Call for team.indd - CP Start-Up

Institutional partner:
Call for team
The Start-Up Promotion Center (CP Start-Up) supports M&M Advisory S.r.l. (a public limited company working under the brand, hereinafter referred as “M&M”) and invites
motivated project teams to establish a new company (hereinafter referred as “NewCo”) that will be
capable of taking over the project named SCS (Smart Communication System).
The NewCo shall design, produce, market and manage a new B2C communication and advertising instrument. The instrument shall implement a new emotional one2one (not conventional social) language
and it shall be exploitable by various economic/industrial sectors.
The platform is already at an advanced development stage that can be modified by the NewCo
following its business strategies. It is available at It provides users with three
different types of messages for communicating emotions in a captivating and innovative way.
Try out the platform by registering at
The purpose of the call is to select a motivated team (hereinafter referred as
“Team”) fully committed to start NewCo to develop and market the SCS project
with an initial support provided by M&M, which at present owns the project.
The SCS project aims at:
• offering a new emotional one2one (but not social) language;
• providing companies with new ways for one2one communication and
innovative advertising;
• offering individuals and especially companies a new way to support charity
• offering instruments enabling Corporate Social Responsibility strategies.
The candidate teams should fulfil the following requirements:
• be adequately competent (especially in communication, informatics,
management, and marketing);
• exhibit appropriate interest and competence for taking over the SCS project;
• have a broad understanding and propose a proper strategy for completing,
marketing and monetizing the SCS project;
• guarantee a long-term and full-time commitment to develop the SCS project;
• be a team of at least three people.
• M&M will provide NewCo with a seed funding of CHF 120’00.00 (previously
deposited at USI).
• NewCo shall invest CHF 110’000.00 in developing the SCS project;
NewCo shall not spend the seed funding provided by M&M to pay for salaries
of the internal team.
• NewCo will assign the remaining CHF 10’000 to a competition for the best
marketing plan addressing the marketing goals of NewCo. This competition
will address USI-SUPSI students or other applicants that NewCo deems
interesting. NewCo will be in charge of managing the entire competition,
selecting the winning proposal and assigning the award.
• M&M and the Team shall jointly establish in Canton Ticino NewCo in the
legal form of a LLC (Sagl) with a share capital of CHF 30’000 with the
following characteristics:
– M&M shall own 48% of NewCo shares and will have a representative
in the Board of Directors of NewCo;
– the Team shall own 48% of NewCo shares and will have a representative
in the Board of Directors of NewCo;
– a third institutional party, proposed by USI, shall own 4% of NewCo shares
and will have a representative in the Board of Directors of NewCo.
• At least one of the members of the team must reside in Ticino.
• M&M will transfer to NewCo all the rights for exploiting the SCS project
as it is at present, at the symbolic price of 1.00 CHF.
• NewCo shall independently define its own business development strategies
and actions, including final names of applications and products.
• The Team shall exhibit full commitment in completing the SCS project: sixty
(60) months after the incorporation of NewCo, in case it should fail to reach a
turnover of at least CHF 50’000.00, it shall return to M&M the SCS project as
it is for 1.00 CHF.
• The Team is required to collectively sign an engagement letter of full commitment to the SCS Project for a minimum period of 24 months.
• Leading skilled professionals based in Lugano (Gruppo Lambertini,
Ernst & Partners, and Studio legale e notarile Molo & Collenberg) will offer
free counsel – for one full calendar year – for set-up activities such as legal
issues, fiscal accounting and foundation procedures.
Application deadline: June 19, 2017
Applicants fulfilling the aforementioned requirements and who accept the
aforementioned terms and conditions, should send a team proposal
(comprehensive document in .pdf format) to: [email protected].
The “team proposal” shall include the following chapters:
• potential strategy overview for the development of the business exhibiting
a sound understanding of the SCS project (max. two pages);
• Lean Canvas schema synthesising how the team intends to proceed
(one page);
• team presentation including the names and roles of the team members,
and how the team was formed (max. one page);
• CV for each team member (max. one page for each member);
• appendixes including other information enabling a better evaluation
of the team.
Team proposals shall not exceed eight pages, excluding CVs.
Applications will be first subject to a formal verification of the indicated criteria
and then assessed by a committee of experts in charge of short-listing a limited
number of candidate teams. The committee will then invite the shortlisted teams
for an audition/interview.
M&M intends to provide NewCo with the aforementioned support only when
an appropriate team is selected.
In the start-up phase, M&M shall support NewCo with its professional
expertise and its network of experts. NewCo will also benefit from the
support of CP Start-Up
For further information or details,
CP Start-Up tel +41 58 666 4706
Umberto Bondi, [email protected],
Nicola Mazzucchelli, [email protected].
Upon request, M&M and CP Start-Up can organize an open day for questions
and answers about the call.
Main Partner:
Cooperation Partners:
Lambertini, Ernst & Partners S.A.
Studio di consulenza aziendale e fiscale