having
recently been placed on the Deloitte Technology Fast 50 Companies list
for the second year in a row.
GradTrack™ Sales Professionals
“It was rather coincidental that we got
the phone call from Salient, and I was
immediately impressed with how that
was handled. They did a sensational
job of presenting what the offering
was and the benefits of it. They were
very proactive in getting people in
front of me, and prepped them well
as to what was required, and what we
were looking for.”
Daniel Climent, Sales Manager, RITEQ
“What we do is complex. Highly
complex. Our product is complex,
the industry is complex, and the IT
side of things is complex. Where
Salient and GradTrack™ is
providing benefit is in allowing Mel
to step back somewhat from the
nitty gritty of the product and
focus on her prospect – what their
problems and objectives are”
Daniel Climent, Sales Manager, RITEQ
“Training has been very helpful
and relevant to everything that I
have been doing and it’s opened
up ideas for me. I’ve got practical,
different tools and things I can
try when I’m selling. Salient were
very professional from the word
go they’re genuinely interested in
my progress and getting me to the
sales results I want. In terms of
support from my trainer and account
manager it’s been excellent.”
Melissa, GradTrack™ Sales
Professional, RITEQ
“I would definitely recommend
Salient. They did a really good job of
identifying what we were looking for,
putting the correct people in front of
us, and then following that up with
a consultative approach to getting
them to where they need to be.”
Daniel Climent, Sales Manager, RITEQ
Sales Performance Accelerated