Allele Frequency

NCDPI – AIG Instructional Resource: Background Information
Resource Title: Allele Frequency
Subject Area/Grade Level (s): Biology/10
Time Frame: 2-3 days
Common Core/Essential Standard Addressed:
Bio.3.4.2 Explain how natural selection influences the changes in species over time.
Additional Standards Addressed: NA
Brief Description of Lesson/Task/Activity: This activity will best fit when teaching about natural selection and how favored alleles lead to
change in species. The activity will further this idea by introducing students to the Hardy-Weinberg Theorem, which uses allele frequency to
determine if a population is evolving. The activity can be done with the entire class or as part of a differentiated lesson.
Type of Differentiation for AIGs (include all that apply):
Adaptations for AIGs:
x Content
x Enrichment
x Extension
Explanation of How Resource is Appropriate for AIGs: This resource will require students to move beyond the regular curriculum by learning
how to use Hardy-Weinberg theorem to generate data and a conclusion on if/how a population is evolving. The activity will require students to
use knowledge about the H-W theorem and evolution to reach their own conclusions. The activity will require students to apply their
understanding of H-W theorem and evolution to their own surroundings.
Needed Resources/Materials
 Internet
 Calculator
Sources: NA
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project
NCDPI AIG Curriculum Resource Outline
Is the human population evolving as we speak???? This is the question the students will answer once they do internet research.
To determine if a population is evolving we need to know several things: We first need to determine the allele frequency of a gene in your target
population and the allele frequency of the general population. In order to fully understand this idea of evolution, you need to review the role of
alleles in phenotype and natural selection.
Students should then either research or be introduced to the H-W theorem and equation. An internet search on whether or not humans are still
evolving will give students a variety of answers. Students need to understand that the change in allele frequency is what is used to determine if
evolution is occurring. Students should be able to explain the 5 conditions that, if met, will allow a population’s allele and genotype frequencies
to remain constant, which means the population is stable and not evolving in terms of a specific trait. Students will next practice using the
equations and then determine the p and q values of several traits.
Students should review and practice using the H-W equation. Several suggested websites are:
1. Students will research and find the allele frequency of several traits, such as PTC tasting or tongue rolling, within the North American population.
2. Students will then gather data by surveying their school population for the determined trait and calculate the frequency of each allele.
Students will analyze their data using the H-W equation and determine if their school’s allele frequency matches the national average,
the North American Frequency. If the data does not match, they should develop a hypothesis as to why not. They should include, within
their explanation, which of the five principles of H-W are not being meet by their target population.
3. Students should include in their discussion the actual meaning of allelic frequency and why a change in frequency may not be enough
evidence to determine if evolution is occurring.
4. Students will research evidence of examples modern evolution. The research does not need to be limited to humans.
5. Students will report what they learn by creating a poster/brochure comparing the allelic frequencies of the North American Population
and the school population of the trait they chose and if the difference between the two is enough to say the school population is or is
not evolving in terms of that one trait. They will also explain a modern day example of evolution on another poster/ brochure and give
the evidence for the example. They should present the posters/brochures to their class or social studies class and explain how evolution
actually occurs and how scientists determine if a population is evolving.
Another option to facilitate students understanding of H-W Theorem is to have them complete an activity that models H-W and evolution. One
such activity can be found at the following website:
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project
Develop a rubric that will take into consideration the following:
 Depth of research- did they find more than one source that gives the allelic frequency
 Correct use of H-W to determine allelic frequency of target population (school)
 Correct analysis of data
 In-depth explanation of whether or not their target population is evolving based on their one set of data
 Correct examples of modern day evolution
 Aesthetics of brochure/poster
 Correct information in brochure or on poster
 Correct use of terminology on brochure/poster
 Correct grammar on brochure/poster
 Correctly done works cited page
PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education | Department of Public Instruction
AIG ~ IRP Academically and/or Intellectually Gifted Instructional Resources Project